Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3324: Threatening bloodshed

Dharma Emperor City is one of the four imperial cities controlled by the Scarlet Blood Realm. It is also the closest imperial city to Sword Emperor City among the four imperial cities.

The controller of the Scarlet Blood Realm, the ruler of Blood Killing, is sitting cross-legged in a magnificent temple in the city of the emperor, with his eyes slightly closed, and it seems that he is practicing.

"Blood kills the master!"

At this moment, a deafening sound came from the heavens and the earth, and echoed throughout the entire Fate City. The terrifying sound wave turned into a circle of ripples visible to the naked eye, which shattered many buildings in the city.

Even the shrine where Blood Killing dominated the hidden cultivation trembled slightly under this sound wave.

As for the sky above Dharma Emperor City, it is even more space shock, the line of sight is distorted, and there are terrifying space laws raging in the void, disturbing the stability of this space-time, and there are space cracks.

In an instant, the entire Fate City was shrouded in a space storm, as if it would be engulfed at any time.

The numerous wood spirit warriors gathered in the Falcon City were all shocked, looking up at the sky one by one, as if the end was coming!

Inside the temple, the Blood Killer Lord suddenly opened his eyes, a dignified expression appeared between his brows, and he sighed secretly in his heart: "He is still here after all!"

The next moment, the figure of the Blood Killing Lord disappeared. When he reappeared, he had already arrived outside the Fate City, and stood opposite Jian Chen at a distance of 100 meters.

Jian Chen kept sitting cross-legged and suspended between the heavens and the earth, staring blankly at the Lord of Blood Killing, saying: "The Lord of Blood Killing, this peace domain is now under my control."

The Lord of Blood Killing stared deeply at Jian Chen, and felt very surprised, because the current Jian Chen gave him a completely different feeling than when he met two times before.

Before, whether it was on the overseas magic island or outside the Sword Emperor City, Jian Chen always gave him the feeling of being approachable, easy to talk, and not arrogant at all.

However, now, he keenly sensed a cold, ruthless charm from Jian Chen.

Even, there is a little bit of domineering in those words and demeanor.

That's right, that's domineering, so domineering that he doesn't even take the Blood Killing Lord in his eyes.

In short, compared to the current Jian Chen, he is completely different.

The Blood Killing Master frowned and said in a deep voice, "Jian Chen, do you know the history of this peace domain?"

The Blood Killing Master paused for a while, and continued: "In the past, there were only three realms in the Wood Spirit Realm, namely the Scarlet Blood Realm in this seat, the Biyang Realm in Biluo, and the Taitian Realm in Doutian, and there was no Peace Realm. ."

"At that time, the borders of our three realms bordered, and various frictions continued one after another, and even became more and more intense. Later, in order to avoid large-scale conflicts between our three realms, our three realms were separated from each other. Part of the territory was ceded, and finally the peace zone was formed."

"Therefore, this Peace Territory is actually the territory of our three major realms. Dou Tian and Bi Luo gave you the Peace Territory, which can only mean that part of the territory that once belonged to the Taitian Realm and Biyang Realm belongs to you."

"As for the part of the territory that belongs to our Scarlet Blood Realm, this seat will not be separated from you."

The aura of the Blood Killing Master rose, and the pressure belonging to the second layer of the Primordial Realm filled the air. His eyes instantly became sharp, and he said loudly: "Now, this seat is going to take back the territory belonging to our Scarlet Blood Realm. Jian Chen, do you want to stop it?"

Jian Chen's expression did not change in the slightest, and he said coldly, "I don't care about the past history of Hepingyu, I only know that the previous Hepingyu was controlled by the Nine Great Emperor City. Now, I want all the territories of the Nine Great Emperor City."

"Jian Chen, don't force me!" The blood-killing master angered in his heart, gnashing his teeth, and the killing intent in his eyes was even more undisguised.

Jian Chen's face showed a sneer, and said: "Now everyone knows that I am the Lord of Peace, and everyone knows that there are nine imperial cities in Peace. If I, the Lord of Peace, only occupy the territory of five imperial cities, What do you think the world will think of me? Bloody, this is not me forcing you, but you are forcing me."

The blood-killing master had an ugly face, and his eyes were fixed on Jian Chen.

At this moment, he really wanted to kill Jian Chen immediately. With the imprint of the eight ancestors, he had full confidence in killing Jian Chen.

It's just that the profound sword energy on Jian Chen's body made him fearful, and he never dared to actually do it.

"Before, Heping Domain was like a cloud of smoke for me. But now I have changed my mind. This Heping Domain, I have to make a decision. You must let go of the four imperial cities occupied by your Scarlet Blood Realm." Jian Chen's attitude Very tough.

At this time, thousands of miles away, Jiandi, Li Zu, Xia Jianming and Bai Yurou had just arrived here. They did not dare to get too close, but watched from a distance.

In the Dharma Emperor City, there are also many Beginning Realm powerhouses in the Scarlet Blood Realm who are paying attention here.

Even farther away, Dou Tian and Bi Luo, who were always paying attention to the peace domain, rushed over at the fastest speed. Both of them stayed out of sight and paid close attention to prevent Jian Chen from being killed by the **** killing.

In the eyes of the two of them, Jian Chen is already a key figure who can contain the master of blood killing. If Jian Chen falls, the war in the peace domain will be repeated.

"What if I don't want to?" The Blood Killing Master said solemnly.

"Then I have no choice but to do it, but at that point, what I want is more than peace." Jian Chen's eyes were cold.

As soon as these words came out, the world fell silent, as if time had frozen and everything was still.

Whether it's the Scarlet Blood Realm powerhouses gathered in the Dharma Emperor City, or the Jianfeng who stayed in the distance, Li Jiangshan and Xia Jianming all raised their hearts to their throats.

The eyes of the Blood Killing Lord were extremely indifferent. Those eyes were as sharp as sharp swords, staring at Jian Chen on the opposite side, with an expression that only knew Jian Chen.

Because Jian Chen's current posture is very different from when he met on the Magic Island.

After a brief silence, the Blood Killing Master slowly spoke up: "Jian Chen, don't overestimate your trump card, and don't underestimate this seat too much, once you really use that trump card on this seat, you will lose your money. With this only shock, do you think Bi Luo and Dou Tian will let you go?"

"Take a step back, even if this seat really falls, do you think you can really get the Scarlet Blood Realm? Wrong, at that time, the Scarlet Blood Realm will not fall into your hands, but will be destroyed by Bi Luo and Dou Tian. cannibalize."

In the Fate City, many of the Beginning Realm powerhouses in the Scarlet Blood Realm had serious expressions on their faces, and they naturally listened clearly to the conversation between the Blood Killing Lord and Jian Chen. In the end, Jian Chen had spoken to the point where, according to the behavior of the Blood Killing Master, not only did he not act directly, but he patiently explained the pros and cons of it.

At this moment, all of them understood a truth, that is, the Lord of Blood Killing, was very jealous of the Lord of Peace who suddenly appeared in front of him.

This kind of dread is even above Doutian and Biluo.

The Lord of Blood Killing dared to go to war directly with the Lord of Biluo and the Lord of Doutian, but he never dared to take the initiative to take the initiative to Heping Domain.

This surprised all the powerhouses in the Scarlet Blood Realm.

"I don't think about the future now. Now I just ask you, do you want to let the four imperial cities in the Peace Territory, or not?" Jian Chen didn't move at all, his expression gradually became indifferent, and he came down to the ultimatum: "Master of Blood Killing, I will give you ten breaths to consider. After ten breaths, if your Scarlet Blood Realm has not returned the four imperial cities, then I can do it directly."

The Lord of Blood Killing did not speak, but stared at Jian Chen with half-squinted eyes. He was not sure whether Jian Chen really wanted to use his last trump card against him?

Soon, it was eight breaths later.

"You still have two breaths!" Jian Chen reminded, his eyes changed, revealing a sense of indifference, and he already had killing intent in his heart.

If the blood-killing master refuses to back down, he doesn't mind using Xuanjian Qi to obliterate him directly.

Now it has been more than two months since his return from the magic island, and the profound sword energy he had lost on the magic island had long since recovered.

Therefore, his current profound sword qi is two, not the original one!

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