Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3396: Wind Venerable Decision

Jian Chen held the Ziqing double swords in his left and right hands respectively, his eyes became extremely bright, and he carefully looked at the two divine swords.

The purple and green double swords refined by the patriarch of the Lingxian clan look exactly the same in appearance, except for the colors. The strip contains the texture of the verve of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, mysterious and mysterious.

And at the very end of the hilt, each is inlaid with a holy nucleus!

However, at this time, the energy in these holy cores has obviously been awakened, and they are all dazzling and dazzling. Live for a while.

Before the Holy Nucleus was in the hands of Venerable Feng and Lingtong Patriarch, his feeling was not as clear as it is now. It was not until he came into contact with the Holy Nucleus at such a close distance at this moment that he really understood the power of the Holy Nucleus.

This holy core is definitely an item of the same rank as Gusta's flesh and blood holy elixir.

It's just that due to the tempering of the years and the various losses in the past countless years, the Holy Core is really inferior to Gusta's flesh-and-blood Holy Pill.

But even so, it is also a treasure that can directly push the middle-grade artifact to the high-grade artifact!

Jian Chen looked at the Ziqing Shuangjian with love. The Ziqing Shuangjian refined by the Lingtong Patriarch, compared with the Ziqing Shuangjian refined by Yu Shangren, gave Jian Chen a completely different feeling.

Because he felt a kind of fusion of flesh and blood from the purple and green double swords refined by the patriarch of the Lingxian clan.

As if the Ziqing Shuangjian was his arm and a part of his body, there was a special sense between him and the Ziqing Shuangjian.

The connection between the two is even tighter.

"The kindness of the patriarch, the younger generation will keep it in mind, the younger generation is very satisfied with these two swords." Jian Chen immediately clasped his fist to the patriarch of the Lingxian clan.

A smile appeared on the tired face of the patriarch of the Lingxian clan, and he was about to speak when Venerable Feng's laughing voice came over: "Young friend Jianchen, you don't need to be polite, this is what our Lingxian clan owes you. ."

Venerable Feng's socket made Lingtong shut his mouth subconsciously. He looked suspiciously at the old patriarch behind him, and his heart was full of doubts.

Jian Chen and Venerable Feng made a few polite words at will, and then his eyes fell on the Ziqing double swords again as if fascinated. At this moment, he really had an undisguised excitement in his heart.

Because the Ziqing Shuangjian has become a top-grade artifact.

Although over the years, there have been many artifacts in his hands, not to mention high-grade artifacts, even the supreme artifacts.

But without exception, there is no artifact that can be compared to the Ziqing Shuangjian.

Because of the Ziqing Sword Spirit and some experiences in the road of cultivation, the Ziqing Double Swords, in Jian Chen's eyes, are no longer just an artifact, but also a relationship between a teacher and a friend.

Suddenly, Jian Chen took off the two holy cores embedded in the hilt of the sword.

After losing the holy core, the Ziqing Shuangjian, whether it was light or coercion, suddenly decreased greatly, and in an instant, it dropped from the power of the high-grade artifact to the level of the middle-grade artifact.

"With my current strength, the high-grade artifacts are still quite difficult to sway, and I can't do it well. The middle-grade artifacts are really suitable for me." Jian Chen put the two sacred cores in the primordial spirit space and carefully preserved them. stand up.

High-grade artifacts are usually held by the powerhouses of the Great Beginning Realm, and only such powerhouses can rely on their own strong cultivation to control them like a wall and sway freely.

Although there are also some powerhouses in the late stage of Primordial Primordial Realm who are also using high-grade artifacts, they will naturally be more laborious when using them.

And Jian Chen's current power of chaos is equivalent to the initial stage of Primordial Primordial Realm. Even if the newly-refined Ziqing Shuangjian has merged with him in form and spirit, it is still not enough for him to use his current cultivation. For this purpose, to skillfully control a high-grade artifact.

"Little friend Jianchen, what you are cultivating is the power of pseudo-chaos, although it is not the real power of chaos, it also makes your cultivation level stand out among the heroes of the same level. Raising a level, it will not be so difficult to control high-grade artifacts." Venerable Feng's voice came.

Thinking of this, Jian Chen's face showed a hint of bitterness. His swordsmanship has entered the Great Perfection of Sword Immortal, and the improvement of his realm has also led to the breakthrough of the body of chaos.

Now his body of chaos can break through to the seventeenth floor.

But the huge resources needed to break through to the seventeenth floor are far from enough.

Even though there are still a lot of god-level heaven and earth treasures from the Xuanhuang Xiaotian Realm in his Primordial Spirit Space, there are many kinds of these heaven and earth treasures with different effects, and not all types can be used to improve cultivation.

The treasures of heaven and earth that are really used to improve cultivation only account for a small part of it.

If this small part is used on the rest of the strong, without considering the limitations of the Dao perception, it will naturally help them break the mirror easily. If it is purely based on energy, it can even allow them to break through several realms.

It can be used on the body of chaos, but it is far from enough to advance.

When he broke through from the fifteenth floor to the sixteenth floor, he spent a lot of resources in the Xuanhuang Xiaotianjie, and even took several tablets of the same-level heaven and earth treasures as the Jingtian Shenguo.

To break through from the sixteenth floor to the seventeenth floor now requires far more resources than before.

As for how much it needs, Jian Chen can't imagine.

After losing Gusta's flesh-and-blood holy pill, Jian Chen's Chaos Body needed resources every time he was promoted, and it became the most troublesome thing for him.

Venerable Feng clearly understood the predicament Jian Chen was facing at the moment, and pondered: "Old man, there are still three sacred cores here, and every moment there is surging energy in the sacred cores. It's just that this sacred core is extremely special and can only be used as a refining material. It is integrated into the artifact, and cannot be cultivated by people."

Speaking of this, Venerable Feng paused, and then suddenly said to the patriarch of the Lingxian clan: "Go, bring all the high-level resources in the clan, and leave some colored divine crystals for daily needs. Take out all of them. All the medicinal pills and treasures that can improve your cultivation, all the god-level middle-rank and above.”

"Ah! The old patriarch, this" The patriarch of the Lingxian clan was stunned. He stared at Venerable Feng in astonishment.

Is the old patriarch trying to empty the treasure house of the entire ethnic group to cultivate a foreigner?

Jian Chen was also shocked. He never expected Venerable Feng to make such a sacrifice.

He immediately hugged Venerable Feng with a flattered gesture and said, "Senior Feng, this is absolutely unacceptable!"

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