Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3312: Sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight

As for the Dou Tianzhu, Biluozhu and Xueshazhu who fought against the Demon Dragon Lord, the situation was not much better. Although the three of them joined forces to fight against the Demon Dragon Lord, they were also bruised and bruised by the Demon Dragon Lord.

At this time, these three three masters who enjoy the supreme status in the wood spirit world are already covered in blood, with numerous wounds all over their bodies, hideous and terrifying.

It's just that the wood spirits are born with unimaginable abilities due to their own race. No matter how serious the injury is, they can recover at the fastest speed in a very short period of time.

This also makes these three masters, like the dragon masters, seem to be injured countless times, but they are actually recovering all the time.

The battle between the three masters and the dragon master has been going on for several years. Neither side can do anything about the other, and it is in a stalemate.

During this period, the three masters also swallowed many divine pills to restore their own cultivation.

Whether it is the three of them or the Demon Dragon Lord, every time they recover from their injuries, they will consume a lot of cultivation power in their bodies.

The three masters have the help of recovery magic pills, and the cultivation base in the body is always kept in a full state.

And the master of the dragon can only be restored by absorbing the power of the origin of the world.

Although the power of the Demon Dragon Lord's cultivation is much purer than that of the three masters, after several years of consumption, the power of cultivation in its body is now less than half of its heyday.

"It's almost there, Bi Luo, Dou Tian, ​​let's not hide our clumsiness, let's do our best to kill the dragon at the fastest speed." At this time, the Blood Killing Master let out a low voice.

With the voice, the momentum on his body suddenly rose, and the power of the cultivation base in his body swept out like a storm, shaking the world.

At the same time, on the top of the head of the blood-killing ruler, five ancestor marks emerged, emitting blazing rays of light, echoing the green sun in the high sky.

After using the five ancestor marks, the momentum of the blood-killing master has obviously risen a step.

"Cracking the air with a sword!" The Blood Killing Master shouted lowly. He was holding a long sword of the divine weapon, and a coercion of heaven and earth burst out. As the long sword was slashed down, a thousand-zhang sword light shot out in an instant, hitting the demon. On a head of the Dragon Lord.


In the loud noise, one of the heads of the Demon Dragon Lord was instantly shattered by a third, but the other head opened its blood basin and bit it towards the Blood Killing Lord like lightning.

The Blood Killing Lord retreated sharply, but still a small half of his body was bitten by the Demon Dragon Lord, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood.

But soon, these flesh and blood are growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After using the mark of the ancestors, not only the combat power of the blood-killing master has been improved, but even the recovery ability has climbed to an extreme.

At the same time, Master Biluo and Master Doutian also made their full shots. Above their heads, there were also five marks of the ancestors. The two of them were holding an artifact long sword, and they also used god-level combat skills to hit the dragon master and were injured. on that head.


There was a rain of blood in the sky, and under the full blow of the three masters, a head of the dragon master was smashed into pieces.

At the same time, the tail of the Demon Dragon Lord also ripped through the void all the way, hitting the Biluo Lord and Doutian Lord with terrifying power, and the two of them spit out blood and flew out. A deep depression sank into it, destroying all the internal organs.

The five ancestor marks on their bodies can communicate with the supreme artifact of the Wood Spirit Tribe. I saw a trace of life aura hanging down from the green sun hanging high in the sky, making the injuries on the masters of Biluo and Doutian terrifying. speed recovered.

There is also a powerful energy surging in the Demon Dragon Lord's body, which contains a terrifying life force. I saw that its head, which was shattered by the combined force of the three Lords, began to grow again.

It has two heads, and it cannot be beheaded if one head is lost.

For this scene, Blood Killing Master, Bi Luo Master and Dou Tian Master are not surprised, because they all understand that if they want to completely kill Demon Dragon Master, they can only smash both of its heads at the same time.

Or, the life energy of the dragon master is exhausted, so that it loses its healing ability.

Without the help of divine pills and fighting a protracted battle, the Demon Dragon Lord is not as good as the three of them after all.

Next, Dou Tianzhu, Biluozhu and Xuezhuzhu continued to make shots. Every shot was not reserved at all, and god-level combat skills were continuously displayed.

The battle between them suddenly entered the most violent stage.

There are more and more wounds on the Dragon Lord's body. With the cooperation of the three Lords, his head has been broken several times, but with the current strength of the three Lords, it is impossible to break two at the same time. skull.

The three masters also paid a heavy price. After a fierce battle, the three masters were all pale, with a look of sluggishness, and they were completely exchanging injuries with the dragon master.

The god-level medicinal pills were swallowed by them like jelly beans, so that the power of cultivation in their bodies was always full.

And the Demon Dragon Lord, after a fierce battle, is obviously getting more and more unsupported, the life energy in the body is rapidly depleting, and its healing speed is gradually slowing down.

It didn't have a god-level pill to recover, and after a protracted battle, it finally showed signs of exhaustion.

The four Primordial Primordial Realms in the battle did not notice that thousands of miles away, a young man in a white robe was sitting cross-legged on a mountain peak, staring at their fierce battle from a distance.

This young man is Jian Chen!

"Among the three masters of the Wood Spirit World, the Doutian ruler is the weakest, and the first-level Hunyuan Beginning Realm is at its peak. The Biluo Master and the Blood Killing Master are both the Hunyuan Beginning Realm II-layer."

"However, it seems that it didn't take long for the two of them to reach the second level. Therefore, although the Doutian Lord is inferior to the Biluo Lord and the Blood Killing Lord, the gap is not as huge as imagined."

"However, the three of them all have five ancestor marks. This ancestor mark has added a lot of strength to them. In addition, they have good combat power and cannot be regarded as ordinary Primordial Realm. Therefore, Bi Luo dominates Both the Lord of Blood and Blood Kill have the power to fight against the Three Heavens."

"Of course, it's just the power of the first battle. After all, compared with the real Triple Heaven, the two of them are somewhat lacking."

"As for Dou Tianzhu, he is barely able to fight against the ordinary triple heaven."

"However, if you want to kill them, I am afraid that even the powerhouses of the Primordial Realm Fourth Heaven Realm will be difficult to do. They have mastered the five ancestor marks, and their injury recovery speed is too fast, even more than my Chaos Body. Quick, it is simply immortal."

Jian Chen sat on the mountain peak and saw clearly the strength of the three masters of the wood spirit world. Although his realm has fallen and his strength has not recovered, his eyesight is still there.

"This Demon Dragon Lord is the peak of the Primordial Realm Second Layer!" Finally, Jian Chen's eyes fell on the two-headed Flood Dragon, his eyes bright.

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