Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3031: Holy Light Tower Spirit (2)

  "'s me...the lord...the master's...descendant..." Inside the Holy Light Tower, an intermittent voice came, weak and very weak.

Hearing this, Gongsun Zhi was overjoyed, his expression became extremely excited, how many years, how many years have passed, he has been looking forward to the awakening of the Spirit of the Holy Light Tower almost every day. The second hope is disappointed.

  Unexpectedly, today, he finally waited for the Spirit of the Holy Light Tower to wake up, and years of hard work finally yielded results, which made Gongsunzhi's whole body trembling with excitement.

   "Great, great, Master Qi Ling, you finally appeared, you finally appeared." Gongsunzhi excitedly danced: "Master Qi Ling, how are you now?"

   "Master's... descendant, I was invaded by foreign enemies... very expensive... now very... weak..." the voice of Qi Ling came out.

"Master Qi Ling, can you now give me the right to designate the remaining three holy guardian swords, and I will designate the person who holds the three holy guardian swords?" Gongsun Zhisi was just a symbolic concern. After the situation of the Qi Ling, he didn't pay much attention to the foreign enemy invasion that Qi Ling said, and now he was thinking about obtaining the designation right of the remaining three guardian holy swords as soon as possible.

  After proposing his desire, Gongsunzhi waited expectantly for Qi Ling's reply, and his mood became very nervous.

  "Master’s...descendant...I am...weak and not capable mobilize the last three handles...Guardian Holy Sword..."

  Gongsun Zhi was disappointed, but he still asked hopefully: "Then how can you regain your strength as soon as possible?"


   Suddenly, Gongsun Zhiru felt like a deflated ball. The Holy Light Tower is a supreme artifact. If this level of artifact needs time to recover, he knew how long it would take that day, he simply couldn’t wait.

"Master Qi Ling, even though I hold the No. 1 Slaying God Sword and I have the blood of my ancestors in my body, the other five holy sword holders don’t obey my orders at all, even me, the palace master. His identity is just a false name. Therefore, I hope Master Qi Ling can help me.” Gongsun Zhi seems to have made a certain determination. Generally, I bowed deeply to heaven and earth, and said with courage: "The younger generation courage, hope Master Qi Ling can recognize me as the master, and only the younger generation can truly control the Holy Light Tower, can I truly consolidate my position in the Temple of Light."

"Furthermore, in today's world, the younger generation is afraid that they are the only descendants of the ancestors. Therefore, in terms of qualifications, the younger generations should inherit everything from their ancestors. And this holy light tower, since it was built by the ancestors, is now handed over to me. Inheritance is also reasonable and reasonable.” As he said, Gongsunzhi suddenly straightened his waist and his emotions became agitated. Light tower."

  After finishing speaking, Gongsun Zhi stood on the top of the mountain with his head high, nervous and anxious, waiting for Qi Ling's reply, and there was a strong expectation in it. In his mind, he couldn't help but dream about how he would respond and be energetic in the Temple of Light after he got the Holy Light Tower.

  Awakening the Spirit of the Holy Light Tower, he has always had two goals in his heart. The first is to obtain the designation right of the last three guardian holy swords, so as to cultivate his own power.

  The second one is to control the Holy Light Tower and become the owner of the Holy Light Tower.

This time, Qi Ling was silent for a while before he heard an intermittent voice: "You are not... the royal family... can't inherit... the Holy Light Tower. Only the royal family... can inherit the Holy Light Tower. Only the royal family... can exert... the true... power of the Holy Light Tower."

  Gongsunzhi's body shook violently, Qi Ling's words, like a sharp knife, deeply pierced into his heart, and instantly shattered all his dreams on the spot.

Gongsunzhi's face changed horribly, his face immediately distorted, and he made a hysterical voice: "No, I am the royal family, my Gongsunzhi is the only royal family in this world, and the only person qualified to inherit the Holy Light Tower... ...."

"Qi Ling, you tell me, I have ancestral blood in my body, this is too respectable blood, why not the royal family? Why am I not the royal family? In the whole world, besides me, who else dares to call the royal family, and Who is more qualified to be the royal family..."

"The royal family is born of heaven and earth... you are not... the royal family... so you are not qualified... to inherit the Holy Light Tower. But... since you are the descendant of the master, then I... can also help You... let the nine guardians... take orders from you... a pity that I am not strong enough now, otherwise... the five guardian holy swords... should be taken back..."

   "Master's... descendants, you go and call the other five guardians..."

  Hearing these words, Gongsunzhi's almost collapsed mentality finally got some comfort. Although you can't get the Holy Light Tower, if you can control all the Guardians, it would be a good result.

  Cleared up, Gongsunzhi immediately left the Holy Light Tower. Soon, he and Bai Yu, Han Xin, Donglin Yanxue, Xuan Zhan and Xuan Ming entered the Holy Light Tower from the outside world.

  At this moment, the holders of the six guardian holy swords, all gathered in the holy light tower!

It was also at this time that the voice of the Spirit of the Holy Light Tower rang from the heavens and the earth: "The third holy sword of the wilderness...the fourth holy sword of the cliff...the fifth holy sword of Heda The sword...The Eighth Sacred Sword: The Sword of Waves Slashing...The Ninth Sacred Sword, the Enlightened Sword...There are problems with it, and it shouldn't appear in the hands of the five of you. Five of you Since you have the guardian holy sword, you must follow the will of the first guardian holy sword-the sword of the slaughter. If not, then I have to... take back the guardian holy sword from you."

When    heard this voice, except for Gongsun Zhi's proud face, the expressions of the remaining five people changed. All their current strength, identity and status, everything comes from the guardian holy sword, once they lose the guardian holy sword, they will immediately fall from the colorful clouds high above to the abyss hell.


  After leaving the Holy Light Tower, Gongsunzhi, Bai Yu, Han Xin, Donglin Yanxue, Xuan Zhan and Xuan Ming gathered together to discuss the main hall.

Gongsunzhi was full of vigor and arrogance. He sat on the throne of the palace master very much, staring at the five guardians below the station with a smile but a smile, and said: "Shengguang Tower I think you must have heard the words clearly. If you still want to continue to hold the guardian holy sword, and you want to continue to be the guardians of our Temple of Light, then you must follow my arrangements, otherwise, I will let the weapon Master Ling takes back your guardian holy sword."

"Now, I need a statement from you to clarify your position!" Gongsunzhi looked at the five guardians meaningfully, feeling extremely comfortable, the haze and unhappiness in his heart caused by the inability to obtain the Holy Light Tower's recognition. It has long since dissipated cleanly.

  Han Xin, Bai Yu, and Donglin Yanxue's faces became very ugly and gloomy. Xuan Ming turned his gaze to his father Xuan Zhan, apparently headed by Xuan Zhan.

  Xuan Zhan looked at Bai Yu, Han Xin and Donglin Yanxue, and then said lightly: "Since it is the Master of the Holy Light Tower, then the five of us, we naturally follow the instructions of Master Qi!"

Hearing that Xuan Zhan had made a decision on his behalf, Dong Lin Yanxue and Bai Yu suddenly became angry, but just as the two girls were about to speak, the sound transmission from Xuan Zhan floated into both of them and Han Xin's. Ears.

"Temporarily stabilize Gongsun Zhi, the Holy Light Tower Spirit does have the ability to take back the guardian holy sword. I don’t care, even if I don’t have the guardian holy sword, my Xuan Zhan also has a place in the Guangming Temple, but once you lose the guardianship Holy Sword, with Gongsunzhi's temperament, he will never let you go. Once that time comes, not only you, but perhaps even the family behind you will be implicated."

"The most urgent task is to keep the guardian holy sword. If I expected it well, after the power is in control, Gongsun Zhi will find Jian Chen for revenge as soon as possible, and regain the Supreme Master Dao Sacred Jue. If you really want to protect Jian Chen , Then you must first keep your own guardian holy sword, because only with the guardian holy sword can you intervene..."

After hearing Xuan Zhan's words, Bai Yu and Donglin Yanxue fell silent, and then, together with Han Xin, reluctantly expressed that they would obey the instructions of the Spirit of the Holy Light Tower.

"Hahahaha, good, good, good, very good, our Temple of Light has never been so united since the guardian holy sword appeared. Now I order to search for the whereabouts of Jian Chen with all my strength. After so many years, it’s time to return."

"After regaining the Great Dao Zhi Shengjue, I will immediately destroy the Martial Spirit line. My Gongsun Zhi is here to swear to our ancestors that as long as my Gongsun Zhi is still there, I will not let any descendants appear in the Martial Spirit line. , Give out one, I will destroy one..."

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