Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3313: cooperate

"At present, the only way I can find to recover my physical injury is to take the inner core of the Primordial Beginning Realm. In the entire Wood Spirit Realm, the only holy beast in the Primordial Beginning Realm is dominated by a dragon." Jian Chen paid attention. The battle between the three masters and the dragon master showed a contemplative color.

He didn't expect that the three masters would also kill the dragon master, but in this way, if he wanted to take the inner core of the devil dragon master, only the tiger's mouth would take the food.

"I haven't recovered my strength now. In this state, I have no chance of winning against the three major rulers. After all, the three of them have the imprint of the ancestor to help each other, and they all have the ability to challenge the challenge."

Thinking of this, Jian Chen had a headache. Now that the battle between the three masters and the dragon master has come to an end, the recovery of the wounds on the dragon master has become slower and slower. Once it falls, you don't need to think that its body will fall into the hands of the three masters.


A huge roar came, and the god-level combat skills of Dou Tian and Bi Luo hit the Demon Dragon Lord at the same time, and smashed the huge body of the Demon Dragon Lord into the ground. tremor.

A terrifying wound that was as long as a hundred meters appeared on the huge dragon that was dominated by the dragon, and blood shot out, staining the earth red.

This time, the wound on its body did not recover immediately, the energy in its body was not much, and it had to be left on the recovery of the head.

"Bi Luo, Dou Tian, ​​Blood Kill, you will pay a heavy price for this stupid behavior. This king swears that this king will make your land creatures burn." The Demon Dragon Lord took to the sky again. At this moment, its aura was wilted and very weak. .

After all, it can't fight against the three masters who have a large number of divine pills to restore the cultivation base!

"Hahaha, Lord of the Demon Dragon, you can order all the holy beasts in the entire sea area. Not only the sea area, but even all the holy beasts that exist in our three realms must also obey your orders. All the holy beasts have come ashore, which can indeed cause a devastating blow to our three realms."

"It's just a pity, you are no longer qualified now. Because you can't live at that time." The Blood Killing Master laughed, fearlessly.

"Master of the Demon Dragon, your existence has always made the three of us sleepless, so the three of us had to join forces to wipe you out. Once you die, our three realms will also reduce a huge hidden danger." Dou Tianzhu He also said in a low voice.

"Dragon, we have been fighting between the land and the sea for so many years. Since today, one of them has finally been broken. Without you, the many holy beasts in this endless sea are just scattered sand." The master of the blue sky also sighed.

"Hahaha, if you want to completely obliterate this king, you think it's too simple." The Demon Dragon Lord let out a savage laughter, and the next moment, a spell came out of its mouth.

This incantation seemed to contain a mysterious power, and it spread throughout the endless sea in an instant, echoing continuously over the entire sea.

The next moment, I saw endless essence and life aura wafting out of the vast sea, all of which were gathered towards the Demon Dragon Lord.

All these essences and life breaths come from all the sea beasts in the endless sea.

The magic dragon dominates the essence of all the sea beasts in the entire sea by secretly devouring it to supplement itself.

Immediately, the dragon master became a huge energy vortex, and the steady stream of essence and life breath was absorbed by it, causing the momentum on its body to rise rapidly at a terrifying speed, and the energy lost in the body was also quickly replenished. Even All the injuries on his body recovered in an instant.

"Not good, stop it!" The faces of the three masters of the wood spirit world changed greatly, and they immediately shot with all their strength, and at the same time used god-level combat skills to hit the dragon master.

However, it was still unable to stop the recovery of the Dragon Lord.

In just a dozen breaths, the Demon Dragon Lord returned to its peak state again.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the three masters became ugly. Due to the race, the dragon master has a huge energy storage in his body, which is far beyond what their Wood Spirit clansmen can compare.

Therefore, the only way for them to kill the Demon Dragon Lord is to consume all the energy in the Light Demon Dragon Lord's body so that it cannot be recovered.

Unexpectedly, they consumed a lot of divine pills, and they managed to consume seven to eighty-eight of the energy dominated by the magic dragon, but in a blink of an eye, it returned to its peak state.

This moment made it difficult for the three rulers to ride a tiger.

"Our god-level medicinal pills are running out, what should we do now?" Dou Tianzhu had a gloomy face, and sent a voice transmission to Biluo and Xueshazhu.

Neither the Master of Biluo nor the Master of Blood Killing said a word, and their faces were equally gloomy.

Their three major realms have already reached such a level with the sea area. If they cannot kill the Demon Dragon Lord today, what their three major realms will face will be the ferocious revenge of the endless spirit beasts and holy beasts in the entire sea area.

In the face of this endless sea, even if they are the three major realms plus the peace domain, they are still at a disadvantage.

Once the war is brought to the land, it will undoubtedly be a devastating disaster for their three realms.

Right now, the three masters of the Wood Spirit Clan are in a dilemma.

"Three masters, it seems that you can't successfully kill the dragon master today."

Just when the three masters didn't know what to do, a dull voice drifted into their ears.

The appearance of this voice suddenly caused the pupils of their three masters to shrink suddenly, and the three of them turned their eyes in one direction, and instantly found Jian Chen who was sitting in the distance watching the battle.

The brows of the three masters suddenly wrinkled. As the existences that rule the entire Wood Spirit Realm, it is no exaggeration to say that they are well aware of all the powerhouses in the Wood Spirit Realm, but they found that there is no such name as Jian Chen. figure.

"Who are you?" The voice of the Blood Killing Lord came out, his tone was indifferent, and he asked with an unquestionable voice.

"In the next Jianchen, the three rulers are polite." In the distance, Jianchen sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, he clasped his fists at the three of you in the air, with a faint smile on his face, and continued: "The three Lord, if you can't kill the Demon Dragon Lord, then I can help you."

"Can you deal with the Demon Dragon Lord?" Bi Luo Lord said solemnly, his tone was full of incredible.

The eyes of Dou Tianzhu and Xue Xuezhuzhu's eyes flashed, and they carefully looked at Jian Chen, but found that Jian Chen was like a fog, and it was difficult to see his true strength at all.

"If you want to kill the Demon Dragon Lord, you must destroy both of its heads at the same time, so that it can be destroyed both physically and mentally. I happen to have a secret method that can instantly destroy one of the Demon Dragon Lord's heads."

"The three masters join forces to destroy one head of the dragon master first, and then I will destroy the second head in an instant. In this way, he will surely fall." Jian Chen said.

"Are you sure that you can destroy a head of the Demon Dragon Lord alone?" Dou Tianzhu asked with a questioning face.

"Whether it can be destroyed, you can't tell if you try it. Anyway, destroying a head is not too difficult for the three masters." Jian Chen was calm, facing the three masters, there was no fear in his expression. , showing his calmness: "Of course, I have one condition. Once I kill the Demon Dragon Lord, I want its inner alchemy."

"Okay! If you can really destroy the second head of the Demon Dragon Lord, you can take the inner alchemy. This seat has no opinion at all." The Blood Killing Lord immediately expressed his position.

"I agree!"

"I'm fine!"

Master Bi Luo and Master Dou Tian also expressed their opinions one after another. They also didn't believe it in their hearts, but there was no other way at the moment.

The three of them had not many divine pills. If they couldn't kill the Demon Dragon Lord, the consequences would be serious.

"If that's the case, then ask the three masters to do it. After you destroy the first head, I will immediately do it!" Jian Chen said.

Hearing this, the three masters looked at each other, and immediately without any hesitation, they immediately performed god-level combat skills at the same time, sending the most powerful attack to a head of the dragon master.


In a roar, the god-level combat skills of the three masters instantly destroyed a head of the dragon master, but while they severely damaged the dragon master, they were also counterattacked by the devil dragon master, and the three were simultaneously beaten by the devil dragon master. seriously injured.

In the battle between them and the Demon Dragon Lord, no one has an advantage, and almost all of them exchange injuries. That's why the three of them have no way to destroy the second head of the Demon Dragon Lord at the same time.

The dragon dominated the head that had just been destroyed, and immediately a huge amount of life energy emerged, and the new head was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The body of the three masters was beaten and flew out far, but on the way, the three of them looked at Jian Chen in the distance at the same time. Whether it can destroy the second head of the dragon master before the new head grows, depends on this moment.

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