Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3354: Cultivation master plan

When talking about the outside world, Bi Luo Master's eyes showed a look of curiosity and anticipation.

"Is it the outside world? Since you want to know, it's okay to tell you. After all, you will leave here sooner or later." Jian Chen nodded in agreement. After that, he selectively informed Bi Luo Lord about the situation of the Holy Realm. , so that she has a clear understanding of the outside world.

There is a lot of content. Jian Chen told the story for three days and three nights. The master of Bi Luo was fascinated by it. He looked like he had discovered a new continent, and he was full of curiosity about everything.

"Lingxian clan? You mean that our ancestors were separated from the Lingxian clan?" Bi Luo asked with a look of surprise.

"Yes, no. Because when your Wood Spirit Realm separated from the group, the Spirit Immortal clan had not yet formed. At that time, the various clans in the Spirit Immortal Realm still existed in the form of alliances. Until the end, due to the pressure of survival, the various clans in the Spirit Immortal Realm still existed in the form of alliances. The clans united, abandoned the concept of their own racial strength, and became a clan of spirits."

"But at that time, your Wood Spirit Race was no longer in the group, but divided into two separate groups. Your Wood Spirit Realm should be one of them, as for the other." Speaking of this, Jian Chen lightly nodded. He sighed and said, "The other one, because it should have been destroyed by Wangulou. Because the supreme artifact they took away back then has already fallen into the hands of Wangulou."

The master of Bi Luo looked sad. She already knew from Jian Chen how powerful Wangulou was, and she couldn't help feeling sad for the other part of the tribe who were in distress.

"In this wood spirit world, you are members of the wood spirit clan, but once you leave this world, you are members of the spirit fairy clan."

"I also have a lot of origins with the Spirit Immortals of the Holy Realm, so for your Wood Spirit Race, I am not an enemy."

Jian Chen stared at the master of Bi Luo with piercing eyes, and said with a serious face: "This world is too small after all, if you stay here alone, your future achievements are extremely limited. Therefore, as long as you are willing, when I leave here in the future. , I will take you away together, and personally send you to the Lingxian family."

"Although the Lingxian clan used to be a big clan in the holy world, their internal strength was empty. The Lingxian clan at that time might not have been absolutely safe, but it is different now."

"Because now, the Lingxian clan has already given birth to the supreme, and no one in the holy world dares to provoke any power that has the supreme authority, and is supreme. Under such a good situation, if you return to the clan, it will be for all of you. , are all beneficial and harmless.”

"The holy world is a big stage, and this spirit world is only a small place after all."

"This matter is not urgent, I have to think about it." Bi Luo's expression changed for a while, and her mood fluctuated violently. The information she could get from Jian Chen was too huge, and she didn't have time to digest it for a while.

The information she heard from Jian Chen had completely overturned her perception of the world.

Jian Chen nodded, did not continue to speak, and gave enough time for the master of Bi Luo to digest.

After a while, Master Bi Luo raised his head, looked at Jian Chen with a complicated expression, and said, "After your injury has fully recovered, will you leave here?"

"Yes." Jian Chen said without hesitation.

Bi Luo dominated a moment of silence.

"There is a stone gate in the labyrinth. This stone gate requires nine people from the Primordial Realm to open. I want to enter it, so during this time, I plan to train a few experts from the Primordial Realm to come out." Jian Chen said.

"It's not that easy to cultivate a master-level powerhouse. Even if you have the imprint of the ancestors, it will be as difficult as reaching the sky. Otherwise, the nine kings in the wood spirit world will not be blocked for so many years." Biluo dominates Qingqing Shake his head lightly.

"Of course I have a way. However, I don't have a suitable candidate. You know all the powerhouses in the Wood Spirit World very well, so I hope you can choose some trustworthy candidates for me." Jian Chen said, those in the maze The experience made Bi Luo dominate the invisible, and became the most trusted person in the wood spirit world.

"How many people do you need to train?" said the master of Bi Luo.

"There are still seven people, and the cultivation base must be at least the Nine Heavens of the Promise Beginning Realm." Jian Chen said.

"Seven people?" Master Bi Luo gave Jian Chen a meaningful look before leaving: "I will select seven suitable candidates for you as soon as possible."

"It's time to work." Jian Chen clasped his fists politely. It is very easy to find a few Wujijie Jiuzhongtian in the wood spirit world.

But picking people who are a good fit in every way is not as simple as it seems.

Because since we want to cultivate the Primordial Primordial Realm, we need to consider not only talent, but also personal character.

Otherwise, once a large number of resources are smashed and the opponent is successfully trained to the Primordial Primordial Realm, only to find that this person is a rebel and his ambitions are too large to control, then the gains will outweigh the losses.

Although Jian Chen never intended to control anyone, he still had to take precautions when it came to the important event of the Supreme Divine Artifact.

As soon as the master of Bi Luo returned, he chose the right person for Jian Chen in the entire Wood Spirit Realm, while Jian Chen stayed in the Peace Realm to restore his primordial spirit.

In the world, there is no impermeable force, and the news that the Peace Lord wants to cultivate the Lord spread like wildfire, and soon spread among the upper circles of the Wood Spirit World.

"Master Master, villain, please say you want to train a new master?" On this day, Zhong Ding appeared in front of Jian Chen, he bent down, and said respectfully.

Jian Chen, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes, and he glanced at Tianwang Zhongding indifferently and indifferently: "Not bad!"

Zhong Ding's eyes suddenly showed a hot color, and his posture was lower, and he said almost servilely: "Master Master, the villain is willing to do my best for the master. From now on, everything will be dispatched by the master, I just ask the master to give the villain one. Chance."

"You are not the right person, go down and do what you need to do." Jian Chen's tone was flat.

Zhong Ding's heart was very anxious, and there was a trace of unwillingness in his eyes, and he said quickly: "Master Master, the villain has been conscientious and dedicated all these years, serving the peace domain wholeheartedly, the villain is ignorant, I don't know what the villain can do to let the master The adults are not satisfied, and I hope the Lord Master will inform them.”

"You have done a good job these years, and you have not let me down. But I will not train you." Jian Chen said.

"Master Master, I don't know why?" Zhong Ding felt resentment in his heart. The realm of **** is a dream realm for all powerhouses in the Promise Realm.

Now there is an opportunity to achieve dominion, but he has no chance to get it, which makes him very unwilling.

"Presumptuous!" Jian Chen's face sank, and a majestic momentum suddenly erupted, like a huge mountain that instantly pressed down on Zhong Ding.

Zhong Ding only felt his body sink, and his knees knelt down involuntarily, smashing his kneecaps.

In addition, there is a force of restraint formed by the law of space, which firmly imprisoned him there, and even his fingers are not afraid to move.

"How is this possible? In just two hundred years, the strength of the Peace Lord has become so powerful." Zhong Ding was shocked for a while.

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