Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3086: Broken pill

As the difficulty of this bridge of life and death increased, the damage Jian Chen suffered naturally became more serious. His body, which was burned by the law of Shenhuo, was no longer just as simple as turning into coke.

Because even if it turns into coke, it can mean that his body is still there, and the flesh is still there. But at this moment, as the power of Shenhuo Law increased, his physical body was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

No, this is not shrinking, but dissolving and turning into nothingness.

He has been specially tempered by the power of chaos, and his defensive power has become beyond imagination. The body of chaos, under the burning of the law of the gods, turned into nothingness bit by bit, and was completely gasified. There is nothing left.

The other half of the body that was attacked by the Law of Destruction also ended up in the same way. The Law of Destruction turned into a series of invisible sharp blades, permeable, not only destroying every inch of Jian Chen's flesh and blood, but also the naked bones. Dissipated out of thin air under the ruthless destruction of the Law of Destruction.

At this moment, Jian Chen looked hideous and terrifying. Under the blow of the double law, he not only had no skin, but he could no longer find a whole piece of flesh and blood, and even his bones. One piece after another disappeared.

If it hadn't been for the body of Chaos to lay a solid foundation, after suffering such a severe injury, I was afraid that it would have long been unable to hold on and would have died.

"There are eleven steps and eleven steps are left. I must stick to it." Jian Chen was lying on the ground and had no strength to stand up. The strong willpower and unyielding obsession seemed to have become The last motivation for him to persevere.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes showed the color of pain. The tragic to the extreme pain seemed to make his eyeballs burst. Not only did his eyes become blood-red in an instant, but the look in his eyes was also at this moment. Become crazy.

I saw his primordial spirit turned into a blazing flame at this moment, and with the burning of his primordial spirit, a wave of invisible power separated from the burned primordial spirit, without a trace. All that was reserved was injected into his broken body, making Jian Chen's broken body, which had been exhausted for a long time, regained strength.

With this force, he stood up again, bearing the double torment of the law of divine fire and the law of destruction abruptly, and started his own footsteps again.

90th step

Ninety-first step

Step 92

This time, with the help of the power obtained by the burning soul, Jian Chen slowly and laboriously walked to the 95th step. Every step of this step was taken at the expense of his own life. Every step he took was in exchange for his own unimaginable pain.

When he reached the distance of the 95th step, Jian Chen had to stop, staying on the spot, his whole body trembling violently. Because every step he takes now, the damage he suffers is increasing, and the more he goes back, the greater the danger.

Although his primordial spirit is constantly burning, the power obtained by this burning speed is no longer enough to support him to continue walking.

Jian Chen's throat let out a low roar like a beast. His soul collapsed by one-third in an instant. He burned one-third of his soul in an instant, and then moved on again. Enter.

Ninety Six Steps

Ninety Seven Steps

Ninety-seven steps, once again reached the limit of Jian Chen.

"Boom!" There was a roar in Jian Chen's mind, and his soul was broken in half again, and he took the 98th and 99th steps.

However, the distance of this last step was like a chasm in front of him. Because of his soul, there is only less than one-third of the peak period left. He had a feeling that this last step, even if he burned the power of the primordial spirit again, was still not enough to cross over.

The difficulty of the bridge of life and death increased, and it happened to be stuck in his extreme position, blocking him in front of this last step.

"Kacha!" Suddenly, at the position of Jian Chen's Dantian, the inner alchemy of Chaos suddenly uttered a crisp sound, and a crack suddenly appeared on the surface of the originally smooth inner alchemy of Chaos.

Immediately, the cracks spread rapidly, more and more, and instantly spread all over the chaotic inner core like a spider web, and a large amount of chaotic power gushed out along the cracks.

"The last step, there is only the last step left. Today, I will take this last step at the cost of Broken Pill" Jian Chen roared in his heart, with a madness in his eyes, as if he had to do anything at all costs. This last step must also be taken.

Even if he died, he would never shrink back.

All the price he paid for this was just to win Fairy Haoyue a ray of life.

Suddenly, the inner alchemy of chaos broke apart!

Suddenly, all the power of chaos contained in the inner core of chaos burst out, and when it caused a certain amount of damage to Jian Chen's body, it also formed an energy shield in Jian Chen's body in an instant.

Although this energy shield is formed by the power of chaos, the level of power of chaos controlled by Jian Chen is too weak. Compared with the two strong laws on the bridge of life and death, it is no different from the original. Like a baby.

As a result, the energy shield fell apart in an instant.

But what Jian Chen wanted was not these, but the power that the inner alchemy of Chaos brought to himself when it shattered.

At the price of the broken pill, Jian Chen gritted his teeth and exhausted all his strength, finally taking the last step.

This step means that he can successfully cross the bridge of life and death!

This step is also related to whether he can win a ray of life for Fairy Haoyue!

This step is more related to his own life and death!

When this step was taken, the power of chaos in his body was consumed at a terrifying speed, and there was a sense of dizziness in his brain. Jian Chen's vision was blurred, and he only felt that the sky was spinning and the whole person was turning. Go completely unconscious.

In the end, he didn’t know whether he had passed the bridge of life and death smoothly. He only knew that his last step was stepping on a hard ground, and then he couldn’t hold it anymore, his eyes were black, and he had lost the last Consciousness passed out.

Outside Bisheng Tiangong, Mingxie and Yun Xiaoyan were still standing in place, staring intently at the bridge of life and death that led to the highest point of the Tiangong.

"Uncle Ming, do you think Jian Chen can smoothly cross the bridge of life and death. I heard that if the bridge of life and death fails, it will end up with nothing." Yun Xiaoyan spoke from the side, his palms were also squeezed with sweat. With a worried face, he said, "In Brother Dong's heart, but regard Jian Chen's life more importantly than himself, if Jian Chen fails in the end, he will end up with a destructive end, then Brother Dong, Brother Dong."

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