Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3351: Primordial Spirit Recovery (4)

After a hundred years away, when he returned to the Wood Spirit Realm again, the relationship between Jian Chen and the Master Bi Luo was no longer as unfamiliar as it once was.

Even the eyes of the two of them were not as cold as they were a hundred years ago, but a little softer.

Mixed in it, there are some complex colors.

Although the two of them have never had any physical contact, the Primordial Spirit has been frankly facing each other, which is equivalent to a collision not in the body, but in the spirit.

After experiencing that wonderful contact, the two of them now have no idea what kind of relationship it is today.

Jian Chen fixed his gaze on the master of the blue sky. After a brief silence, it seemed that he finally found his words and said, "We were all forcibly teleported out by the power in the labyrinth. It seems that we can only stay in it for a hundred years at a time."

Lord Bi Luo's eyes dodged a little, and he said absent-mindedly: "Since we came out, the Lord of Blood Killing must have also been teleported. What are your plans next? Are you joining forces with me to kill the Lord of Blood Killing?"

Jian Chen shook his head: "I don't care about Blood Killing Lord anymore, I want to enter the labyrinth again, and I will first heal the wounds on my Primordial Spirit. Besides, it is easy for us to defeat Blood Killing now, but if we want to kill him He is still struggling, I don't want to waste too much time on him, he's not worth it for me to waste too much energy on him."

Having said this, Jian Chen's tone paused, and he said to the master of Bi Luo with a stern face: "You now have twelve ancestor marks, although the realm lags behind the master of blood killing, but the overall strength is already comparable to the master of blood killing, he I can't threaten you anymore."

"In the future, I'll have to trouble you to help me take care of things in Hepingyu." After speaking, Jian Chen took out the temple that cultivated the Flower of Life and Soul, and called out Dou Tianzhu.

"If the two of you join forces, it will be easy to resist the Lord of Blood Killing."

Jian Chen kept Dou Tianzhu, and in a hundred years, Dou Tianzhu's cultivation base has been restored to seven to eighty-eight with the help of a large number of heaven and earth treasures.

"Jian Chen, in fact, I can go in with you to help you. With my help, your Primordial Spirit will recover faster." Master Bi Luo said with courage.

Jian Chen shook his head and said, "I will be more careful when I enter this time, and I won't let the Blood Killing Master mix in, lest he gain any good fortune in it."

"Then if he stays in the Wood Spirit Realm, someone must restrain him. Otherwise, when we return a hundred years later, the Wood Spirit Realm will not know what it will be like."

"This time, I want to go in alone." Jian Chen's tone was firm.

The master of Bi Luo sighed slightly in his heart, and said somewhat disappointedly: "Then you wait for me for three days, and I will go to the Biyang realm to find you some heavenly treasures and medicinal pills to restore the power of the primordial spirit. Dou Tianzhu, you too Unleash the power of your Taitian Realm and prepare as many such resources as possible."

"Since it is needed by fellow Daoist Jian Chen, then this old man will naturally collect it with all his strength." Lord Dou Tian almost assured with a pat on his chest.

Three days later, Master Bi Luo and Master Dou Tian had indeed found a large amount of treasures and medicinal pills for Jian Chen, all of which had the effect of restoring the power of the primordial spirit.

Next, Jian Chen began to search for the space transmission channel to enter the labyrinth in the entire peace domain. As for the blood-killing master, he had completely left behind him.

Under Jian Chen's day and night's search, this time, it took him only three years to find a hidden, extremely deep space transmission channel again.

A look of joy appeared in Jian Chen's eyes, and then he immediately carefully searched this space to prevent the Blood Killing Lord from hiding nearby with the help of the Escape God Armor.

After confirming that the Lord of Blood Killing was not nearby, he hid a next spar in the void, and the figure instantly disappeared into the space transmission channel.

Not long after he entered the channel, the spar exploded, and a powerful aftermath of energy raged, instantly destroying the space transmission channel. This space transmission channel is extremely fragile, and any small movement can easily destroy it.

As for Jian Chen, it was no accident that he came to the labyrinth again.

This time he entered, he came well prepared. Not only did he have all the Life Soul Flowers cultivated by Heping Domain, but even the Life Soul Flowers cultivated by Doutian Master and Bi Luo Master were brought in by him on the eighth floor.

At this moment, the number of life and soul flowers gathered on him has already exceeded 10,000. The only drawback is that the grade is not high, and a large number of ancestor marks are needed to spawn.

Next, Jian Chen began to search for the mark of the ancestor in the labyrinth.

"Jian Chen's breath disappeared?"

In Heping Domain, in an underground area, the Blood Killer Lord is restraining his breath and carefully hiding in it. Suddenly, his face suddenly changed, his body soared into the sky, and he didn't care about consuming it. Under the cover of the Escape God Armor, he quickly arrived at the position where Jian Chen had disappeared.

However, when he felt the spar energy still remaining in the sky and the earth, he instantly understood what was going on, and his face immediately turned ashen.

"Sure enough, he went in again. Damn, how could he find the entrance so easily? Back then, it took thousands of years for me to find these entrances, even tens of thousands of years to find them once, but he only used them. Three years." The Blood Killing Master clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

For the past three years, he has been secretly observing Jian Chen, trying to enter the labyrinth through Jian Chen again, but all his efforts have been abandoned, which made him very angry.

The Master of Blood Killing stood there for a while, and finally a pair of angry eyes turned to the direction of Biyang Realm, and his murderous intention was immediately revealed. In the next moment, his figure disappeared.

Not long after, Bi Yangjie, outside the shrine dominated by Bi Luo.

Suddenly, a powerful momentum came from the sky and covering the earth, and I saw the blood-killing master coming to Biyang Shrine in person, exuding a monstrous killing intent.

"Hahaha, without Jian Chen to help you, I have to see what else you have to fight with me, Bi Luo, Dou Tian, ​​get out and die!" The Blood Killing Master laughed loudly, his voice like thunder, in the heaven and earth There was an explosion, and it spread throughout most of the Biyang Realm.

"It's the blood-killing master who committed the crime"

"Has the Lord of Peace already left? There is a lot of trouble now. Without the Lord of Peace, can the Lord of Biluo and Lord of Doutian really stop the Lord of Blood Killing?"

Immediately, the Biyang Realm was shaken, and everyone realized that the battle of domination, which had been quiet for a hundred years, was about to start again, which cast a haze in many people's hearts.

On the opposite side, the figures of Bi Luo and Dou Tian appeared, staring coldly at the Blood Killing Lord.

"Dou Tian, ​​last time I let you escape by luck, but this time, I want to see who else can save you." The Blood Killing Master's eyes fell on the Dou Tian Master. God Sovereign is undoubtedly the weakest person, and also the best one to kill.

The next moment, he instantly appeared in front of Dou Tianzhu, holding a mid-grade divine weapon long sword, and a powerful energy wave erupted directly to Dou Tianzhu.

However, Lord Biluo suddenly blocked in front of Lord Doutian, also holding a divine sword, swaying a thousand zhang sword beam to tear the void, and collided with the Lord of Blood Killing in an instant.


There was a roar in the sky, and the terrifying aftermath of energy was raging everywhere, and the body of the blood-killing master was actually repelled by the sword of the master of the blue sky, and it went back three feet in the void.

The Blood Killing Master was stunned for a while, he stared at the Biluo Master with an incredible face, and exclaimed in uncontrollable exclamation: "How is this possible, this seat of the Primordial Primordial Three-layer Heaven has the strength of the eight ancestors to help, how can it be You repulsed with a sword? This is impossible"

"Hmph, Lord of Blood Killing, open your dog's eyes and see, in this wood spirit world, it's not your turn to be reckless." Lord Biluo snorted coldly, and the next moment, a layer of bright green light enveloped her.

I saw that above her head, twelve ancestor marks were suspended, as if echoing the ancestor artifact above the sky.

When he saw the twelve ancestor marks on the head of the master of Bi Luo, the master of blood killing was instantly dumbfounded, and his eyes almost popped out.

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