Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3346: Founder sacred treasure

The Master of Bi Luo pondered slightly and said: "The five obsessions are indeed very powerful. With my strength, I can barely hold one of them, and I can't kill them. But the Master of Blood Killing must have entered once. After passing here, the three marks of the ancestors that he suddenly added must have been obtained here."

"Since even the blood killing has a way to obtain the three ancestor marks in it, then we must also be able to. I just don't know what means the blood killing will use to deal with the remnants of the strong guards guarding the ancestor mark."

"In other words, not every ancestor imprint is surrounded by strong people who are obsessed with guardianship. If this is the case, then we can go to find those ancestor imprints that are not obsessively guarded."

Jian Chen shook his head and did not agree with the words of the master of Bi Luo, saying: "I'm afraid it is not as simple as you think, if I am not wrong, those strong obsessions must rely on the ancestor's imprint to continue to exist, if there is no more The ancestor's mark, their obsession is afraid that it will not be long before they will dissipate with the wind and completely dissipate between heaven and earth."

"So I guess that even if there are many ancestor marks in this labyrinth, there must be a similar strong obsession around each ancestor mark guarding it."

"You are so sure, but what's the basis?" The master of Bi Luo frowned. With just one ancestor mark, there are five strong obsessions that are not weaker than her.

In this labyrinth, there must be more than one ancestor imprint. If it is true as Jian Chen said, every ancestor imprint is guarded by the same strong obsession, then this is too scary.

After all, the power of every obsession is a figure that dominates the level of the wood spirit world, and now there are so many powerhouses that are comparable to the domination, which is incredible.

The most important point is that these are the products of obsession after the fall of the strong, and their strength during their lifetime must be even more terrifying.

The master of the blue sky, who knows nothing about the holy world, really can't imagine what kind of place it is, so many terrifying characters will be born.

"I know them better than you, they are too ancient, they are not characters of this era at all, they have existed here for too long. Under the erosion of such a long time, no obsession can be preserved until now. And they, He has survived until now." Jian Chen looked serious.

"Is the ancestor's imprint really so powerful? Can the obsession of the five powerhouses survive until now?" Bi Luo's eyes showed surprise.

"Maybe it's not entirely due to the mark of the ancestors, but it may also have something to do with this place." Jian Chen looked around, focusing on the walls of the labyrinth, and said, "If I'm not mistaken, we may be inside the ancestor's artifact now. , even if it is not inside the ancestor artifact, it must be related to the ancestor artifact."

"What did you say? We are now in the Ancestral Artifact?" The master of Bi Luo showed a look of astonishment, and suddenly thought of the green sun that always hangs in the sky of the Wood Spirit World.

"This is just my guess, maybe the real situation is not like this." Jian Chen said, with an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes.

He has the power of the curse of a saint, although the power of the curse was suppressed on his legs by his use of all the power of chaos, but the power of the curse was not removed, and he would not be able to return to his peak.

The power of this curse makes the Wind Venerable, who has become the supreme of heaven and earth, helpless.

The only way to break the power of the curse is to obtain the source of life, the supreme artifact of the Wood Spirit Race!

"It's a pity that the Ziqing sword spirit has fallen into a deep sleep and has not woken up yet. Otherwise, with their abilities, you can tell at a glance whether it is inside the supreme artifact." Jian Chen secretly said in his heart that he could only pass through the walls around the maze. , from the hardness of the material, it can be seen that it is at least a high-grade artifact. As for whether it is a supreme artifact, he has guesses, but he is not sure.

"I'm going to try the last method to see if I can deal with the obsessions of those powerhouses." Jian Chen said, and then once again left Yukong, where the powerhouse's five paths of powerhouse obsessions were.

Bi Luo dominates, and follows closely.

Soon, Jian Chen and Master Bi Luo returned to their old places, but this time they did not get too close, but kept at least ten thousand feet away from the obsession of the five powerhouses.

A pair of beautiful blue eyes stared at Jian Chen for a moment, wanting to see what other methods Jian Chen had.

However, at this moment, a powerful sword intent suddenly appeared. As soon as this sword intent appeared, the master of Bi Luo, who was standing beside him, was shocked and subconsciously retreated.

Just above Jian Chen's head, a mysterious sword aura emerged. It was only the size of a finger, emitting a blazing sword light, dazzling and dazzling, making the world pale.


In the next moment, Xuanjian Qi flew out, broke through space, crossed time, and appeared beside a strong obsession in an instant.

The five powerhouses' obsession opened their eyes at the same time, and subconsciously they were about to attack.

However, the Xuanjian Qi was faster than everything, and they didn't even have time to make a move. This Xuanjian Qi hit one of the strong obsessions.

There was no earth-shattering roar, and there was no turbulent energy storm. Xuanjian Qi silently entered one of the obsessions. The two forces seemed to collide violently. The body began to twist violently.

After a breath, the Xuanjian Qi disappeared, but the strong man who was hit by the Xuanjian Qi was obsessed, and the illusory body collapsed instantly, turning into a wisp of blue smoke and dispersing with the wind.

These obsessions are actually a kind of primordial spirit energy, and Xuanjian Qi is specifically aimed at primordial spirits, so it happens to be the nemesis of these obsessions.

The disappearance of the strong man's obsession suddenly made Jian Chen's eyes shine brightly, and a relieved smile appeared on his face.

The master of Bi Luo looked very complicated. She stared at Jian Chen tightly and said, "You still have this kind of trump card. How much do you still have?"

Jian Chen smiled and said: "Master Bi Luo, in your opinion, my hole card is actually some kind of powerful secret treasure?"

"Isn't it?" Bi Luo dominates his gaze.

"It's not really, because it's a secret technique that I cultivate. It can be replenished after consumption. In theory, it can be possessed indefinitely." Jian Chen smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Bi Luo's master was shocked, and his gaze towards Jian Chen had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The next moment, another mysterious sword energy was sent out, once again defeating a strong obsession.

In an instant, there were only three of the five strong obsessions guarding around the Ancestral Mark.

"Find a safe place to rest, I need to recover." After using two mysterious sword energy, Jian Chen did not shoot again, but left here with Master Bi Luo, sitting cross-legged a hundred miles away.

He only has three lines of profound sword energy now, but every time he uses one line of profound sword energy, it will consume a lot of his primordial energy. Once all three lines of profound sword energy are exhausted, he will also become weak and have no power Use the power of the law, which will put him in danger.

Therefore, he can only use two profound sword qi at most.

A hundred miles away, Jian Chen sat cross-legged in the void, his eyes closed, and from time to time he took out some treasures or medicinal pills to swallow.

These are all things that restore the power of the primordial spirit, and they are all possessed by him after he became the master of the peace domain. Although the grade is not very high, it is better than nothing.

Opposite, Master Bi Luo is also sitting cross-legged in the void, staring at Jian Chen strangely, as if he is looking at a new thing, full of curiosity.

Mixed in it, there is a touch of solemnity.

Jian Chen was an outsider, not a member of the Wood Spirit clan, so Bi Luo Jumin, who had been in contact with outsiders for the first time, was obviously full of doubts. But when she thought of Jian Chen's strength, she was full of fear again.

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