Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3376: new master

"The younger generation has seen Feng Zhizun!"

After a brief silence, the six powerhouses, Wushen, the three great ancestors of the Yudao family, the ancestors of the poisonous flames, and the people from Huihai, bowed down and saluted.

The Martial God has already put away the world-destroying spear, and the three ancestors of the Yudao family have also removed the Yudao stone that banned this void.

They all understand in their hearts that even though they have two supreme artifacts here, and they are both controlled by the seventh-level powerhouses of the Supreme Beginning Realm, in front of Supreme Wind, everything is a joke.

"Look at your posture, are you planning to take the source of life of the Wood Spirit Race?" Feng Zhizun stared at the few people in the field with a dull gaze.

"Feng Zhizun, the younger generation knows that the wood spirit people who appeared here have betrayed the spirit fairy clan as early as tens of thousands of years ago. They should... not be regarded as people of the spirit fairy clan." Wushen said with his fists closed, In front of Feng Zhizun, even if he was the ancestor of the Martial God family, he had to show a respectful attitude.

Even for every word he said, he had to reconsider the wording, for fear that a certain sentence was wrong, which would make Feng Zhizun unhappy.

The Martial God, the three ancestors of the Yudao family, the ancestors of the poisonous flames and the people from Huihai, until this moment, did not know that they could discover the source of life, and everything was dominated by Venerable Feng.

"The Wood Spirit Clan has always been a member of the Spirit Immortal Clan." Venerable Feng said only one sentence.

However, when his words fell into the ears of the six powerhouses in the arena, all of them suddenly became extremely uneasy.

All of them clearly understand the consequences of attacking the Lingxian family in this era.

It is no exaggeration to say that unless it is a top ethnic group with supreme authority, the vast holy world, no force will dare to provoke the Lingxian clan.

Because the current Lingxian clan is not the same as before.

"Please forgive me, the younger generation has always thought that this wood spirit clan is a traitor of the spirit immortal clan, so they want to capture them, and then take the initiative to **** the spirit immortal clan to ask for credit... "Ancestor Poison Flame said humbly immediately, with an extremely sincere attitude.

Although he knew that he was talking nonsense, Feng Zhizun did not point it out, saying: "Remember, the people of the wood-scaring clan are also the clan of the immortals. Today's matter is for the sake of not making a big mistake, the old man will Don't pursue it. You all go, where you come from, where you go."

"Thank you Feng Zhizun for being magnanimous, and the younger generation of Feng Zhizun's teachings must be kept in mind..." The six holy world powerhouses bowed, and then left here with helplessness on their faces and unwillingness in their hearts.

For the source of life, a supreme artifact that has magical effects in healing, no one of them does not covet, and even fights for this supreme artifact.

But the appearance of Feng Zhizun instantly shattered all their fantasies.

In the small world in the source of life, with Venerable Feng's departure, this small world has returned to normal operation again, and those who were imprisoned and unable to move have also regained their freedom.

However, the two illusory mountains that were transformed by the power of the tool spirit and used to suppress Jian Chen and Bi Luo's dominance also dissipated at the same time as the power of Venerable Feng faded away.

The artifact spirit of the source of life has withdrawn its power and no longer suppresses the two.

"Senior Zuling, Senior Zuling, are you still there?" As soon as the strong men of the Wood Spirit Clan regained their freedom, the ancestor of the Yongxi family, Yongxi Lantian, couldn't wait to call out loudly, with an expression full of anxiety and anticipation.

In the sky, the illusory figure of Qi Ling appeared, but she did not look at Yongxi Lantian, but turned to Jian Chen, her expression became extremely complicated, with hesitation, hesitation, and even a bit of humiliation. .

Yongxi Lantian quickly discovered the artifact spirit, and he was overjoyed and said anxiously: "Master Zuling, you finally appeared. What happened just now? The Holy Realm Supreme didn't hurt you, right?"

"Qing noise, what does this have to do with you? Is it because you should know? Do you have the qualifications to know?" Hearing this, Qi Ling became angry and turned to face Yongxi Lantian. Fan drinking and complaining, looking very irritable.

Yongxi Lantian's expression froze, and the expression on his face suddenly solidified, but immediately he let out a dry laugh and said with eagerness and expectation: "Lord Zuling taught that juniors should not ask these things, and they are not qualified to ask. .It's just...just Lord Zuling, the ceremony of recognizing the master that was not completed before, is it now..."

"shut up!"

Before Yongxi Lantian could finish speaking, she was brutally interrupted by Qi Ling, who saw her staring at Yongxi Lantian with disgust on her face, and pouted: "Just you, still want to be my master? You are still far away. I don't have the qualifications."

Yongxi Lantian was stunned on the spot, his face was stiff, and his whole body seemed to have been splashed with cold water, which instantly cooled from head to toe.

Dou Tianzhu, Wuchao Tianwang, and several other wood spirit powerhouses are all looking at each other at this moment, and they are also caught off guard by the inconsistent attitude of Qiling.

At this time, the tool spirit appeared in front of Jian Chen, as if there was a deep hatred with Jian Chen that could not be resolved, and a pair of eyes stared at Jian Chen viciously.

It didn't speak, just stared at Jian Chen so viciously, with an expression of gnashing its teeth.

Jian Chen was a little guilty at the sight of Qi Ling: "If you have something to say, can you say it? Don't look at me like that."

"I'll discuss something with you." Qi Ling finally spoke, his eyes still very unfriendly.

"What's the matter?" Jian Chen asked, he didn't have to think about it, he knew that the tool spirit must have been shriveled by Venerable Feng.

Qi Ling took a deep breath and seemed to have a lot of determination and courage before finally saying a sentence: "I can follow you for 100,000 years, but in these 100,000 years, I will only help you heal, except for Besides, I won't do anything else for you, and you have no right to order me to do anything."

Hearing this, Jian Chen's expression was startled for a while, and then he revealed the expression he really had.

As for the master of Bi Luo and the other powerhouses of the Wood Spirit Clan, their eyes instantly turned into copper bells, and an incredible look appeared on their faces.

Especially Yongxi Lantian, his face instantly turned pale as paper, his body shook violently, as if he had been hit by a huge blow, and he almost fell to the ground.

At this time, the tool spirit rolled his eyes and continued: "But I will not be with you for 100,000 years in vain. I have one more condition. The few holy world powerhouses who just attacked me outside, after you have the ability in the future, You must behead them all, especially the one with the world-destroying gun, which is even more unforgivable."

"The ancestors of these people all had a **** feud with the Wood Spirit Clan. If you want me to follow you, you must take the Wood Spirit Clan to avenge this revenge."

When Qi Ling said these words, Venerable Feng, who had been guarding the source of life, frowned, turned to look at the source of life, hesitated a little, and finally shook his head helplessly without intervening.

Inside the source of life, Jian Chen's eyes flickered, he thought for a moment, and said, "How about this, after I have the ability in the future, I will capture all of them and send them to the Wood Spirit Clan. How to execute them is up to the Wood Spirit. The family decides, what do you think?"

"Also, it's settled then." Qi Ling nodded immediately in agreement.

"No, no, Lord Ancestral Spirit, you are the ancestor of our Wood Spirit Clan, and also the spiritual symbol of our Wood Spirit Clan. How can you follow a foreigner, how can you follow a person who has a blood feud with our clan? The people of the holy world." At this moment, Yongxi Lantian suddenly made a cry-like sound, piercing his heart and breaking his heart.

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