Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3163: Inner world

At this moment, a deafening roar clearly passed into the bottom of the tree hole, and the few people standing at the bottom of the tree hole felt an extremely powerful energy wave reverberating between the sky and the earth.

The guardian formation that Mo Tianyun and Master Yu had arranged outside had been broken, and the six-strung mysterious yellow beast was quickly approaching the tree hole of the God-Opening Tree.

"No, there is a mysterious yellow beast coming!" Jian Chen's expression changed. He looked at Yushangren and Mo Tianyun who hadn't awakened yet, and his heart instantly sank to the bottom of the valley.

The profound yellow beasts that dare to attack the Heavenly God Tree are naturally extremely powerful, at least they have the combat power of the middle stage of the Taishi realm, or even stronger.

However, even though a few of them had a huge improvement in strength after absorbing the divine power of the open sky, they were still vulnerable compared to the Taishi Realm Profound Yellow Beast.

Although Jian Chen is equivalent to killing a phoenix whose strength is comparable to the eighth heaven to the ninth heaven of the Taishi Realm, it is because the two strongest people, Yu Master and Mo Tianyun, are constrained by the side, making him possess Sufficient time to display the combination of two swords.

But right now, no one here can contain the Profound Yellow Beast of the Supreme Beginning Realm!

Moreover, there were far more than one Taishi Realm Profound Yellow Beasts that broke into here, but a total of six.

The speed of the Profound Yellow Beast in the Supreme Beginning Realm was so fast that a few people didn't have much time to think about it. The six huge auras from the outside had already arrived at the entrance of the tree cave.

The next moment, a big peng appeared at the entrance of the tree hole, and the huge wings smashed down from the sky at an incredible speed, and went straight to a few people.

Suddenly, a violent energy storm was set off in the tree cave. Before the Dapeng approached, Jian Chen standing at the bottom of the tree cave felt a huge pressure that could not be resisted.

Under the suppression of this coercive force, Jian Chen and the others felt as if they were in a quagmire, and they struggled to move around.

The strength of this roc was too strong, Jian Chen felt that even the two black and white unicorns he had met in the land of Yin and Yang were not as good as the roc in front of him.

Just when the Dapeng was about to fall to the bottom of the tree hole, Mo Tianyun's closed eyes suddenly opened, and he looked at the Dapeng with an extremely sharp look.

The eyes of one person and one beast instantly met each other.

However, at the moment when the eyes met each other, Dapeng's body trembled violently, and an unprecedented sense of crisis instantly emerged in its heart.

It was also at this time that the formation that locked Mo Tianyun burst into bursts, and Mo Tianyun's body seemed to turn into a flash of lightning, rushing into the sky at a speed that could not be captured by Jian Chen's divine consciousness. The claws grabbed Dapeng's head instantly.


Blood shot, Dapeng's powerful physical body was as fragile as paper paste in Mo Tianyun's hands, and Mo Tianyun's palm was deeply pierced into Dapeng's head.

Dapeng screamed in pain, and his huge body was struggling fiercely in the air, exploding with terrible power.

Mo Tianyun's arm shook slightly, and an indescribable force burst out, directly following his arm to Dapeng's head.

Hearing a muffled sound of "bang", Dapeng's entire head burst into the air. The huge body that had lost its head also stopped struggling, and then fell weakly from the air.

In an instant, a mysterious yellow beast that was stronger than black and white unicorns was so easily beheaded by Mo Tianyun.

After slaying the Dapeng, Mo Tianyun didn't stop at the slightest, but saw that his body was overwhelming, his fighting spirit was high, his body soared into the sky, and he flew away from the tree hole in an instant.

Immediately, there was a monstrous roar from outside, accompanied by the roar and screams of the mysterious yellow beast.

Mo Tianyun had already fought with the remaining five Taishi Realm Profound Yellow Beasts.

Inside the tree cave, Dapeng's huge body, without his head, was falling in a free fall accompanied by a rain of blood in the sky.

Looking at the corpse of the Dapeng falling from a high altitude, Jian Chen's heart was shocked. How powerful was a mysterious yellow beast so effortlessly beheaded?

The invincible strength displayed by Mo Tianyun refreshed Jian Chen's cognition once again.

Before the breakthrough, Mo Tianyun was already terrifying, and now his strength has risen to the next level, undoubtedly becoming even more unfathomable.

Suddenly, the Fairy Devouring Demon Flower wrapped around Jian Chen's wrist swelled up in an instant. In the blink of an eye, the Fairy Devouring Demon Flower that was originally only the size of a small grass suddenly soared to a thousand feet in diameter. The coquettish flowers almost filled the entire tree hole space.

And at the flower core of the Fairy Devouring Demon Flower, it seemed as if it suddenly turned into a big mouthful of blood, and swallowed it towards Dapeng's corpse in one mouthful.

"No, you can't digest such a high-level Profound Yellow Beast, you will be blown up!" Jian Chen's expression changed. After all, this Dapeng is not an ordinary one or two layers of the Supreme Beginning Realm. The energy is still in a very active boiling state. At this moment, it is extremely risky to swallow it. With the slightest strength of the Devouring Fairy Flower, it is easy to be crushed and killed.

After all, the disparity in strength between the two is really too great.

It's a pity that Jian Chen stopped it too late. The Fairy Devouring Demon Flower had already swallowed Dapeng's corpse in one bite, not just the corpse, but even the exploded head and every drop of blood that had been spilled was a little bit of the Fairy Devouring Demon Flower. There is not much left to swallow.

Then, the Fairy Devouring Demon Flower seems to have done a trivial thing. The fascinating and beautiful flower is shrinking rapidly while it is gently swaying, and in the blink of an eye, it becomes the size of a grass again, and is wrapped around the sword again. Chen's wrist.

A look of surprise appeared in Jian Chen's eyes. He immediately observed the Fairy Devouring Demon Flower carefully, and then was shocked to find that within the body of the Fairy Devouring Demon Flower, a huge space was born at some point.

And the big Peng that was swallowed by it was not immediately digested by the Fairy Devouring Demon Flower, but lying quietly in this space.

Jian Chen was stunned, he was staring at the huge space inside the Immortal Devouring Demon Flower.

In his eyes, this space is like a real world, with great laws evolving, and chains of orderly gods intertwined, as if it were another universe.

"A world has evolved within the body of the Fairy Devouring Demon Flower?" Jian Chen was shocked in his heart. He thoughtfully looked at the texture of the avenue on the Fairy Devouring Demon Flower's body, faintly guessing that this might be the reason for the divine power. .

It is also possible that not only the divine power of opening the sky, but the combination of the divine power of opening the sky and the energy of black yellow, and even the power of chaos, has created the current Immortal Devouring Demon Flower.

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