Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3555: show loyalty

On the opposite side, Jian Chen stared at Zhong Ding with icy eyes, and said coldly: "Zhong Ding, you seem to have forgotten one thing, you came to me to do things in peace, and it was you who asked me to seek my protection. , not I invited you to come. Although you have been conscientious and dedicated to the peace domain all these years, these are your duties and you should do them. "

"If you can't even do this little thing well, or you're going to ask me for compensation for these things, then what's the use of me asking you?"

"What's more, at this moment, you still want me to train you to be the master. Hmph, Zhong Ding, you are too complacent, and you don't even have any self-knowledge?"

After speaking, Jian Chen's tone became more and more severe.

Zhong Ding's face was pale, his heart trembled, and he said quickly: "Master Master, please calm down, it's the villain who is wrong, it's the villain who is wrong, the villain's words are inappropriate, but there is nothing wrong in his heart, I hope the master will forgive the villain. Once, give the villain a chance to correct his mistakes."

Jian Chen's expression did not change in the slightest, his eyes were still cold, and he said: "Zhong Ding, if you don't want to stay in Peace Domain, you can leave at any time, and I will never stop you. But if you still want to stay here, Then you have to get your position right."

"Today's affairs have been revealed, but the next one is not an example, you go down." Jian Chen waved his hand, and Zhong Ding saluted respectfully, and then cautiously retreated.

Just after Zhong Ding left, Bai Yueye, a member of Bai Di's family, walked in cautiously from outside. She looked nervous, lowered her head, tiptoed, and did not dare to let out a sigh of air, and then bowed respectfully to Jian Chen: "Junior Bai Yueye , meet the Lord Lord!"

As soon as he saw Bai Yueye, Jian Chen couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and his eyes became gentle. When he first came to the Wood Spirit Realm, the one who had the most contact with him was Bai Yueye. Not only was this girl kind-hearted, but when she was in Destiny Valley, she even greeted herself and won Jian Chen's favor.

After he became the master, he also cultivated Bai Yueye, so the current Bai Yueye's strength has already undergone earth-shaking changes compared to the past.

"Yueye, didn't you say it a long time ago, you don't have to be so cautious when you see me in the future, and you can just call me by my name." Jian Chen said with a smile.

"Junior, how dare you do this?" Bai Yueye panicked in her heart and called out the Lord by his name. In the eyes of a small person like her, it was something she couldn't imagine.

Jian Chen did not entangle with Bai Yueye, but waved his hand, and immediately an ancestor imprint floated in front of Bai Yueye, giving Bai Yueye an ancestor imprint directly.

"Master Master, this is this?" Looking at the imprint of the ancestor floating in front of him, Bai Yueye's pupils shrank, revealing a look of surprise.

"The mark of the ancestor, I gave it to you."

Next, Jian Chen called Bai Yurou and Chu Tianxing again, one of whom gave them a mark of the ancestor.

Xia Jianming was no exception, and he also got one from Jian Chen.

He still has more than 100 ancestor marks on his body. These ancestor marks are not very useful to him, and they are naturally used to cultivate the people around him.

In an instant, on the side of the Peace Palace, there were several more Wood Spirit people with the imprint of the ancestors.

Of course, although they have the imprint of the ancestors, they can't be called Heavenly King-level powerhouses. If you want to become a king, you must be in the realm of the Infinite Beginning Realm, and you must add the imprint of the ancestor.

Both are indispensable.

But after having the ancestor's mark, they have improved a lot in terms of combat effectiveness and recovery ability, and they already have the ability to leapfrog combat.

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed. In the past half month, there are many Beginning Realm powerhouses who came to Hepingyu to visit, not only the well-known powerhouses of the Nine Great Emperor City of Peaceful Domain, but also Taitianjie and Bi There are people from all over the Central Boundary.

These people have different strengths, high and low, but the most numerous are those who are in the Eighth Heaven or Nine Heavens of the Promise Realm. They express their love to Jian Chen openly and secretly, expressing their loyalty with sincerity, and only hope that they can Get a chance to develop into a master.

Although many people think this is ridiculous, how can the master say that it can be cultivated by cultivation.

But this level has blocked them for countless years, and as long as there is a certain amount of hope, they do not want to miss it.

One percent dominates, soars, and status will undergo earth-shaking changes. In the face of such a huge temptation, few people can stand it.

But without exception, these people were all ruthlessly rejected by Jian Chen, waiting for the reply from the master of Bi Luo.

Finally, after a few more days passed, Master Bi Luo came to the Peace Palace and handed over the seven places he carefully selected to Jian Chen.

"I have combed through all the Wujijiu Jiuzhongtian in the wood spirit world. These seven people are the most reliable and credible. Of course, there are no absolutes. After all, people's hearts will change, and what will they become in the future? In this way, I can't guarantee it like you." Master Bi Luo said with a serious face.

Jian Chen nodded. He naturally understood the truth. He immediately picked up the quota and read it, and then handed it over to Xia Jianming, saying, "Xia Jianming, let the seven of them come to my Peace Palace as soon as possible."

"Yes, Master!" Xia Jianming quickly retreated with the list.

Seeing Jian Chen being so decisive, Master Bi Luo felt very uneasy in his heart: "You are taking too much risk like this, it's just a big gamble, once you spend a lot of resources to cultivate them to Master, but they are not under your control, then you will lose more than your gains. ."

"I understand your concern, but if I want to open that stone gate, I have no choice. Besides, your Wood Spirit Clan is a Spirit Immortal clan, so if I do this, I am helping the Spirit Immortal clan." Jian Chen said, with With his relationship with Venerable Feng and Shen Jian, he doesn't mind helping the Lingxian clan cultivate a few Primordial Priests.

"Are you in such a hurry to enter that stone gate because of the injury on your leg?" Master Bi Luo glanced at Jian Chen's legs that were always crossed, and whispered softly.

"Not bad!" Jian Chen did not deny it.

"I will do my best to help you." Leaving those words, Bi Luo Lord turned and left.

Soon after, there were seven more powerhouses in the Nine Heavens of Promise Realm in the Peace Palace.

These seven people came from all over the Wood Spirit Realm, including the high-ranking Heavenly King-level powerhouses, the subordinates of Doutian and Biluo, and some of the ancestors of the top forces who separated the same place.

At this moment, they all stood in front of Jian Chen with a respectful look on their faces, with expressions of excitement and suspicion.

Apparently, they had been invited and had realized something in their hearts.

"Master Master, do you really have a way to let us step into the realm of domination?" The speaker was a Heavenly King-level powerhouse, the Unchaotic Heavenly King!

Among the seven Nine Heavens, there are two Heavenly Kings, the Unchaotic Heavenly King and the Dead Wood Heavenly King respectively!

Jian Chen sat cross-legged on the throne of the ruler, looking down at the seven people below, and his words were flat: "If I dare to call you over, then I will be sure. However, I have one condition, that is you. Once the seven people become the masters, then before I leave the wood spirit world, you all have to listen to me."

"Leaving the Wood Spirit World? Lord Master, this old man really doesn't understand?" The King of the Dead Wood opened his mouth with a look of surprise on his face.

The other six Promise Realm Nine Heavenly Powerhouses were also puzzled.

"The Wood Spirit Realm is just a small place, there is a wider world outside the Wood Spirit Realm, so I will leave here sooner or later. Don't ask too much, you will know some things sooner or later, and now I just want to know, Regarding my conditions, are you willing or not?" Jian Chen said.

Hearing this, the seven powerhouses of the Nine Heavens in the Promise Realm looked at each other.

Wood Spirit World is just a small place?

Is there a wider world outside?

Hearing these words really shocked them.

But in the end, they couldn't resist the temptation to become the masters, and after a short period of weighing, they all made decisions.

"The old man promised, as long as he can become the master, in the wood spirit world, the old man will be sent by the peace master"

"I also promised below"

"If you become the master, the old man will let him send you"

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