Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3390: Jiuyunzhou

The Sacred Heart Armor of the Qianji Family, after losing the Sacred Core, instantly lost its breath.

"The old patriarch is really domineering. After the old patriarch, our Lingxian clan can truly stand up."

In the fetal membrane of the world, Lingtong, the patriarch of the Lingxian clan, witnessed the scene of Venerable Feng's strong persecution of the ancient family.

"Patriarch, what exactly is this holy core?" Jian Chen stared at the dazzling holy core and asked curiously.

Lingtong and Jian Chen have nothing to do with each other, so it can be said that they are not familiar with him at all, but because of Venerable Feng, his attitude towards Jian Chen is also extremely friendly, and he explained patiently: "Speaking of the Holy Nucleus, this matter We have to start with the history of our Lingxian family. Once upon a time, in our Lingxian world, there was an extremely powerful race called the Holy Race!"

"In the Spiritual Immortal Realm, the saints are almost recognized as royal families. Their bloodlines are noble and powerful. There are few people in the same realm who are opponents of the saints. And this sacred core is the internal cultivation of the saints to reach the Taishi realm. The remains of the strong after their death contain the energy of their lifetime, and if they are used to refine weapons, they will have unexpected effects."

"The stronger the saints, the stronger the sacred core they leave after their death. It's just a pity that the saints were completely destroyed before the spiritual world was broken, so the saints left behind. The Holy Nucleus, the number will no longer grow."

"Back then, when our Spirit Immortal Realm group first migrated to the Holy Realm, the number of Holy Cores was a little bit. After many battles, some Holy Cores were taken away by the Holy World powerhouses, and some Holy Cores were damaged in the war. In addition, due to the time, there are only a few holy cores that can still be maintained up to now."

"But without exception, all the holy cores that can persist until now, their previous masters are very powerful."

After speaking, Lingtong turned his head to look at Jian Chen, and said enviously: "The old patriarch actually threatened the ancient family for you to forcibly take back the holy core, this treatment, no one in my Lingxian clan can enjoy. ."

"Jian Chen, the old patriarch protects you like this. To be honest, even the old man is very envious."

Jian Chen touched his nose, not knowing what to say for a while.

On the other hand, after retrieving the Holy Nucleus, Venerable Feng left the Qianji Family.

As for the ancestors of the Qianji family, their faces were ashen and filled with righteous indignation.

"Feng Zhizun is too domineering. We didn't grab this holy core from the Lingxian clan. Why did he take it forcibly? What's the difference between robbing us?"

"Wind Supreme is too bullying"

A strong man named Taishi Realm spoke one after another, and his words were full of resentment. The Sacred Heart Armor, but one of the five great treasures of their Qianji family other than the ancestral artifact, is the best among the top-grade artifacts. If the Sacred Core is lost, the Sacred Heart Armor will be useless in an instant.

"Enough, just shut up!" Dongtian Shengjun shouted, he turned to stare at the crowd, and said coldly: "Then according to your wishes, isn't our Qianji family going for a treasure? Provoking a supreme? Have you ever thought about the consequences of provoking a supreme?"

"You have to understand that our Qianji family is an ancient family in the holy world. The name of this ancient family is not given by a sacred heart armor. Losing the sacred heart armor will cause some losses to our Qianji family. But we are still an ancient family."

"But if we provoke a supreme being, our Qianji family may fall to the altar at any time. Don't you understand which is more important?"

Dongtian Shengjun's questioning, suddenly made everyone shut their mouths, because they all remembered some past events.

Similar things, didn't their Qianji family do it before?

"Little friend Jianchen, did you have some festivals with the Kaitian family in Jiuyun Province?" Inside the fetal membranes of the world, Venerable Feng's voice came from Jian Chen's ears.

Jian Chen nodded and recounted what happened between him and the Kaitian family.

"I actually used a clone to go to the barren state. This Kaitian ancestor is a bit bullying." After listening to Jian Chen's remarks, Venerable Feng's tone was a little indifferent.

Jian Chen blinked his eyes, in shock, Venerable Feng suddenly asked about the Kaitian family, which made him have a vague suspicion in his heart.

Jiuyun Prefecture ranks among the top forty-nine continents in the Holy Realm, and it is a continent with extremely strong comprehensive strength.

Because in Jiuyun Prefecture, there is a Kaitian family!

The Kaitian family was also famous in the holy world because of the ancestors of Kaitian, and became a famous transcendental clan in the holy world.

Because Kaitian Patriarch is a supreme powerhouse whose cultivation base has reached the Supreme Beginning Realm!


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from Jiuyun Prefecture, and then a terrifying aftermath of energy erupted. The entire Jiuyun Prefecture floating in the void was shaking violently, shaking violently, and moving in the void. bit.

At this moment, all the powerhouses in Jiuyun Prefecture were shocked, their eyes all staring at the direction of the Kaitian family.

However, when they discovered the current situation of the Kaitian family, everyone's faces became extremely solemn, and there was a strong sense of horror mixed with it.

"The guardian formation of the Kaitian family has been broken"

"It's too shocking, it's incredible, the defense of the Kaitian family's guardian formation is extremely strong. It was broken in an instant"

"What kind of power is this, it can break the guardian formation of the Kaitian family in an instant?"

At this moment, all the powerhouses who have some understanding of the Kaitian family's guardian formation are incomparably horrified.

Suddenly, a monstrous atmosphere erupted from the Kaitian family, shaking the galaxy. In front of this momentum, all the stars in the sky were dimmed.

"It's the ancestor of Kaitian, there's a good show to watch now"

"A person who can break the formation in an instant is incredibly powerful, who is the ancestor of Kaitian provoking?"

The Kaitian ancestor appeared, and I saw his figure appearing above the Kaitian family, his face was extremely gloomy, and there was an undisguised killing intent in his eyes.

"Who dares to destroy the guardian formation of my Kaitian family, if you don't give an account of this matter, then this seat will never give up." Kaitian family said indifferently, he is the supreme power of the Nine Heavens of the Supreme Beginning Realm, except for Apart from the supreme Taizun, he has no fear of anyone.

However, in the next moment, the pupils of the ancestors of Kaitian shrank suddenly, and the face that had become gloomy after being destroyed to guard the great formation quickly showed an unbelievable look.

I saw that the monstrous weather on his body subsided in an instant. At this moment, he had dissipated all the anger and dissatisfaction in his heart, and became a little trembling.

He stepped out and appeared in the starry sky outside Jiuyun Prefecture, and in front of him, Venerable Feng stood with his hands down, standing quietly in the starry sky.

Ancestor Kaitian didn't even dare to hang at the same height as Venerable Feng, his head was just under Venerable Feng's feet, and then he saluted respectfully: "The younger generation pays homage to the Supreme Wind, the younger really does not know that the Supreme Wind is coming. , If there is any loss, please look forward to the supreme forgiveness of sins!"

"The big formation of the Kaitian family was destroyed by the old man. According to your opinion, if the old man does not give you an explanation, what will you do to the old man?" Venerable Feng said tepidly.

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