Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3378: 100,000 Years Promise

Venerable Feng nodded slowly, his words were flat, not in a hurry: "Yes, I really do it for Jian Chen." Speaking of which, he paused: "He has a trace of the power of the curse of the emperors of the past, this trace There is nothing I can do about the power of the curse, and I can only think of two ways to defuse this power of the curse."

"The first is to find a Supreme Venerable who has comprehended the law of curse to the extreme. Naturally, he can easily dissolve the power of the curse in Jian Chen's body. It's just the Supreme Venerable who has comprehended the law of curse to the extreme. There is no such person in the entire holy world. ."

"The second is to purify with the source of life of the Wood Spirit Race. Therefore, the old man sent him to you."

Qi Ling frowned: "I am weak now, far less powerful than in the heyday, and I have no ability to dissolve the trace of the curse in his body. After all, that is the power of a saint, even if it is only a little bit, it is very difficult to purify."

"You choose Jian Chen as the master, so you can use your source to purify the power of the curse," said Venerable Feng.

"No, absolutely not. It is absolutely impossible for me to choose Jian Chen as the master. I would rather die than obey." Qi Ling said decisively, even in the face of a Taizun, it did not give in.

"The source of life, since the old man has come forward in person, do you think you still have a choice in this matter?" Venerable Feng's tone was still very flat, but there was already an undisguised expression in his words. threaten.

"What do you want to do?" The tool spirit jumped up like a cat that stepped on its tail, staring at Venerable Feng from a distance, and exclaimed: "Jian Chen, he is People from the Holy Realm, and I am the top artifact of the Spiritual Immortal Realm, how can you, as the Supreme Being of the Spiritual Immortal Realm, hand over the top artifact of your own world to others."

"You, you, you are a traitor, this is a betrayal"

Venerable Feng shook his head and said, "Jian Chen is not from the Holy Realm. Strictly speaking, he should belong to the Immortal Realm."

"Even if it is the Immortal Realm, what does it have to do with our Wood Spirit Clan? I don't recognize him as the master. He doesn't have the qualifications." The source of life said coldly and arrogantly.

"The entire ethnic group of our Lingxian family owes Jian Chen a huge favor. Because of Jian Chen, he changed the fate and status of our entire ethnic group. Therefore, any matter or trouble with him, our Lingxian clan is due to Do your best to help him." Venerable Feng said.

"Our Wood Spirit Clan does not belong to your Spirit Immortal Clan. What does your Spirit Immortal Clan have to do with the Wood Spirit Clan?" Qi Ling remained unmoved.

"Wrong, your Wood Spirit Clan is actually a Spirit Immortal clan, because only by summarizing the Spirit Immortal Clan and relying on the protection of the big tree of the Spirit Immortal Clan can the bloodline of the Wood Spirit Clan continue to continue." Venerable Feng's eyes were deep. Looking deeply at the source of life, he said, "Do you know the ending of the scepter of life now? It has already fallen into the hands of the two thieves in Wangulou."

"Perhaps you don't know Wangulou, but you only need to understand one thing, that is the controller of Wangulou, a member of the Darkstar Clan."

"What? Are they from the Dark Star Clan?" When he heard the Dark Star Clan, the tool spirit frowned: "Impossible, the entire Dark Star Clan has been locked in a small world, and they cannot appear in the outside world."

"In the world, nothing is impossible. After all, the Dark Star Clan has also appeared supreme. If you really want to use all your strength to send people out, it is not impossible. Because the old man sensed a dark star in them. The power of the family's luck."

"Is the strength of Wangulou very strong?" Qiling's face became solemn, because their Wood Spirit Clan and Dark Star Clan were mortal enemies.

"The second head of the Wangu Building is an unintentional boy, and the cultivation of the Eighth Heaven of the Supreme Beginning Realm is nothing to worry about. But the owner of Wangu Building, this person is really not simple, he is very good at hiding himself, and the world thinks that his strength is only It is stronger than the ordinary Nine Heavens, and it is even classified as an ordinary Nine Heavens."

"But no one knows that the real strength of the owner of Wangu Building is not weaker than any holy monarch in the holy world, and even stronger than some holy monarchs."

"After all, he is a person with the luck of the Dark Star Clan. It is difficult to think of such a character."

"Of course, although the owner of Wangu Building is very powerful, he is still not as good as the old man. Before the old man became the supreme, he looked at the six realms. Under the supreme, except for the holy beast king of the fairy world, the old man is invincible."

Hearing this, the expression of the tool spirit became heavy: "Then why didn't you kill him? He is a member of the Dark Star Clan?"

"In the eyes of this old man, there is no difference between the Dark Star Clan and your Wood Spirit Clan, and the grievances between your two clans have nothing to do with other races. If the two thieves did not harm the Spirit Immortal Clan, this old man would not even bother to pay attention to them."

"The source of life, you have now exposed, because you should understand that with the current strength of the Wood Spirit Race, if there is no backing, it is absolutely impossible to escape the evil hands of those two thieves."

"Now, you have a very good choice, that is to follow Jian Chen. From now on, the Wood Spirit Clan will be covered by the old man. As long as the old man is still there, even if the Dark Star Clan escapes in the future, the Wood Spirit Clan will not be hurt. One cent, one cent." Venerable Feng looked solemn and immediately made a promise.

"No, it's impossible for me to follow a foreigner, please don't force me." The source of life shook his head violently, still not following, his heart of resistance was very strong.

"The old man said whatever, because he didn't want to use force for the sake of the same clan, but you are stubborn. The source of life, are you forcing the old man to do something to you?" Venerable Feng seemed to be angry, his eyes It suddenly became fierce, and a huge coercion erupted from him, overwhelming the sky.

Obviously, he was about to lose his patience.

"The source of life, you must understand that since the old man has come forward in person, you have to follow this matter, and you have to follow it. Don't force the old man to that point, the old man does not want to completely erase your wisdom. ." Venerable Feng's supreme might exudes, with murderous aura, so frightening that the source of life backs up again and again, and there is a deep fear in his eyes.

"Don't, don't, don't be like this, please calm down, you are the supreme of the spirit and immortal world, we are all our own people, we can discuss things well, don't be so scary at every turn, okay?" The source of life finally became timid, Showing fear, his face turned pale.

Because the Supreme does have the ability to forcibly erase its wisdom.

If it has a master who has reached the supreme realm, it is naturally not afraid of this threat.

But the point is, it's just an unowned artifact now.

Venerable Feng was silent, his eyes became sharp, staring at the source of life for a moment.

"Should we discuss it? I'll be with Jian Chen for ten thousand years. After ten thousand years, he has to give me back my freedom." Facing Venerable Feng's toughness, the source of life finally relented and said with an aggrieved face. .

"Ten thousand years is too short, you are with him for a million years." Venerable Feng said.

"One million years? No, that's too long. Fifty thousand years, fifty thousand years?"

Venerable Feng's face sank and he let out a cold snort.

"One hundred thousand years, one hundred thousand years, at most one hundred thousand years, it really can't be too much, we are one world after all, you can't always send me out." It was as if he had suffered some great grievance.

"Okay, then 100,000 years!" Venerable Feng nodded, and as soon as he finished speaking, his figure disappeared.

With his disappearance, the power of the world that invaded the source of life also receded like a tide, and disappeared in an instant.

Outside of life, in a messy void space, the **** of war, the people from Huihai, the ancestors of the poisonous flame, and the three powerhouses of the Yudao family are all standing here with ugly faces at this moment, and their hearts are unbearable.

In front of the six of them, an old man in plain clothes was suspended there, without the slightest breath, looking like an ordinary person.

However, in the face of this old man in commoner clothes, including the Martial God who held the World Destruction Spear, no one dared to act rashly, let alone continue to attack the source of life.

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