Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3597: baffling

Just as Ye Beifeng was thinking in his mind how much benefit the Ye family would benefit from adding another immortal, the real Huode's voice suddenly sounded.

"Xiaofeng, you go back first, you don't need to wait here."

Hearing this, Ye Beifeng was stunned, and said blankly, "Senior, what happened? Then Changyang should be here soon."

"Go back, don't worry about Changyang's affairs anymore. Tell that junior in your family, if you want to win the position of Thousand Immortal General, you must honestly show your true skills and don't think about taking any shortcuts." Huo Dezheng waved his hand.

The more Ye Beifeng listened, the more confused he became. The deputy city lord's decree had been issued, why suddenly the real Huode seemed to be a different person, and he almost didn't know him anymore.

Ye Beifeng wanted to continue asking, but saw Huo De's face suddenly darkened, which made him shut his mouth obediently in fright, and left full of doubts.

Master Huode stood in the palace with his hands behind his back, recalling Jiang Pingtian's words in his mind, and his face gradually became serious: "First, there is the secret care of Qingtian City Qiling, and then there is Jiang Pingtian's kindness." Let me warn you, who is the person behind Changyang? It is impossible to have a relationship with a certain Taizun, right?"

For several hours after that, Master Huode stayed in the side hall and did not leave.

"Speak to the deputy city lord, Changyang, please see me!" At this moment, the voice of a soldier came.

"Invite him in quickly!" Daoist Huode ordered immediately, and the unrivaled powerhouse in the late stage of Immortal Venerable Realm actually used the word "please" at this moment.

Soon, Jian Chen stepped into the palace. He bowed to the real Huode and said: "Junior Changyang, pay respects to senior!"

"Hahahaha, Changyang, I am really shocked that you can break into the finals with the strength of the sixth heaven of the Immortal Emperor Realm." Master Huode put on a smiling face, which belongs to the coercion of the late stage of the Immortal Venerable Realm He was restrained in the slightest, and at this moment he looked like an ordinary old man, amiable and without any airs of status.

Afterwards, Master Huode moved out a jade table from his interspatial ring, poured a cup of rich and fragrant golden paste and jade liquid for Jian Chen, and said: "This is the place where this old man spent hundreds of god-level natural materials. Bao, Changyang, the peerless immortal brew that has been brewed for many years, come and taste how it tastes, it should also restore a little power of chaos for you."

Invited by Master Huode, Jian Chen sat opposite the jade table, but he was staring at the glass of golden paste and jade liquid in front of him, the light flickering in his eyes.

With his eyesight, he can naturally see how precious this small cup of gold paste and jade liquid is. How could a peerless powerhouse in the late stage of the Immortal Venerable Realm invite himself to taste such a precious thing for no reason.

"Thank you, senior!" After a short hesitation, Jian Chen drank the golden pulp and jade liquid in the cup, because he had to drink it, if he didn't drink it, he would offend Master Huo De even more.

As soon as the immortal brew entered his stomach, Jian Chen suddenly felt as if a flame rose from his body, and an incomparably huge energy exploded in his body, making his face turn red.

After all, it was the masters in the late stage of the Immortal Venerable Realm who brewed the peerless immortal wine, and the energy contained in it was so terrifying that ordinary immortal emperors were not even qualified to enjoy it.

Jian Chen immediately refined with all his strength, transforming this mass of energy into strands of chaotic power.

Master Huo De has been staring at Jian Chen with a smile on his face, as if he is looking at it seriously, but in the depths of his eyes is a hint of thinking and reasoning.

"It's a total confusion. With the old man's realm, he can't even deduce the slightest clue. This is clearly covered by a strong man with a higher realm." Master Huode secretly said in his heart. To be able to participate in the competition for the title of Thousand Immortal Generals, it can only be in the Immortal Emperor Realm, which naturally ruled out the possibility of Jian Chen concealing his own realm in Huode Zhenren's heart.

Otherwise, if it is another place, another occasion, Huode Daoist will even consider whether Jian Chen himself will be an existence whose strength is not weaker than his own.

After a while, Jian Chen's complexion returned to normal, and he clasped his fists at Master Huode again: "Thank you for the reward, senior. I don't know what the junior can do for the senior for bestowing such a treasure to the senior."

Master Huode smiled cheerfully, and said: "I called you here this time because I just wanted to see you with my own eyes. I have three byes, and I have fought hard with the strength of the sixth heaven of the Immortal Emperor Realm until now. Even the old man has never seen many of the sons of luck and the favored sons of heaven."

Suspicion suddenly arose in Jian Chen's heart, and his intuition told him that things would never be so simple.

But after that, Huode Zhenren and Jian Chen briefly said a few words, then handed over a jade bottle to Jian Chen, saying: "There is a high-grade elixir in it, it is not a precious thing to the old man, But for you, it can help you improve your cultivation, and I hope that in the next final, you can defeat Ye Qingyun and Xia Mingtian and win the final victory."

"Changyang, the old man is very optimistic about you, you can't let the old man down..."


In the end, Jian Chen walked out of the city lord's mansion with a high-grade divine pill bestowed by Master Huode. On the way back, he was full of doubts, and was confused by the unexpectedly friendly attitude of Master Huode.

Jian Chen returned to the inn, locked himself in the guest room, and waited for the arrival of the final.

On the way back, he passed by a gambling house and found that the situation was as he had imagined, perhaps because his performance in the previous game was too miserable, and in the end he deliberately exposed that there were only a dozen or so magic pills left. Because of this reason, many people are not optimistic about him. Those who made bets almost turned their attention to Ye Qingyun and Xia Mingtian, and no one paid any attention to him, the immortal emperor Liu Chongtian.

After increasing and decreasing the amount of the prize pool, there are still more than 2.8 million Wucai Shenjing left. If there is no accident, it is enough for him to get the highest amount of rewards.

But what Jian Chen didn't know was that shortly after he left the vice city lord's mansion, Wudao Patriarch of Xianyu Sect personally approached Master Huode.

"Senior Huode, this junior has already told Guo Ye Qingyun to join forces with Xia Mingtian to deal with Changyang, and wait for Changyang to be defeated before the two of them have a fair fight. But the real person summoned Changyang at this time... The real person and Ye The relationship between family members, everyone knows in their hearts that if the real person does this, it will lose the fairness of the final." The ancestor Wudao clasped his fists at the real person of Huode, although the words were very polite, but there was a hint of accountability feeling.

Daoist Huode raised his eyebrows and said displeasedly: "Fellow Daoist Wu Dao, I can't understand what you said. I summoned Changyang, how could it affect the fairness of the final?"

"Really, don't pretend to be confused. Presumably, some of the healing pills on Changyang's body have fallen into the hands of the real person? If the real person transfers these healing pills to Ye Qingyun from the Ye family, it will be a big deal for me, Xianyu Sect. For Xia Mingtian, it would be unfair." Wudao Patriarch said.

Master Huode chuckled, and said: "If that's the case, then you're thinking wrong. The old man summoned Changyang just to appreciate him and want to meet him. As for the healing pill he possesses , not to mention that the old man doesn’t have any, even the Ye family doesn’t have any.”

"The real man is serious?" Patriarch Wudao had a look of disbelief.

"Whether it's true or not, I'll have an answer after the finals. Okay, I still have important things to deal with, so I won't send you off." Huode Zhenren directly issued the order to evict the guest, feeling very dissatisfied in his heart, and secretly said: "The three heavens of mere immortals are also Dare to question this old man, hmph, if you hadn't had a fairy feather sect behind you, how could this old man be polite to you."



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