Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3325: life and death

"One breath time!" Jian Chen made the final reminder, his eyes locked on the Blood Killing Master, and he was ready to do it.

The world was incomparably quiet, only Jian Chen's voice echoed, and the atmosphere seemed depressed and dull.

All the powerhouses in the Fate City, all focused on the Blood Killing Lord.

Jian Feng, Li Jiangshan, Xia Jianming, Bai Yurou and the others all stared at Jian Chen's back with trepidation, and their hearts were up and down.

"Lord Xia, senior Jian Chen, will he really fight against the Lord of Blood Killing?" Bai Yurou carefully transmitted the voice. The previous scene of Jian Chen's battle with King Zhong Ding was still lingering in her mind.

Although she knew that Jian Chen was also the ruler, she knew better that Jian Chen could only be regarded as a wounded ruler at the moment. His injuries were so severe that he would be blood-soaked when dealing with a heavenly king.

Under such circumstances, Bai Yurou was also very worried about Jian Chen's safety.

Xia Jianming was silent. He also thought of Jian Chen's injuries. Anyway, since the first time he met Jian Chen, Jian Chen has been in the process of healing, and even now he has not recovered.

At least, the petrified legs haven't changed at all.

On the opposite side, the Blood Killer Master clenched his fists tightly, and he was also struggling fiercely in his heart. If he retreated in front of everyone's eyes, it would naturally cause an extremely heavy blow to his prestige.

He also wanted to take a gamble in his heart, to gamble that Jian Chen didn't dare to use his profound sword energy to obliterate himself. From the point of view of the Blood Killing Master, with such a heaven-defying trump card, it was unprecedented for Jian Chen to come up with the second one, and it was absolutely impossible for the third one to appear.

And once this trump card is used, Jian Chen will no longer have the ability to deter Bi Luo and Dou Tian.

If he wins the bet, he will not only keep the territory of the four imperial cities, but will also lay a firm foundation for him to seize the entire peace area in the future.

But if you lose the bet

If he lost, Jian Chen really used his profound sword energy

Thinking of the fall of the Demon Dragon Lord, the Blood Killing Lord shuddered in his heart, and he was not at all sure that he could block the Xuanjian Qi.

As for the words he said before that he might not die, it was just bluffing.

Suddenly, the Lord of Blood Killing and Jian Chen's eyes collided, and when he saw Jian Chen's gaze, he was instantly shocked.

Because of this look, he has a deep understanding. He has looked at others with this look countless times, and its meaning is like looking at a dead person.

"This seat is in Jian Chen's heart, and he has become a dead man!" The Blood Killing Master instantly felt a chill in his heart, and his whole body was icy cold.

At the same time, an overwhelming sword intent swept through the heavens and the earth. In front of this sword intent, all the nearby Promise Realm powerhouses were all shocked and fearful.

This sword intent is too strong to open up the world and shatter the universe.

Jian Chen unhesitatingly released a burst of profound sword energy!

Farther away, at the junction of Heping Domain, Taitian Realm and Biyang Realm, Biluo and Doutian rulers both stared at each other and showed anticipation.

"Wait a minute!" The blood-killing master suddenly retreated, and instantly retreated to the Fate City, and said anxiously: "Peace domain belongs to you, this seat will leave immediately!"

Before the words were finished, the Blood Killing Master had disappeared and returned to the Scarlet Blood Realm at the fastest speed.

The many strong people in the red blood world gathered in the Fate City also received the order to retreat from the blood killing master at the same time, and immediately looked at each other.

Looking at the blood-killing master who had disappeared without a trace, Jian Chen murmured to himself: "If it were a little later, you would really be dead. The Primordial Beginning Realm of the Lingxian family is not a last resort. I really don't want to. kill."

At the boundary of the peace domain, Doutian and Biluo sighed together, showing a touch of disappointment. The next moment, the two of them walked alone in the void, one step at a time, and soon crossed most of the peace domain and appeared in front of Jian Chen. .

"Chixue's ambition is very big, he will not die, sooner or later it will be a scourge." Biluo master sighed softly, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Jian Chen, the peerless face of the country and the city, in addition to the black gem-like appearance Beautiful big eyes, enough to cause powerful lethality to any man in the world.

It's just that in this wood spirit world, she is the supreme ruler, and no one dares to blaspheme.

"Jianchen, you can't let the blood kill you in front of everyone today. From what I know about him, he must hold a grudge. You have to be careful in the future." Master Bi Luo seriously scolded Jianchen.

Jian Chen folded his fists and expressed his gratitude.

At this point, the peace domain has completely returned to peace. Although this so-called peace is not true peace, at least the three masters will no longer interfere in the peace domain.

Jian Chen has truly become the master of the Peace Domain in name, and none of the three masters can interfere.

And his experience of fighting against the **** killing outside the Fate City, it spread throughout the entire peace domain with a violent storm, and it was widely known and caused a huge sensation.

The confrontation of the Fate City allows all the powerhouses in the Peace Domain to truly understand the true strength of the Lord of the Peace Domain.

That is a supreme power that is enough to make the blood-killing master fearful!

In the blink of an eye, it has been three days, and today's Sword Emperor City is extraordinarily lively, because all the Beginning Realm powerhouses that exist in the Peace Domain, almost a lot of them gathered in Sword Emperor City, making Sword Emperor City usher in an instant. It has achieved an unprecedented splendor and has become the most concerned place in the entire peace domain.

In the sword emperor's mansion, in a huge and magnificent palace, the throne that once belonged to the sword emperor has now become the position of Jian Chen.

He sat cross-legged on the throne, while Bai Yurou and Xia Jianming stood below him on the left and right sides. Below them, there were nearly a hundred Beginning Realm powerhouses.

Judging from their positions, Bai Yurou and Xia Jianming had a higher status than some of the great emperors in the field.

Because they are the people around the Lord of Peace Domain!

Among the group of powerhouses in the beginning realm, the patriarch of the current ruler of the White Emperor family is impressively listed!

Ancestor stood below with his head lowered slightly, his eyes inadvertently swept away from Bai Yurou, not only his expression was complicated, but his mood was also mixed.

"Hey, I didn't expect this girl to find the master as a backer. If I had known this earlier, how would I dare to seek the throne of the White Emperor's family?" The ancestor sighed secretly in his heart.

In the face of King Zhong Ding, he had to be humble, not to mention the ruler above the king!

Facing the Master, he really couldn't bear the slightest idea of ​​resistance.

Because he cherished his life, he was afraid of death, and he didn't have the determination of a strong man to break his wrist at all.

"Cough cough!" Suddenly, Jian Chen, who was sitting cross-legged on the throne, coughed, and everyone's eyes instantly converged.

Jian Chen looked around for a week, and said: "Today I called you here, and many people must have guessed its intention. Yes, I want to control the entire peace domain, and all forces in the peace domain must surrender. If you have any opinions, It can be brought up now."

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