Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3335: dominate assassination

At the majestic gate of the Ice Temple, dozens of local powerhouses from the Ice Pole State stopped, and they all exchanged glances with solemn expressions. The Snow God clasped his fists and saluted, then walked away cautiously.

They all knew the character of the Snow God, and they could see that the Snow God was in a bad mood at a glance, so they did not dare to make a sound, for fear that a certain word was wrong and touched a certain sensitive nerve of the Snow God, thus causing trouble. calamity.

So far, all the powerhouses who descended from the vast star across the distant starry sky to the Ice Pole State have all ended in annihilation, and none of them have been spared.

Their fall, instantly caused the strength of the vast star to drop sharply, and the real vitality was greatly damaged.

At the same time, in an unknown void somewhere in the Holy Realm, Wuhun Mountain was covered with a thick layer of ice and snow.

Soul Burial, Chu Jian, Yuechao, Yun Ziting, Su Qi, Bai Rufeng, and Qingshan, the seven descendants of the martial soul lineage, were all trapped inside Wuhun Mountain by this layer of ice and snow, and could not go out at all.

Thousands of miles away from Wuhun Mountain, there was a middle-aged beautiful woman in a long purple dress sitting cross-legged in the void, always keeping the same distance from Wuhun Mountain.

She is a person from the rain, but she is not the main body, but a clone of the primordial spirit, always guarding in front of Wuhun Mountain.

At this moment, the law of ice surrounding Wuhun Mountain was chaotic for a while, and then like a tide, it disappeared in an instant.

Without the Law of Ice, the thick layer of ice and snow on Wuhun Mountain immediately turned into a trickle of water and began to melt as if it was being scorched by the scorching sun.

The changes on Wuhun Mountain immediately alerted the Yushang who was guarding here. She immediately opened her eyes and stared at the melting ice and snow on Wuhun Mountain, with a hint of doubt in her expression.

"The seal on Wuhun Mountain has been lifted? Strange, what happened to make the Snow God break the seal ahead of time?" Yu Shangren murmured, and his brows furrowed deeply.

Wuhunshan's unblocking at this time is not necessarily a good thing in her opinion.

Soon, the snow and ice on Wuhun Mountain completely disappeared, and as soon as the seal was lifted, the souls buried in Wuhun Mountain immediately burst out.

With a wave of the hand on the rain of the primordial spirit, the 100,000-mile void instantly became chaotic, and a powerful space law permeated, isolating this void from the outside world.

The major descendants of the martial arts lineage were all blocked in this void.

Although she is only a primordial spirit avatar, this primordial **** avatar is obviously extraordinarily powerful, and only one avatar can restrict everyone in the martial soul lineage.

Yushangren silently appeared in front of the Soul Burial, her eyes were always on the Soul Burial, and she completely turned a blind eye to the other people in the Martial Soul lineage.

Looking at the sudden appearance of Yushangren, Chu Jian, Yuechao, Yun Ziting, Su Qi, Bai Rufeng and Qingshan looked at each other, their eyes swept back and forth on Yushangren and Soul Burial, revealing a face. Weird color.

Once, none of them knew the relationship between Soul Burial and Yu Shangren, until after the incident in Bingjizhou, the ambiguous relationship between Soul Burial and Yu Shangren was no longer a secret in the martial arts lineage. .

"What are you doing?" Soul Burial looked at the starry sky imprisoned by the laws of space, frowning slightly, showing a puzzled look.

Yushangren looked complicated and said: "In the years when Wuhunshan was frozen, a bad thing happened. I didn't want to tell you about this, but I also know that I can't hide it from you for too long."

"What news?" Soul Burial's heart sank slightly, and there was a bad premonition.

"Jian Chen is already dead." Master Yu said slowly.

Hearing this, the expressions of everyone in the Martial Soul line changed drastically, and immediately a killing intent erupted from the sky, ravaging the starry sky.

"What did you say? Jian Chen is dead?" Soul Buried shouted angrily. He dodged and came to Yu Shangren, his eyes instantly covered with bloodshot, staring at Yu Shangren with a pair of scarlet eyes. Like a demon in hell: "Who? Who killed him? How did he die?"

Chu Jian, Yuechao, Yun Ziting, Su Qi, Bai Rufeng, and Qing Shan all had their faces frosty and cold at the moment, full of monstrous killing intent.

Yu Shangren sighed softly and said: "Don't think about revenge, the person who killed him is the supreme of the Shengtian Palace."

"Really Taizun? No, it's impossible, why is Taizun really killing Junior Brother Eight?" Soul Burial's pupils shrank in disbelief.

"Jianchen is the Taoist fruit of the Supreme Realm, and the real Taizun used Jianchen to enter the Tao of love, and finally killed Jianchen, and realized the ruthless Tao. Soul burial, you must understand that when Jianchen becomes the fruit of the reverence Tao. At that moment, his fate was doomed, and no one could save him." The Rain Man sighed softly.

"Eighth Junior Brother is really the most respected Daoguo? How can this happen, how can this happen?"

After listening to Yushangren's explanation, everyone in the Martial Soul lineage lost their souls. The person who killed Jianchen was really too respectable. How to avenge this revenge?

They can't even report if they want to.

Wood Spirit World.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Jian Chen has been running around in this land of peace for ten years.

In the past ten years, he has sat cross-legged in the chariot, surrounded by a team of dominant guards, and has traveled to every area and every city in the Peace Domain.

Everywhere he went, he would seriously perceive it, exploring the secrets that may be hidden in the peace domain.

In the past ten years, he has received a large amount of taxes paid by the Nine Great Emperor Cities. These taxes have been converted into corresponding resources by him, all of which are used to cultivate the life soul flowers, so that the first batch of life soul flowers he ordered Xia Jianming to plant grow faster. Amazingly fast.

On this day, Jian Chen's chariot entered a mountain range and was flying at a low altitude among the uneven mountains.

However, at this moment, Jian Chen, who was sitting cross-legged in the chariot, opened his eyes suddenly, and suddenly shouted in a low voice, "Stop!"

The chariot stopped immediately and hovered at a low altitude while maintaining a distance of three meters from the ground.

Jian Chen left the chariot, his eyes shining brightly, staring straight at the ground somewhere below.

Because it should be said, it is looking into the depths of the ground.

When passing through this place, he keenly sensed that there were traces of unusual fluctuations in the depths of the ground. Such fluctuations could not be detected by divine consciousness at all, and could only be sensed by his own senses at close range.

The next moment, Jian Chen's figure disappeared, and he instantly appeared thousands of feet deep underground through the laws of space.

Immediately, the power of space fluctuated, and all the nearby rock formations and soil were pushed to the surrounding, making Jian Chen stand, and a cave was formed in an instant.

In front of this cave, where the line of sight is distorted, the space is blurred, and there is a faint energy permeating out.

"This should be a void passage similar to a teleportation gate, a passage that can appear anywhere at random, but disappear at any time." Looking at the blurry space in front of him, Jian Chen's eyes lit up slightly.

However, at this moment, a mutation protruded, and a long sword flickering with cold light suddenly appeared from the void, stabbing Jian Chen's head with lightning speed.

This is a mid-grade divine weapon long sword. All the coercion is restrained, it is deliberately hidden, and it appears like a poisonous snake, giving Jian Chen a fatal blow at a critical moment.

The speed of the long sword was very fast, and it reached Jian Chen's forehead in just an instant. The cold light shot from the sharp sword edge had torn apart Jian Chen's body of chaos and pierced the skin on his forehead. Dust brows bleeding.

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