Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3162: Overall sublimation

Even though he absorbed the divine power of the open sky this time, the improved strength was not as great as he imagined, but the breakthrough in the realm of swordsmanship made him extremely satisfied.

"Unfortunately, Kaitian divine power is too little, otherwise, I am afraid that my kendo will be able to directly enter the Great Perfection of the Sword Immortal." Jian Chen muttered.

At this time, Shangguan Mu'er, Houston and Ningshuang also slowly opened their eyes. As for Mo Tianyun and Master Yu, they were still immersed in some kind of sentiment.

It was also at this time that Jian Chen suddenly realized that there were already two more people here. After his expression was slightly startled, he was instantly surprised and quickly stood up from the ground and said in surprise: "Old man Xiu, you are too. it's here."

Jian Chen came to Houston with a big smile, very excited, and said: "It's great, old man Xiu, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Feeling Houston's strength that has entered the Promise Beginning Realm, Jian Chen's mood is even more joyful.

When he was on the road of cultivation in Tianyuan Continent, Houston was not only a kind of life-saving grace, but also a kind of regeneration, which can be described as a true grace as heavy as a mountain.

Looking at the powerful aura on Jian Chen that made him daunted, for a moment, Houston also had a feeling in his heart, with a dreamlike feeling.

Because he never expected that a dying little warrior who was picked up from outside by his son, Xiumi, could grow to such an astonishing level.

And almost without exception, he can have this kind of destiny and good fortune today, because of Jian Chen's relationship.

The random act of the year was able to change his destiny to this point, which made Houston also feel a lot.

Houston nodded to Jian Chen kindly, then bowed his hand to Ningshuang and said, "Jian Chen, this is my master!"

Jian Chen's heart was slightly startled, his gaze swept across Ningshuang's body quickly, and he was surprised: "Could it be that Senior is the famous Heavenly Demon Saint? Junior Jian Chen pays homage to Senior!"

As he said, Jian Chen immediately pulled the Shangguan Mu'er and bowed, without any pretense of being a Hunyuan Beginning Realm.

"Sky Demon Saint King? Where did you hear this title?" However, when she heard the title of Sky Demon Saint King, Ningshuang snorted and laughed.

"Isn't Senior Sovereign Heavenly Demon Sage?" Jian Chen was startled, but he was a little confused, because he still knew the title of Heavenly Demon Sage Sovereign from Ziqing Sword Spirit.

Ningshuang giggled and said: "Little guy, I often heard of you from Tianyun, but when I see it now, I realize that you are even more interesting than I thought." Ningshuang paused and continued: "The Heavenly Demon Sage is just my former name. In fact, I was no longer the Heavenly Demon Sage Sovereign many years ago, but was called the Heavenly Demon Sage Emperor!"

"Emperor Heavenly Demon? Could it be that the realm of the predecessor has entered the realm of the Devil Emperor?" Jian Chen's color of surprise became stronger, which was different from the facts he knew.

The so-called Devil Emperor Realm actually corresponds to the Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Realm. If it is placed in the Holy Realm, it is the Hunyuan Beginning Realm!

With Jian Chen's current cultivation realm, if he went to the immortal realm, he would also be an immortal emperor of the party!

"What? Was it unexpected that I stepped into the Devil Emperor Realm?" Looking at Jian Chen's startled look, Ningshuang was rather confused.

"Isn't it that the predecessor fell in the battle three million years ago?" Jian Chen's expression became weird. He had realized that the news he knew from Ziqing Shuangjian might have something to do with the real situation. First entry.

Ningshuang’s eyes flickered, and she slowly said, “You actually knew something about three million years ago. That’s probably what the sword spirit of the Yin-Yang Divine Sword told you. But the Yin-Yang Divine Sword was broken too early, what they knew. It was limited to three million years ago. As for what happened later, they naturally didn't know."

"Actually, I didn't fall at that time." Ningshuang's gaze became more and more weird: "But little guy, this doesn't seem to be something you should be concerned about."

Jian Chen was awakened suddenly, and for no reason, he asked when the family fell, which was disrespectful.

It's as if someone suddenly asked you, "When did you die?" This sounds weird to anyone, and it's easy to be offensive.

"It's the junior who was abrupt, and please forgive me, senior!" Jian Chen immediately apologized.

"Tong Yan is unscrupulous, it doesn't matter!" Ningshuang was very generous, and didn't care about Jian Chen's rude behavior.

However, this sentence of "Children's Words Wuji" made Jian Chen embarrassed.

Immediately, Jian Chen's gaze fell on Shangguan Mu'er, and he found that Shangguan Mu'er's realm had reached the Seventh Heaven of Infinite Beginning Stage.

Of course, this is only a realm. As for her cultivation base, she still stays in the situation before absorbing the divine power of Kaitian.

But as long as the realm is up, the things of the cultivation base will be easy to handle, and it will be easy to swallow some of the heaven and earth treasures that improve the cultivation base.

In the end, Jian Chen's gaze fell on the Immortal Devouring Demon Flower, which remained as high as a grass, and was gently wrapping around Jian Chen's wrist.

But Jian Chen could see the difference between the Fairy Devouring Demon Flower at a glance. The complex problems that suddenly appeared on the Fairy Devouring Demon Flower made Jian Chen always feel as if facing the boundless sky.

These textures are intertwined with each other, echoing with the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth, as if to outline the other universe, forming an independent space.

With these textures, Jian Chen keenly sensed a trace of divine power.

Not only that, but he even sensed the power of chaos and the aura of black and yellow in Immortal Devouring Demon Flower.

The breath of Chaos Power is naturally produced by Jian Chen's own chaotic essence and blood.

As for the aura of Xuanhuang, it was because the Fairy Devouring Demon Flower entered the Xuanhuang Little Heaven, or it had undergone the rendering of this special environment, or because it had swallowed the Xuanhuang Beast.

In short, even Jian Chen himself didn't know how to attach it to Yaohua.

"Now you, should you be called the Fairy Devouring Demon Flower?" Jian Chen couldn't help whispering while looking at the fascinating little flower wrapped around his wrist. With his realm and vision, it was natural to see that Fairy Devouring Demon Flower had evolved early in the morning. NS.

It can be said that it has escaped from the scope of the Fairy Devouring Demon Flower, and has evolved into a higher-level special life.

At this moment, a huge coercion spread over the sky, and I saw at the bottom of the tree hole, suddenly energy boiled, like a stormy wave, violently fluctuating in this space.

I saw Mo Tianyun sitting not far away, his body suddenly emitting incomparably blazing light, that terrifying aura and turbulent energy burst out of him.

After absorbing the divine power of Kaitian, Mo Tianyun's strength also ushered in a breakthrough.

A strong person with a cultivation base of his level, the movement when breaking through is naturally earth-shattering, and can even explode the power of ruining the sky and the earth. Without a certain strength, he is afraid that he will not even have the power to explode, and will be buried directly in the energy. Under the storm.

But Mo Tianyun obviously made preparations early in the morning. As soon as he broke through, there were layers of formations rising around his body, forming an energy shield to lock him inside.

After the isolation and reduction of the formation, even if the energy storm and coercion that erupted when he broke through can spread out, it would not cause harm to the people in the field.

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