Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3334: Kill the heroes in one rage

"Yu'er, since you are safe and sound, then we can rest assured. At first, the royal father was thinking of taking you back to Yunzhou, and from now on, he will practice peacefully in the Xi Dynasty. But since the royal father came to Shengzhou, After seeing the status of the Tianyuan family in Shengzhou with my own eyes, I suddenly realized that it would be better for you to stay here than to stay in our Xi Dynasty." Emperor Xi said while sipping the Enlightenment Tea, his expression full of sighs.

This Shengzhou is far from being comparable to Yunzhou. If you really want to compare, Yunzhou can only be regarded as a small and remote place. However, her own woman, in this strong Shengzhou, can enjoy such a The detached status made the current emperor of the Xi Dynasty in front of him feel shocked.

"Yu'er, there is one thing you must keep in mind, all the glory that the Tianyuan family enjoys now, as well as your own current status, are all acquired by Jian Chen with his own life. Since he handed over the Tianyuan family to the If you take care of you, then you must not take responsibility for the Tianyuan family, especially the people from Jian Chen’s hometown, every one of them must be treated well.”

"Furthermore, the royal father also heard that Yang Lie, Gui Hai Yidao and others were once respected elders by Jian Chen when they were in the lower realm, but now that Jian Chen is gone, then you should treat them as your own just like Jian Chen. Treat the elders well..."

Emperor Xi was seriously talking to her family, as if she was afraid that her daughter would get carried away and go in the wrong direction.

"Father, I know what to do. I don't care about the position of the head of the Tianyuan family. The reason why I am still in this position is that I just want to do something for Jian Chen in the end." When it comes to Jian Chen Chen, Xiyu's mood fell for a while, her expression was gloomy, and there was an undisguised pain in her eyes: "Jian Chen is no longer there, and the Tianyuan family is his hard work, I stay and manage the Tianyuan family, the real The intention is that I don’t want the Tianyuan family that Jian Chen worked so hard to create to be buried.”

Emperor Xi looked at Xiyu deeply, and then let out a long sigh, saying: "Yu'er, the father and your mother will go back to Yunzhou first, and I'll see you next time."

Emperor Xi and the Empress left the Tianyuan family.

Not long after the two of them left, a woman who was about 18 or 19 years old with an extremely outstanding appearance rushed in from the outside.

This woman is the former Palace Master of Mo Mansion, the daughter of the current Pingtian Dynasty Emperor, Mo Yan!

As soon as she saw Mo Yan, Xiyu quickly put away the sadness in her expression, put on a gentle smile, and said, "Mo Yan, are you out?"

Mo Yan rushed in from the outside, her expression was full of anxiety and fear, her eyes were also full of tears, and large droplets of water were rolling.

"Sister Xiyu, tell me, is Brother Jianchen dead? Is brother Jianchen no longer there?" Mo Yan grabbed Xiyu's shoulders tightly with both hands and said emotionally.

Xiyu's expression was stagnant, and she forced the laughter, her tone was soft: "Sister Moyan, what nonsense are you talking about, your brother Jianchen is alive and well, he is so powerful, how could he fall. Listen to my sister, stop making trouble. Okay, let's go back to retreat and practice."

"You lied to me, you lied to me, you are all lying to me, I have heard many people say that brother Jianchen is dead... woo woo woo, brother Jian Chen is no more... ..." Mo Yan burst into tears, very sad.


Ice Pole State, inside the Ice Temple.

A snow-white snow **** is sitting cross-legged on the Ice Throne cultivating, his whole body is surging with energy, the law of ice fluctuates violently, and an extremely huge coercion is permeated.

Suddenly, the body of the Snow God who was immersed in the cultivation trembled slightly. In her mind, a powerful seal seemed to be forcibly broken by her, and pictures that had been sealed for a long time suddenly appeared.

When these pictures appeared, Snow God's body suddenly began to tremble violently. The next moment, her figure suddenly disappeared in the Ice Temple, and when she reappeared, she had reached the depths of the starry sky less than hundreds of millions of miles away.

In just a short moment, she has crossed countless worlds, many galaxies, and the speed is astounding.

"Alas!" When the Snow God left, a long sigh came out from the highest point of the Ice God Temple.

On the other side, the Snow God's speed was extremely fast, rushing fast in the vast and endless void of the holy world, and soon crossed a small half of the holy world, and finally stopped in a dead starry sky.

This position is exactly where Jian Chen's identity was leaked, and the Supremes were all there.

But now, the place has become dead silent. When Venerable Feng fought Luo Tian and Taizun Weeping Blood, everything here was destroyed, not even the dust was left. Now, at a glance, it is nothingness.

Staying in this dead starry sky, ripples appeared in Snow God's indifferent eyes, the divine light in his eyes was beating violently, and there was some trembling mixed in it.

The next moment, she merged with the heaven and the earth, and understood the mysteries of the heaven and the earth with the ultimate realm of the Nine Heavens of the Supreme Beginning Realm. She wanted to know everything that had happened in this void and search for a result.

It's just a pity that there is more than one supreme breath permeating, blocking everything, with the power of the Snow God, nothing can be found in the end.

Afterwards, her eyes flashed with deduction, trying to calculate Jian Chen's life and death.

But this time, she didn't succeed. Everything about Jian Chen could not be deduced at all, not even the simplest life and death.

Soon, the Snow God left this starry sky, she crossed the small half of the holy world at the extreme speed, and returned to the Ice Temple.

In the Ice Temple, the figure of the Snow God appeared directly on the top floor. In front of her, the Ice God was sitting cross-legged in the void, surrounded by avenues, shrouded in a layer of light of law, and the figure was hazy and invisible.

"Has he fallen?" Xue Shen looked directly at the blurry figure shrouded in the law of ice, with a little trembling in his voice.

"Already dead, destroyed by Zhen Zhen's own hands, completely erased. My good sister, can't you forget that piece of memory that you shouldn't have?" The Ice God's voice came out, showing a bit of helplessness .

"Falled...fallen...he actually fell..." Xue Shen lost his mind for a while, and his mood fluctuated violently. At this moment, in the back of her mind, there seemed to be a hidden deep The deep spiritual sustenance collapsed suddenly.

The Snow God turned around silently, and walked out of the top floor of the Ice Temple in despair. Before she knew it, she had arrived at the gate of the Ice Temple.

Here, there are many human-shaped ice sculptures standing here, lifelike, and each ice sculpture is sealed by a strong one!

Among these powerhouses, there are the ancestors from the various forces of the vast star, and there are also the powerhouses from the local forces of the Ice Extreme State.

The blue ancestor of the Tianhe family, and the Xuezong's ancestor Frozen Cloud, were among them.

The Snow God stood at the gate of the Ice Temple, looking at the vast snow in the sky. At this moment, she only felt that her mood had become more depressed than ever.


Suddenly, she raised her head to the sky and let out a long howl, and a terrifying momentum rose into the sky, shattering the snow and wind, and even alarmed the entire Ice Extreme State. Drained the light.

The next moment, the snow **** appeared in front of the ice sculptures like a teleportation, and the palms were shot out, and the sound of thumping was incessant. The gods are all destroyed, completely smashed to pieces.

Even the most powerful ones in the Great Beginning Realm were not spared.

Soon, among the numerous ice sculptures standing outside the Ice Pole State, only a few dozen remained intact.

In this short period of time, the Snow God completely wiped out more than ten Taishi realm powerhouses.

Everyone was patted into ice **** by her own hands.

After killing these people, the Snow God returned to the gate of the Ice God Temple. She sat on the ground with a calm expression, and said lightly: "You all go."

With the voice, at the gate of the Ice Temple, the dozens of remaining ice sculptures melted instantly, and all of them were unsealed.

These people are all local powerhouses in the Ice Pole State, Lan Zu of Tianhe Clan and Bingyun Ancestor of Xue Sect are on the list.

They just recovered their freedom, but they were not happy at all. They looked at the star powerhouse whose body was smashed to pieces, whose flesh and blood had turned into ice slag. All of them were cold.

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