Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3395: Top Grade Excalibur

Shaking his head gently, the patriarch of the Lingxian clan did not think about the relationship between Jian Chen and the old patriarch. At this time, he had already sorted out all the materials, and he was about to prepare to refine the Ziqing Double Swords.

"Because the purple and green double swords refined this time are tailor-made for you, in order to ensure the unity of body and spirit with you, you need to cooperate many times during the refining process, so before the double swords are refined, , Jian Chen, you can't leave here." The patriarch of the Lingxian clan looked at Jian Chen with a serious expression.

"Patriarch, please rest assured, the juniors will do their best to cooperate." Jian Chen clasped his fists, his words filled with respect. The patriarch of the dignified Lingxian clan has such a high status, under the real one, and above ten thousand people, and now he has personally refined the expression for himself. This kind of kindness is not too big.

The patriarch of the Lingxian clan didn't say much. The next moment, a majestic power of cultivation surged out of his body, with a vast coercion belonging to the Great Beginning Realm, instantly flooding this world. in the space formed by the fetal membrane.

When facing Venerable Feng before, the patriarch of the Lingxian clan restrained his breath and was respectful, making it difficult for people to think that he was a powerhouse in the Great Beginning Realm. Until this moment, his true strength was really revealed.

Jian Chen subconsciously retreated a few hundred meters away, and his expression immediately became extremely solemn. For Jian Chen at this stage, the strength of the patriarch of the Lingxian clan was still too strong. The coercion formed forced Jian Chen to retreat, making it difficult to approach.

"In the middle stage of the Great Beginning Realm? The patriarch of the Lingxian clan should be in the fourth or fifth heaven of the Great Beginning Realm." Jian Chen secretly said in his heart, with his current realm, he naturally couldn't see the clan leader of the Lingxian clan. The exact strength can only be roughly judged based on one's own eyes and experience.

After all, he has come into contact with a lot of powerhouses in the middle stage of the Great Beginning Realm.

"The patriarch of the Lingxian family is obviously much weaker than the Lanzu of the Tianhe family. The system and structure of the Lingxian family is very different from other forces. In the Lingxian family, the patriarch is usually determined by strength. The strongest person will be the one who will be the most powerful person, and besides Venerable Feng, the Lingxian clan is the strongest of the patriarch."

Thinking of this, Jian Chen couldn't help but let out a sigh, feeling extremely sympathetic for the decline of the Lingxian clan.

As a former brilliant clan, apart from abandoning Venerable Feng, there is only one who is the strongest, but the fifth heaven of the Great Beginning Realm is in charge.

This kind of strength is probably not as good as even the Tianhe Clan of Ice Extreme State.

Of course, Jian Chen also understood in his heart that although the top fighting strength of the Lingxian clan was not as good as that of the Tianhe clan, the Lingxian clan should not be underestimated in terms of the background.

Not allowing Jian Chen to think about it, a terrifying high temperature rushed towards his face, and Jian Chen, who was instantly scorched by the hot wave, was flushed red, and he couldn't help but step back some distance again.

I saw that the patriarch of the Lingxian clan turned into raging flames with the power of majestic cultivation, and was already smelting pieces of refining materials. He mixed various refining materials in a certain order and steps, and used a The unique method of refining Qi forging.

In particular, some of the materials with hard materials, with the power of the patriarch of the Lingxian clan, are extremely laborious to smelt, and it takes many days to complete.

Jian Chen sat cross-legged in the distance, watching attentively at the Lingxian clan's patriarch's forging artifacts. He could see at a glance that the methods used by the Lingxian clan's patriarchs were severely depleting their cultivation. The divine fire that smelts all kinds of materials is transformed by the power of his majestic cultivation.

If this kind of consumption lasts for a long time, even if he is a powerhouse of the fifth level of the Supreme Beginning Realm, I am afraid that he will not be able to hold on.

"In the art of refining tools, the patriarch of the Lingxian clan is far inferior to Yushangren." Jian Chen couldn't help but remember that when Yushangren refined the Ziqing double swords for himself, he only spent less than one day. month was successfully completed.

Now that he thought about it carefully, Jian Chen suddenly realized that Yu Shangren's accomplishments in the art of refining tools had reached such an incredible level.

Although it is only a mid-grade artifact, it was completed in less than a month, and the speed is still astounding.

Unconsciously, the patriarch of the Lingxian clan has been refining for several years, and the Ziqing Shuangjian is still in the process of refining. Even the sword embryo has not yet formed, and all the materials are still liquefied.

"Jian Chen, take a drop of your blood!" At this moment, Lingtong's voice came.

Jian Chen did not hesitate, and immediately took out a drop of chaotic blood essence.

As soon as the chaotic blood essence appeared, Venerable Feng's eyes forgot to come over, feeling the familiar aura in the chaotic blood essence that could no longer be familiar, his expression suddenly became complicated, full of melancholy.

On the other hand, Lingtong frowned and said in a low voice, "It's not blood essence. Ordinary blood will do. It's not the time to need blood essence yet."

Hearing this, Jian Chen shyly put away the chaotic blood essence, cut his fingers, and took out a drop of ordinary blood.

With a wave of Lingtong's hand, this drop of Chaos Blood immediately flew over and mixed with the mass of liquefied material.

Perhaps it was because of refining the original weapon of the high-quality gods. Lingtong’s process of refining the Ziqing Shuangjian was very long. From time to time, he would ask Jian Chen to provide some ordinary blood. Before he knew it, a hundred years had passed. .

After a hundred years of continuous consumption during the refining process, the power of Lingtong's cultivation finally couldn't keep up, and he swallowed a few high-level divine pills to restore his cultivation.

In this way, a hundred and fifty years have passed, and the sword embryo of Ziqing Shuangjian finally appeared some prototypes.

And Jian Chen, who has been watching the progress of the refining tool, can't help showing a hint of joy in his eyebrows. Although the purple and green double swords are still being refined, he has already faintly felt a huge force from it. the power of.

Because this sword body is a top-grade artifact!

Lingtong's refining tools are still proceeding in an orderly manner. During this period, Jian Chen also cooperated many times in accordance with Lingtong's requirements, sometimes providing ordinary blood, sometimes providing his own power of chaos, and even his primordial spirit power. All used a thread.

In the end, even his chaotic blood essence was consumed by a drop, which was used for the final sacrifice of Ziqing Shuangjian.

Finally, three hundred years later, a huge aura suddenly erupted in the space of the fetal membrane of the world. The powerful sword energy swept the world and smashed everything, making Jian Chen's expression become a little dignified.

I saw that in the space of the world's fetal membranes, the dazzling purple and blue rays of light filled every void, and the two swords seemed to have turned into two scorching suns reflecting the sky and the earth. brilliance.

The patriarch of the Lingxian family spent three hundred years, swallowed several high-level divine pills, and finally refined the Ziqing Shuangjian completely.

Looking at the Ziqing Shuangjian floating above Lingtong's head, Jian Chen, who had been waiting here for three hundred years, showed an uncontrollable smile on his face.

"Fortunately, the two swords of Ziqing have been successfully refined." The patriarch of the Lingxian clan sighed. Although there was an undisguised tiredness between his brows, he still had a happy smile on his face.

The request of the old patriarch, he successfully completed!

Lingtong pointed his finger, and the Ziqing double swords floating above his head immediately came to Jianchen, and said in a somewhat tired tone: "These two swords, each of which are of the same rank as high-grade artifacts, you are at this moment. What I saw was the complete form of the Ziqing Double Swords."

"However, the two holy cores embedded in the hilt can be dismantled. If the holy core is removed, the hardness of the high-grade Ziqing Shuangjian artifact will not change, but its power will plummet to the middle grade. Artifact."

"Jian Chen, the old man has already practiced the double swords in accordance with the requirements of the old patriarch. You can see if you are still satisfied."

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