Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3087: So respectable

   "Don't worry, with Jian Chen's ability, he will definitely be able to cross the bridge of life and death." Mingxie comforted him, but even so, he had no bottom in his heart.

  Because of the difficulty of this bridge of life and death, it is adjusted according to one's realm, talent and combat power. Therefore, on the bridge of life and death, even the peerless Tianjiao will lose all the advantages.

  However, at this moment, the bridge of life and death that was hanging in the air slowly disappeared.

  In this scene, Ming Xie's eyes condensed immediately, and a smile of relief appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Although the bridge of life and death is shrouded by the light of the two laws, outsiders can’t see the scene clearly, but the evil spirit is also a veteran **** of the Shengtian Palace. Therefore, he can see at a glance according to the way the bridge of life and death disappears. Out of Jian Chen, whether he successfully passed through the barriers or not.

   "Jian Chen, he succeeded." Ming Xie said.

   "What? He succeeded? Then let's go and tell Dong Ge, Dong Ge will probably be worried to death." Yun Xiaoyan's expression also showed a trace of joy, and the heart that had been holding on to his throat finally fell.

   At the highest point of the Shengtian Palace, at the magnificent gate, at this moment, Jian Chen, who seems to be out of human form, is losing all his consciousness and consciousness, lying motionless on the cold ground.

  The position he was at right now happened to be the position of the hundredth step on the bridge of life and death.

  One hundred steps across the bridge of life and death, you will directly come to the highest level of the Bishengtian Palace. It is really too respectable to see the supreme diligently!

  Over the past tens of thousands of years, there have been a few strong men who have passed the bridge of life and death and have been met with great respect. Jian Chen is definitely not the first one, but he is definitely the worst one.

  The magnificent hall was silent, Jian Chen lay there like a dead person, his breath flowing like a spring, his life source was dim, his spirits and spirits lost a lot, almost half of his feet stepped into the ghost door and closed.

His current fate is extremely miserable. Let’s not say whether he can survive. Even if he really survives, his vitality will be injured and the hidden dangers are endless. Not only will the future road be blocked, but even if he wants to restore his strength, it will be It is as difficult as climbing.

  Because the price he paid was too heavy, the inner core of the chaos shattered, and the primordial spirit collapsed by more than two-thirds. Both inside and outside were greatly damaged, and the foundation was completely damaged.

  He is like this, and it is a miracle that he can live to this day.

  In the depths of the main hall, there is a cloud of light floating, surrounded by the rules of the road, and a vague figure can be seen vaguely.

  This person is the lord of the Bishengtian Palace. It’s really too respectable!

It’s really Taizun sitting in the void without any words or actions. He didn’t respond to Jian Chen who had fainted outside the hall. He didn’t know if it was a kind of indifference, or he had already entered. There is no time to pay attention to external affairs.

The picture seems to have arrived here, and it has entered a kind of weird freeze frame. It is too respectful to see the true face, sitting in the void indifferently, while Jian Chen is like a wandering air, wandering on the edge of life and death, lying down. Being motionless on the cold ground, unconscious.

  This scene lasted a full two hours. After two hours, the silence here was finally broken by a soft sigh, and there was a slight feeling of powerlessness and helplessness in the voice.

  It was also at this moment that Taizun, who was sitting cross-legged in the void, finally made a move. When he saw his finger pointing a little, a law of creation immediately came, forming a dense avenue of light covering the sword dust.

  At the same time, the light of the avenue slowly flew off the ground while holding Jian Chen's body, and slowly drifted towards the hall.

  During this period, the law of creation is also constructing the order of heaven and earth, using the power of heaven and earth, the power of order, from nothing, to create a lot of matter and energy from nothingness.

  This is really Taizun’s realization of the 100-level ultimate creation law. It is extremely powerful and possesses the supreme mighty power to turn decay into magic. It can also control the order of the heavens and the earth and interfere with the operation of the avenue.

  After that, the law of creation penetrated directly into Jian Chen's limbs.

   Suddenly, Jian Chen's disappeared flesh and blood, under the work of the law of creation, appeared out of the void bit by bit, and was created from nothing.

In his Dantian, the Chaos Inner Pill has been broken, and the Chaos Power contained in it has already consumed most of Jian Chen's 100th step, and the remaining part of the Chaos Power is spreading in Jian Chen's body. When wandering aimlessly, they dissipate little by little between heaven and earth.

But at this moment, a group of extremely rich creative laws suddenly entered his dantian, wrapping up all the chaotic power remaining in Jian Chen's body, and then you can see that there are infinite rules evolving in the creative laws, and there are countless The order is disturbed, and thousands of rules have been rewritten

  After a while, when the law of creation disappeared, a chaotic inner pill that had obviously shrunk many times had quietly appeared in Jian Chen's dantian.

  His fragmented chaotic inner pill was created by Huanzhen Taizun with supreme power to condense all the remaining chaotic power in his body.

  The law of creation, claiming to be able to create everything in the world, as long as it does not exceed the class of the law of creation, it can be created theoretically.

The Chaos Body and Chaos Power cultivated by Jian Chen are theoretically the strongest power above the Three Thousand Great Dao. Even if this level of power is to perceive the law of creation to the 100th level, it is absolutely impossible. Created.

It’s just that the power of chaos he has now is far from the power of chaos in the true sense. It can only be regarded as the power of pseudo-chaos. This kind of power is naturally far lower than the ultimate law of creation in terms of class. .

  It is precisely because of this that his power of chaos and the body of chaos can be created by Huanzhen Taizun from nothing in the way of the law of creation.

Soon, the law of creation that enveloped Jian Chen disappeared, and the Jian Chen who reappeared in front of him seemed to be reborn. His flesh and blood that had disappeared under the dual destruction of the law of God and fire and the law of destruction had grown again. go back.

  At this moment, he looks no different from what is intact.

  Of course, this is only the surface, in fact, the injuries he suffered in his body have not been weakened by this. For example, his depleted spirit and energy, burning life origin and primordial spirit, still have not changed the slightest. How serious the injury before, the injury is still the same now.

  It seems that Huanzhen Taizun only made up for the injuries that Jian Chen was on the bridge of life and death, which was caused by the law of **** and fire and the law of destruction. As for Jian Chen, in order to persist in crossing the bridge of life and death, the origin of voluntary loss, the voluntary burning of spirit, and even the act of voluntarily collapse of the soul, still needs to be undertaken by himself.

  Only his chaotic inner alchemy was restored by an exception.

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