Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3345: The magic of imprinting

At this time, the three bodies were illusory, and the figures transformed by obsession after death came to Jian Chen again. A terrifying force was condensed on the illusory fists. The fists broke through the air, and the space trembled. , the heart and the location of the dantian.

When Jian Chen's thoughts moved, he immediately interfered with the laws of space, trying to extend the distance between the two.

This time, however, it failed. The power condensed on the fists of the three illusory figures was too powerful, as if an independent domain was formed to isolate Jian Chen's space laws, and it was able to ignore Jian Chen's space laws restrictions to a certain extent.

But then, three huge space blades suddenly appeared, emitting blazing rays of light.

It is completely condensed by the power of law, and its lethality is so amazing that it can easily cut starry sky meteorites.

The three space sharp blades came first, and they slashed on the heads of the three illusory figures in an instant.

After bearing this blow, the three illusory figures suddenly twisted their bodies.

Jian Chen's blow, although it can't directly wipe them out, can obviously cause damage to them, and the bodies of the three of them instantly become faint.

But even so, they couldn't stop the fists of the three of them. Jian Chen could only skillfully use the laws of space to dodge the two men's attacks dangerously and dangerously. In the end, his arm turned into a sword, forming a sky-shattering sword energy and slammed it out. Collision with the fist of the third person.

The confrontation between the two was like two huge meteorites colliding, and a huge roar erupted. In the aftermath of the powerful energy, Jian Chen's body was once again blown away from afar.

This time, the skin of his entire right arm was cracked.

At this time, a might of heaven and earth descended, and the master of Bi Luo on the other side displayed god-level combat skills, and an illusory divine sword slashed at one of the obsessions.


With a loud noise, one of the illusory figures was beaten back by the god-level combat skills dominated by Bi Luo, and the body became even darker.

However, after displaying the god-level combat skills, the master of Bi Luo had no energy to resist the second illusory figure, and was punched on the shoulder.

"Crack!" The left shoulder bone dominated by Bi Luo was instantly shattered. Even though she was wearing a mid-grade artifact armor, she was still injured.

The figure who had endured the god-level combat skills of the Biluo Master quickly stabilized his figure. His empty eyes filled with endless killing intent stared at the Biluo Master. When he was about to attack again, Jian Chen's figure was silent. Appearing behind him, the law of space and the law of kendo came out together, and the power of the two laws turned into a long sword and slashed at him at the same time.

First, it suffered the god-level combat skills dominated by Bi Luo, and now it has endured Jian Chen's full-strength attack. This illusory figure was severely injured in an instant, and its body became very weak. The illusory figure that was supposed to be incomparably solid has now become A thin mist that seemed to dissipate at any moment.

However, just when Jian Chen wanted to continue to take action and completely obliterate this group of illusory figures, the phantom figure who had suffered heavy damage in front of him retreated like lightning, and instantly returned to the ancestor's mark, breathing the world, and suddenly there was a stream of essence from the ancestor. The imprint was sucked out by him.

And after receiving this energy supplement, his illusory body immediately began to recover quickly, and in just a few breaths before and after, he completely recovered as before.

Jian Chen and Bi Luo, who witnessed this scene with their own eyes, sank in their hearts.

The Biluo Master finally made the opponent weak at the cost of injury-for-injury, but the latter recovered in a blink of an eye. How can he fight?

"Retreat first!" Jian Chen snorted lowly, he dodged and appeared in front of Master Bi Luo, grabbed Master Bi Luo's shoulder and disappeared instantly, and had already left here.

The five illusory figures transformed by obsession did not pursue, and returned to sit cross-legged in front of the ancestor's mark, and then closed their eyes, as if they had entered the practice again, as if nothing had happened.

A hundred miles away, Jian Chen and Bi Luo dominated their breaths and stood there silently, their eyes locked tightly on the five illusory figures, their brows furrowed.

"They are not from our Wood Spirit clan." Suddenly, the master Bi Luo sent a voice transmission to Jian Chen.

"It really isn't." Jian Chen replied.

Lord Bi Luo suddenly turned his head to look at Jian Chen, his eyes flickering: "If I guess right, they should be from the same place as you, right?"

Without waiting for Jian Chen to speak, Master Bi Luo continued: "Jian Chen, don't try to fool us any more. A master with such a powerful strength and such mysterious means suddenly appeared in our Wood Spirit Realm, which is unusual in itself."

"Our Wood Spirit World is so big, it is impossible for a master to appear out of thin air for no reason."

"Besides, you have been seriously injured from the moment you appeared, which is even more unreasonable. Because of this kind of strength, no one in the wood spirit world can threaten you, and no one is qualified to make you suffer so badly. hurt."

"Don't bring out this statement caused by cultivation. As one of the three masters of the wood spirit world, I, Bi Luo, are not as stupid as I imagined."

"You and these people all come from the same place, am I right?" The Master Bi Luo stared at Jian Chen with piercing eyes.

Jian Chen turned his head to look at the master of Bi Luo, and said sternly: "You are right, I am indeed not a member of the Wood Spirit clan, I come from the Holy Realm, and these powerhouses transformed by obsession are also from the Holy Realm. people."

"Holy world? What is that place?" Bi Luo dominates his gaze.

"It's not the time to talk about this yet. If you want to know, I'll tell you after you go out. In short, you just need to understand that I don't have any ill will towards you." Jian Chen said.

Master Bi Luo took a deep look at Jian Chen, pondered a little, and stopped asking, but turned to look at the five figures in front of him.

"Their strength is very strong, but I don't know what realm their strength reached during their lifetime." Bi Luozhu said with a look of amazement.

"They have been dead for tens of thousands of years, and the obsessions left behind after their fall are so strong. The strength in front of these people is very likely to be in the realm of the beginning." Jian Chen looked awe-inspiring, looking ahead, Shen said: "We are not opponents in a head-on fight, and they rely on the imprint of the ancestors, which is equivalent to having an immortal body. Therefore, we can only outsmart."

"Go back a little bit, and I'll try to use the laws of space to take the ancestor's mark from the air."

Bi Luo dominated the figure and immediately retreated, and soon disappeared from sight. As soon as she left, Jian Chen immediately grabbed the void, the imprint of the ancestor, a hundred miles away.

Suddenly, the space around the Ancestral Mark was slightly distorted.

But at this moment, the five obsessions sitting around the ancestor's mark opened their eyes, and a huge coercion emanated from them, directly breaking Jian Chen's space law, making the surrounding of the ancestor mark. The space returned to calm.

Then, the five obsessions closed their eyes again.

A hundred miles away, Jian Chen's eyes flashed a strange light, and he secretly said in his heart, "It seems that they can't see things. They can only use their perception to detect movements within a certain range?"

After pondering for a moment, Jian Chen acted again, his figure suddenly disappeared, and appeared directly above the mark of the ancestor by teleporting, his palm stretched out and grabbed directly to the mark of the ancestor.


However, a loud noise came, and the five obsessions shot at the same time. Before Jian Chen's palm touched the mark of the ancestor, all the attacks of the five people hit Jian Chen.

Jian Chen groaned, and immediately spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his body was knocked out like a cannonball.

Those five obsessions chased after the victory, and they went straight to Jian Chen.

However, when they were far away from the Ancestral Ancestor Mark, they all stopped, stopped taking a step forward, and then returned to the Ancestral Ancestral Mark at the same time.

A hundred miles away, Jian Chen sat cross-legged in the void with a pale complexion, blood still remained on the corners of his mouth, and suffered a blow from five obsessions.

"At a distance of 10,000 feet, they won't be far away from the imprint of the ancestor?" Jian Chen stared at the five obsessions a hundred miles away, his brows furrowed tightly.

The distance of ten thousand feet is too short for a strong person like them, and it can be crossed at any time.

He had previously thought that if he couldn't do it, he would lead these five obsessions away, lead them far away with the plan of turning the tiger away from the mountain, and then turn around and return to take away the mark of the ancestor.

But now, this approach no longer works.

"Forget it, this ancestor's mark is gone, let's go another way." Jian Chen shook his head helplessly, and soon merged with the master of Bi Luo.

The master of Bi Luo was indeed hesitant, and said, "Jian Chen, if you want Life Soul Flower to grow at the fastest speed, you'd better collect some ancestor marks."

Jian Chen's expression was startled: "Could it be that this ancestor's mark can also help the growth of Life Soul Flower?"

The master of Bi Luo nodded: "The ancestor's mark contains powerful life energy, which can nourish all things. If it is used as a spawning material, then the ancestor's mark is naturally the best choice."

"In the world, there is no spawning material that can compare to the mark of the ancestors. It's just that no one is willing to waste it like this."

Jian Chen flipped his hand, and immediately a mark of the ancestor appeared in his hand. He looked at the master of Bi Luo: "How to use it?"

Looking at this ancestor's mark, Master Bi Luo shook his head and said: "You are the ancestor's mark of Zhong Ding Tianwang, which is stained with the primordial spirit of Zhong Ding Tianwang. For the ancestor's mark, it is a kind of master recognition, But it's also a kind of filth. Once it's filthy, it can't be used as a spawning material."

"In addition, once the ancestor's mark is recognized as the master, it cannot be changed for life. Therefore, the ancestor's mark of Zhong Ding Tianwang has no substantive effect in your hands."

"What you need is the purest ancestor imprint that does not recognize the master, has no filth, and only this ancestor imprint can be used as a spawning material."

Master Bi Luo explained to Jian Chen patiently.

"According to what you said, I have to get the ancestor's mark guarded by the five obsessions." Jian Chen had a headache. He had seen the power of the five obsessions, and it was equivalent to possessing immortality. Ability, difficult to deal with.

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