Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3391: The fate of Kaitian ancestors

The face of Kaitian Patriarch changed, and at this moment, there was a pale meaning on his face, the dignified Supreme Beginning Realm Ninth Layer.

To be able to cultivate to this level, Kaitian Patriarch is obviously not an ignorant person. He has a smart mind and has already heard the bad intentions from Venerable Feng's tone.

A Holy Realm Supreme showed such a gesture to himself, which suddenly scared Kaitian Patriarch into uneasy heart, and quickly said respectfully: "The younger generation does not dare, the younger generation does not dare, even if it is to give the younger generation a thousand, ten thousand courage , The younger generation does not dare to be disrespectful to Feng Zhizun, Feng Zhizun must not misunderstand, your old man can visit Jiuyun Prefecture in person today, this is the supreme glory of our entire Jiuyun Prefecture, and it is the glory of the junior!"

"And the younger generation did not come out to meet Feng Zhizun at the first time, which is really unforgivable. Feng Zhizun's slight punishment is also what the younger generation deserves."

Ancestor Kaitian's tone was extremely respectful, and he even spoke cautiously, for fear that he might offend Venerable Stormrage.

Inside the fetal membrane of the world, Jian Chen stared at Patriarch Kaitian with a strange expression. He couldn't help but think of Patriarch Kaitian's majestic and arrogant demeanor when he was in the barren state.

Now that I see the Kaitian ancestor again across the world's fetal membranes, that servile appearance makes Jian Chen unable to associate with the Kaitian ancestor back then.

"Is this the power that the Sacred Realm Supreme should have? It makes all the experts in the Nine Heavens of the Supreme Beginning Realm so fearful that they don't dare to offend." Jian Chen thought to himself.

Beside him, the patriarch of the Lingxian clan also sighed, hiding in the fetal membranes of Venerable Feng's world and watching blood surging with pride on his face, he said: "In those days when the old patriarch disappeared. Here, when our Lingxian clan faced the Kaitian ancestors, they were also submissive and cautious. They could only bow their heads and be human, and did not dare to offend them. Because of the Kaitian ancestors, our Lingxian clan couldn’t afford to offend them.”

"It's like now, after destroying the great formation of the Kaitian family in front of everyone's eyes, Kaitian ancestors must put on a smiling face, and dare not mention the big formation at all."

"The attitude of the ancestor Kaitian facing the old patriarch is not the attitude that our Lingxian clan once showed when they faced him." Speaking of this, the patriarch of the Lingxian clan couldn't help but burst into tears. , The current Lingxian clan has really gone through all the hardships, and has changed from the previous slump to become the top clan in the holy world.

Although the high-end power and middle power of the Lingxian clan seemed a little empty, as long as the old patriarch was there, all this would not be a problem.

A top power with a supreme leader is not afraid of not being able to develop.

Outside the fetal membranes of the world, Venerable Feng stared at the ancestor of Kaitian with a half-smile, and said, "Don't you ask the old man why he destroyed your formation?"

"A mere formation will be destroyed if it is destroyed. Besides, since this formation can be destroyed in the hands of Supreme Wind, this formation is also the most shining ending for this formation. It is a kind of supreme glory." Tian Laozu said with a blushing face and a heartbeat.

However, his flattering skills can reach such a level that even Venerable Feng was amused and said, "Ancestor Kaitian, you are also a supreme powerhouse in the Nine Heavens of the Supreme Beginning Realm, deterring the great figures of the Holy Realm. , but your performance at the moment makes the old man have to be impressed."

The words "impressive" were bitten by Venerable Feng so hard that anyone could hear the overtones in his words.

However, Kaitian Patriarch did not change his face, his posture was very low, almost like a squatting posture, with a respectful clasped fist and salute: "It can make Feng Zhizun look at it differently, this is even more inconsiderate to the junior Glory to the top."

Venerable Feng's face gradually sank, and the attitude of the ancestor of Kaitian, not only did not win the favor of Venerable Feng, but it was self-defeating, which caused a great antipathy to Venerable Feng.

I only heard Venerable Feng snort coldly, and then came out his cold words: "The old man is here today, not to listen to your flattery here, Kaitian, this thing, you should recognize it." Feng A mirror appeared in His Holiness's hand, and at the handle of the mirror, there was a holy nucleus inlaid on it.

This mirror is not an ordinary mirror, but a high-quality artifact!

"This object is the main formation artifact of our Kaitian family guarding the great formation. It was named by the younger generation as the Kaitian Divine Realm, and the younger generation will naturally recognize it." Kaitian ancestor lowered his head and said, but in the depths of his eyes, there is a dignified touch. Color flashed quietly.

"Then, do you recognize the holy core on this mirror?" Venerable Feng's eyes became icy cold.

"Holy Nucleus? What Holy Nucleus?" Kaitian ancestor raised his head with a blank look in his eyes, but he immediately noticed the Holy Nucleus embedded in Kaitian Divine Realm, and his expression immediately froze: "Feng Zhizun , is it the Holy Nucleus you used to say?"

"Hmph, don't pretend to be confused in front of this old man, Kaitian, this holy core is a sacred object of our Lingxian family, you are not too brave, how dare you use such a sacred object to refine tools." Venerable Feng asked in a deep voice , a gesture of asking for guilt.

The face of Kaitian ancestor changed greatly, and he was sincere and frightened: "Feng Zhizun misunderstood, this thing was obtained by chance and coincidence of the younger generation, I really don't know that it will be a sacred object of the Lingxian family, if the younger generation knows that he will be the saint of the Lingxian family. things, the younger generation has already returned them with both hands.”

"Dangtang Supreme Beginning Realm Jiuzhongtian Supreme Power, how can you not know about the famous sacred objects in my Lingxian clan? Kaitian, you still want to pretend to be crazy and foolish in front of this old man. Do you think the old man is so easy to fool?" Venerable Feng snorted coldly.

"The younger generation doesn't dare, the younger generation doesn't dare!" Kaitian Patriarch was really frightened, and his back was chilled. He had already secretly decided that this matter could not be admitted to death. Once admitted, it would really end badly.

With his strength, no matter if he is facing the Highness of the Shengtian Palace or the Holy Monarch of the ancient family, he will not show any fear.

Because although he can't beat these people, he can still run away. After all, everyone is Jiuzhongtian. Although the strength is high and low, if one side wants to escape, the other side is still difficult to keep.

But in the face of the Supreme Being, he is truly destroyed in ten thousand years.

The Supreme can come to any place in a single thought, so facing the Supreme, he not only can't fight, but also has no ability to escape.

"Don't you dare? Back then, you dared to take the remnant soul of the ancient Tao. I don't think there is anything you dare not." Venerable Feng said coldly, and immediately he grasped the palm of his hand, and the Kaitian Divine Realm was immediately broken and inlaid The holy core at the handle of the mirror fell into his hands.

"Dare to take the holy core of our Lingxian clan as your own, you should be punished!" Venerable Feng said coldly, and immediately squeezed his fingers, and immediately a world power emerged, condensed into an illusory long sword, The tip of the sword is pointing down, until the head of Kaitian ancestor.

On the long sword, a mighty might erupted from the sky, filling the starry sky, causing Kaitian Patriarch to subconsciously use his whole body strength and try his best to resist the long sword above his head.

"This sword will exist for a hundred years, and it will dissipate itself after a hundred years. You can survive if you can hold it, but if you can't hold it, then the body and spirit will be destroyed." After leaving these words, Venerable Feng's figure has disappeared.

On the other hand, the ancestor of Kaitian is suspended in the starry sky with the divine sword above his head, and the energy around his body is boiling, and he is doing his best to resist the whereabouts of the long sword, so that it will always remain at that height and not fall.

His breath has been locked, and the rules are set by Venerable Feng's Taoist thoughts. Therefore, he has no way to avoid the attack of the long sword. The only chance to survive is to follow the instructions of Venerable Feng, here Persist for a hundred years.

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