Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3326: true unity

As soon as Jian Chen's voice fell, the nearly 100 Beginning Realm powerhouses gathered in the hall looked at each other, many of them were embarrassed and struggling, and many more looked very ugly.

Of course, some people take it for granted.

The overlord of Overlord City, and the patriarch of Baidi City, did not have any opinion on surrendering to a master.

After all, they had been subdued by Tianwang Zhong Ding before and stood on the side of the Scarlet Blood Realm.

It's just that the plan is far from keeping up with the changes. The Scarlet Blood Realm has withdrawn from the Peace Domain, and the Peace Domain has a new master. People such as the Overlord are naturally abandoned by the Scarlet Blood Realm.

Now, the road before them is only to surrender to the ruler of peace. Otherwise, their days in the Peace Domain will be very sad in the future. In the previous war, they have already forged a life-and-death feud with too many forces in the Peace Domain.

"I am the Overlord City, and I am willing to submit to the Lord's command from now on, and obey all the dispatches of the Lord." The Overlord, one of the nine great imperial cities, stood up first, showing his loyalty in full view.

"I, up and down the White Emperor City, are also willing to surrender to the Lord Lord. Being able to serve the Lord Lord is the glory of all the people of our White Emperor City." The ancestor also swore an oath on the spot on behalf of the White Emperor City, and his words were firm and unequivocal.

Suddenly, the ancestor felt a sharp gaze fell on him, he raised his eyes slightly, and saw Bai Yurou's indifferent and murderous eyes at a glance.

Bai Yurou's expression of a life-and-death hatred immediately made the clan of Baidicheng shudder in the heart, and instantly became anxious and uneasy.

In terms of strength, he is naturally not afraid of Bai Yurou, and he doesn't even take Bai Yurou to heart, but now Bai Yurou is the person beside the ruler of the peace domain, and just because of this heavy identity, no one in the peace domain dares to touch her.

Ancestor lowered his head, some dare not look into Bai Yurou's eyes, and secretly complained in his heart.

Who would have thought that things would develop to such a degree?

"Master Master, our Vantage City is willing to surrender, not only to abide by the rules set by Master Master, but also in the future, we will pay 30% of the annual tax of Vantage City to Master Master!" A middle-aged man standing below said, his tone Although he was respectful, his demeanor was neither humble nor arrogant.

This person is Huadi, one of the nine emperors of the Peace Territory, with a cultivation base of the Seventh Heavenly Realm of the Promise Beginning Realm.

Hearing this, the eyes of many Beginning Realm powerhouses in the field could not help but light up slightly. If they just abide by the rules set by the master and pay 30% of the tax every year, it is not enough for those forces who are always unwilling to surrender to anyone. Not unacceptable.

After all, not everyone in the Nine Great Emperor Cities of the Peace Region would choose to surrender without hesitation like the Overlord City and the White Emperor City.

Jian Chen stared blankly at Emperor Hua, his words were flat, and said: "No, what I want is not only that you follow the rules I set, but also that the nine imperial cities must all obey orders, as for the taxation of various places.

Jian Chen's tone paused slightly: "All the official taxes in the Nine Great Emperor Cities are all handed over!"

As soon as these words fell, the face of the decision makers of the Nine Great Emperor City changed instantly. Even the overlord and the patriarch, who were the first to surrender, groaned in their hearts, and their hearts instantly sank to the bottom of the valley.

"In the future, all official personnel will implement the salary system. Based on strength, position, and contribution, etc., the salary you can receive will be determined!" Jian Chen said directly in a command-like tone, quite arbitrary, and did not stay. Any room for negotiation.

And this set of practices is exactly like the management model of the Yuan family today. He directly copied the management model of the Tianyuan family in the holy world.

"No, I don't agree!"

"Yes, not only depriving us of our resources, but also depriving us of our rights, we will never agree to this!"

Immediately, the management of Emperor City spoke up, filled with righteous indignation and resolutely opposed it.

Jian Chen's expression did not change, and he said slowly: "If you don't agree, that's fine, but you have to leave the Peace Domain. Or in other words, throw away all your current territories and become a loose cultivator in the Peace Domain from now on."

"Hmph, Lord Master, your request is too much. We will never surrender to the Emperor City, let alone leave the Peace Domain." An old man stood up, who was the newly appointed Emperor.

With a wave of Jian Chen's hand, he saw ripples in the void, and a sharp blade in space passed through the neck of the newly appointed emperor, cutting off his head in an instant.

After that, his head was imprisoned in mid-air by the laws of space, and his primordial spirit was also tightly confined inside, unable to escape.

The next moment, a long sword was already in front of the newly appointed emperor's eyebrows. Once the long sword was pierced, he would instantly be destroyed.

"Finally, I will give you a chance to change your mind, whether it is life or death, it's all in your mind!" Jian Chen said coldly.

Suddenly, there was silence in the hall, and everyone's eyes were focused on the head of Emperor Ming, who was imprisoned in the air by the laws of space, and their hearts were terrified.

The newly appointed Emperor is not stronger than the previous Emperor, but he is also a powerhouse of the Seventh Layer of the Promise Realm. As a result, his head was beheaded without any resistance.

This made them shrink their necks involuntarily.

"Maybe my request makes you feel unacceptable, but you can rest assured that I will only stay in this position for ten thousand years at most. After ten thousand years, there will be no Lord of Peace Domain here, and Peace Domain will return to the Nine Great Emperor City. Period. Of course, it may not be possible to wait as long as ten thousand years." Jian Chen added.

"Master, do you mean that you can only let us surrender to you for ten thousand years at most?" Below, a Beginning Realm powerhouse said in surprise.

"Not bad!" Jian Chen replied affirmatively.

Hearing this, everyone in the hall looked relieved. If they surrendered permanently, it would be difficult for them to accept it in their hearts.

But if they only surrendered for ten thousand years, it would not be a big deal for them.

Being able to become the Beginning Realm, they don't know how many ten thousand years they have lived, and a mere ten thousand years is really nothing in their eyes.

"If it is ten thousand years, we ordered the emperor city to be willing to surrender, pay all taxes, and obey all orders." The head of the emperor also opened his mouth and was willing to surrender.

"We, the Dharma Emperor City, are willing to surrender to the sovereign and obey all the dispatches of the sovereign."

"We Dark Emperor City, willing to surrender"

"We, the city of the last emperor, are willing to surrender"

"We Vantage City, willing to surrender"

Afterwards, the nine imperial cities expressed their allegiance one after another, and even the top families that were based in various regions of the Peace Territory and possessed the powers of the Beginning Realm also swore to surrender.

At this point, Jian Chen truly controlled the entire Peace Domain.

"Junior Zhong Ding, I am willing to surrender to the Lord Master and serve the Lord Master!" At this moment, a loud voice came from outside.

I saw Heavenly King Zhong Ding walking in from the outside, but there was no arrogance in his demeanor at all. Instead, he bowed deeply to Jian Chen with a face full of respect.

"It's the King of Bells"

"I didn't expect that even Tianwang Zhongding would take the initiative to surrender. He is a Tianwang-level powerhouse."

King Zhong Ding's move suddenly shocked a large group of people.

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