Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3352: Primordial Spirit Restoration (5)

The twelve ancestor marks on the top of Bi Luo's head were suspended, and his eyes were cold and staring at the blood-killing ruler.

On the opposite side, the Lord of Blood Killing was sluggish, staring at the Lord of Biluo stupidly, in a state of loss of soul.

Suddenly, the world became quiet, as if the air was frozen, time stood still, and everything was frozen at this moment.

After a few breaths, the Blood Killing Master seemed to finally come to his senses, he stared at the Biluo Master with a frightened expression, and said tongue-tied: "Your... your... your ancestor. Where did the mark come from?"

Bi Luo dominated with a sneer: "Where did my ancestor imprint come from, don't you already know it in your heart, why do you ask it knowingly."

"No, it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible." The blood-killing ruler lost his mind, and his face was full of disbelief. He knew better than anyone how difficult it was to obtain the ancestor's mark, because that labyrinth, he Went in more than once.

There are strong men obsessively guarding each ancestor mark, which is difficult to deal with. If there is no special means, they cannot even be killed.

It took him a hundred years to enter this time, and he used a lot of recovery-like pills, but he paid a lot of money and failed to get a mark of the ancestors.

As a result, the master of Bi Luo added seven ancestor marks after entering only once, which made him unacceptable.

The Blood Killing Lord Yangtian roared, as if he had been greatly stimulated.

This time, the master of Biluo and the master of Doutian joined forces to fight against the enemy, especially the master of Biluo. The twelve ancestor marks have enhanced her too much combat power. Even if she is fighting alone with the master of blood killing, she can still have the upper hand. .

Now there is another Doutian Master around, and with the cooperation of the two, they directly suppressed the mighty Blood Killing Master.

The three masters fought for three days and three nights, and finally ended with a **** killing of the masters.

The wood spirit world has returned to tranquility.

In the blink of an eye, fifty years have passed since Jian Chen entered the labyrinth for the second time. During these fifty years, the treasures he brought from outside were rapidly depleting, and then he brought him There have been harvests of ancestor marks one after another.

Today, Jian Chen did not search for the imprint of the ancestors in the labyrinth as usual, but entered the temple, sat cross-legged on the edge of a spiritual field, and looked at the flower of life and soul that had just broken through to the highest quality of sanctification. A faint smile appeared on his face.

"This is already the third batch of life and soul flowers. If nothing else, this batch of life and soul flowers should restore my profound sword energy to the fourth." All the Life Soul Flowers were collected, and then quickly refined into droplets of juice.

After that, Jian Chen left the temple and explored the labyrinth alone.

Now, he has completely ignored where this maze leads to, what secrets are hidden, and has not thought about where the exit is. He has completely regarded this place as a feng shui treasure for collecting the marks of the ancestors.

When Jian Chen turned into a passage again, his vision suddenly brightened, and what appeared in front of him was a huge open space, no longer a single-color passage.

That feeling, as if he finally got out of the labyrinth and came to the center.

However, when Jian Chen's gaze swept to the open space in front of him, his entire body froze instantly, his facial expression turned petrified, and only one pair of eyes looked forward with shock.

Because in this open space ahead, there are a lot of ancestor marks floating.

No, to be precise, it is no longer appropriate to call them the mark of the ancestors. Because the ancestor's mark is condensed and separated one by one.

However, what I saw in front of me was a whole lot!

A whole large piece of the breath of the Supreme Divine Artifact floated in mid-air like a thick cloud of smoke, dense and thick, almost substantive.

If the ancestor's mark is a drop of water, then what appears in front of you is a small lake.

As for how many drops of clear water are in the small lake, it is difficult to estimate.

The aura of power that suddenly appeared in a large piece of Supreme Divine Artifact directly shocked Jian Chen to the point where he couldn't help himself.

Because not only is there a huge amount of supreme divine artifact aura here, but most importantly, there are no strong people obsessively guarding it!

"There is no strong obsession, doesn't it mean that all the ancestor marks that exist here can be collected arbitrarily?" Huge joy has filled Jian Chen's heart.

However, he was not carried away by the interests, forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and quickly checked the surroundings.

After confirming that there was no danger, he immediately walked into the aura of this group of supreme artifacts, took out the temple where Life Soul Flower was cultivated, opened the door, and began to frantically absorb the aura here.

Suddenly, a huge vortex appeared in the center of this empty place, and the breath of the supreme artifact staying here was madly swallowed by the temple like a long whale sucking water.

This time, it is no longer one by one, but a large piece, and it is endless and endless.

All the breaths of the supreme artifact that were absorbed entered the spiritual fields.

The spiritual field cultivated this time is no longer a separate piece, but all the spiritual fields are watered at the same time.

The strong breath enveloped every life soul flower, causing the life soul flower to grow wildly at a speed that surpassed before.

In the temple, next to Lingtian, the smile on Jian Chen's face did not decrease in the slightest, on the contrary, it became thicker and thicker. At this moment, the excitement in his heart could no longer be described in words.

Under the aura of the Supreme Divine Artifact, it took only three years for all the life and soul flowers on Jian Chen to be transformed into the top-grade saint, and the aura that exists here has not completely dissipated.

Jian Chen didn't stop, and continued to water his breath, trying to cultivate some god-level life and soul flowers.

However, he soon discovered that after the Life Soul Flower has transformed into a top-grade saint, no matter how much water it is watered, no matter how much breath it absorbs, it is difficult to grow to a god-level quality.

"God-level and holy-level are a kind of qualitative change. The limit of these breaths can only give birth to the best holy-level quality. If you want to produce god-level quality, I am afraid you need to use a higher level of energy." Jian Chen immediately understood. The reason for this is that he immediately gave up the idea of ​​giving birth to god-level qualities, and collected all the treasures of heaven and earth.

At this moment, there is only a little bit of the supreme divine artifact aura that pervades this open land.

Perhaps because the number is too small, it is difficult to stick to each other into a cloud pile. After that, the breath of this small piece of Supreme Divine Artifact began to separate on its own, and soon formed the marks of the ancestors.

There are more than 150 courses in total!

More than one hundred ancestor marks, if this is placed in the wood spirit world, it is absolutely unimaginable.

You must know that all the marks of the ancestors that exist in the wood spirit world today only add up to only more than thirty.

Jian Chen picked up an ancestor's imprint, immediately merged into a wisp of primordial spirit to recognize the master, and then carefully understood the changes brought about by the ancestor's imprint.

"The mark of the ancestor contains the power of the law, which seems to be the law of wood and the law of life. Anyone who understands these two laws, the mark of the ancestor can slightly improve their combat effectiveness. But I did not understand these two laws, so the ancestors The ability of the imprint to increase strength is useless to me."

"As for its ability to heal wounds, it is also through the connection with the supreme artifact of the Wood Spirit Tribe, it is only a trace of the power of the supreme artifact, and it is also self-replenishing by absorbing the energy scattered by the supreme artifact."

"Once you are far away from the supreme artifact, or are not in the same world as the supreme artifact, this so-called ancestor mark will soon dissipate."

After some research, Jian Chen soon discovered that the mark of the ancestor was almost useless to him, and the greatest value could only be used as a spawn.

"Aura can give birth to the treasures of heaven and earth, so can the supreme artifact itself also give birth to treasures of heaven and earth? Breath can give birth to the best of saints, so can the supreme artifact of the Wood Spirit clan itself be able to give birth to the gods of heaven and earth? Where is the treasure?" In Jian Chen's heart, his expectations for the source of life for the supreme artifact became stronger and stronger.

"It doesn't matter, first restore the primordial spirit!" Jian Chen collected more than 150 ancestor marks and began to refine the life soul flower.

This time, there are more than 10,000 Life Soul Flowers that have been promoted to the best saint level, and they are also all of his inventory.

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