Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3598: Battle of the Three Powers (1)

For Jian Chen in the days that followed, everything seemed to be calm and peaceful, allowing him to spend a period of peaceful days in the inn without any disturbances.

In Qingtian City, there was a heated debate over who would get the position of General Qianxian.

After all, it is a prosperous age that only occurs after thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years. Therefore, every competition for official positions in Qingtian City will attract the attention of countless people.

Of course, the higher the official position, the more people will receive attention.

Especially the Thousand Immortal General and Ten Thousand Immortal Commander will even attract many immortals from outside the city to observe and learn, in an attempt to gain something from the experience of some strong men fighting.

Time passed quietly, and before you knew it, it was the day of the finals.

Today's Qingtian City is full of people, more than 70% of the immortals in the city have gathered near the central square.

Above the central square, the projection of the ancient battlefield has been unfolded, so that almost everyone in the city can clearly see the scene inside the battlefield.

The place where the ancient battlefield is located is an independent small world, reinforced by the power of Qingtian City, which makes this small world extremely strong. It is extremely difficult to destroy the small world.

At this moment, in the ancient battlefield, violent energy storms formed gusts of wind howling between the sky and the earth. This was the energy turbulence caused by the previous war. Even after a long time, this energy turbulence has not subsided.

At a height of one thousand meters, Jian Chen, Ye Qingyun, and Xia Mingtian stood in a triangular position in the air. The faces of the three of them were all pale, their aura was weak, and they didn't seem to be at their peak.

Obviously, just three months is not enough for them to fully recover.

However, Ye Qingyun and Xia Mingtian really didn't recover. As for Jian Chen, he deliberately told the source of life not to completely recover all the injuries on his body.

He wants to create an illusion that the healing pill is not enough, so as to paralyze everyone.

"Changyang, I heard that you are going to make me pay an unimaginable price in this final? I wonder if this happened?" At this time, Xia Mingtian from the Xianyumen opened his mouth to break the calm, and he stared sharply at Looking at Jian Chen, he looked down at Jian Chen with the posture of a superior.

Hearing Xia Mingtian's words, Ye Qingyun's eyes flashed brightly, and she turned her head to look at Jian Chen in surprise, daring to bluntly threaten the number one elder of the Xianyu Sect, even he had to admire this courage .

"First, a fairy from your Xianyu Sect threatened me, saying that if I don't take out ten healing pills, your Xianyu Sect will not let me go. Since you Xianyu Sect have already talked about this Now, so I can only treat him in the same way." Speaking of this, Jian Chen's tone paused, he stared at Xia Mingtian calmly, and said in a very serious tone: " Xia Mingtian, you should admit defeat as soon as possible, otherwise, I will really make you pay a very heavy price. In this final, you will lose anyway, so why not just give up as soon as possible, so that you will suffer less flesh and blood .”

Hearing Jian Chen's threat, Xia Mingtian was stunned at first, but then he was furious in his heart. He is the number one elder of the Xianyu Sect of Xiaming Tiantangtang, the existence at the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm, but now he was killed by a person with no background. , and the realm is far inferior to his casual cultivator threat, this is simply a huge insult to him.

Moreover, Jian Chen's calmer and more serious expression made Xia Mingtian's heart more stimulated, as if his dignity had been severely trampled on.

"A casual cultivator dares to threaten me, Changyang, let me see how capable you are, and you must not let me down." Xia Mingtian laughed angrily, and a murderous intent erupted from him He came out, and immediately turned his hand, and a high-grade divine weapon long sword quietly appeared, blooming dazzling brilliance between the heaven and the earth.

Xia Mingtian held the divine sword in his hand, and then his whole body turned into a huge sword light, rushing straight at Jian Chen with a terrifying power that made the void tremble.

Ye Qingyun was expressionless, only to see the light of three laws shining from his body, he was holding a high-grade divine weapon-level spear, and he shot at the first time, joining hands with Xia Mingtian and attacking Jian Chen at the same time.

Immediately, the spear in Ye Qingyun's hand turned into a long dragon, covering Jian Chen with terrifying power.

The two Immortal Emperor Realm Ninth Level Heavens struck at the same time, both of them wielding high-grade artifacts, which made the blow of the two of them so powerful that even if it was a first-level Immortal Realm powerhouse, they would not dare to take it lightly.

Everything in the battlefield was fully projected into Qingtian City. When countless spectators discovered that the two peak Immortal Emperor Realm powerhouses were joining hands to target Jian Chen, there was an immediate uproar.

"This is too bad. Under the joint efforts of the two peak immortal emperors, even if Immortal Emperor Changyang has a healing pill with strong recovery power, he may not be able to last for a few rounds."

"No, it's not that I can't last for a few rounds, but that I don't even have the chance to take the magic pill."

"Shangqing, what do you think of this battle?" In a manor in Qingtian City, the ancestor of Daoist Shangqing was also paying attention to this battle.

"I have a strong intuition that the final winner of the rank of Thousand Immortals is very likely to be Changyang." Master Shangqing pondered.

"Xia Mingtian comes from the Xianyu Sect, and his strength should not be underestimated. Although he seemed to have struggled in the previous few battles, he has never used the ancient secret techniques of the Xianyu Sect. He has always reserved them. Can Changyang, who is only in the realm of the sixth heaven, really defeat Xia Mingtian? And this time, it is Ye Qingyun and Xia Mingtian who join forces." The ancestor of Shangqing real person murmured to himself.

On the battlefield, Xia Mingtian's monstrous sword light and the dragon-like spear in Ye Qingyun's hands were rapidly approaching, and the huge aura had locked onto Jian Chen.

Facing the attacks of the two of them, Jian Chen calmly and calmly, did not see the slightest panic, just when Xia Mingtian's monstrous sword light was about to swallow him, Jian Chen suddenly stabbed out the long sword in his hand.

When the sword stabbed out, the divine sword disappeared into the void instantly, together with Jian Chen's small half of his arm.

Shadowless Death Sword!

In the next moment, Xia Mingtian's face changed drastically, and his eyes revealed a deep sense of disbelief and overwhelming horror.


The monstrous sword light on his body collapsed in an instant, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out from Xia Mingtian's mouth uncontrollably, mixed with a large piece of viscera, dyeing the void in front of him red, and the huge aura that had climbed to the peak was also vented The angry ball seemed to be sluggish all of a sudden.

"Boom!" At the same time, Ye Qingyun's battle spear hit Jian Chen, making a loud bang. In the raging energy storm, Jian Chen was beaten far away and flew backwards. A penetrating wound the size of a bowl was pierced through the body by the spear.

The flesh and blood near Jian Chen's wound is melting little by little, his injury is constantly expanding, and the power of the three laws of metal, wood, and water is constantly destroying his body.

If it were an ordinary Immortal Emperor Realm Ninth Layer powerhouse, after bearing Ye Qingyun's blow, even if he did not die, he would lose half his life.

The three laws reached the ninth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm at the same time, coupled with a high-grade artifact, naturally made Ye Qingyun's combat power extraordinarily powerful, far away from those ordinary immortal emperors.

However, such injuries are really nothing to Jian Chen. He took out a magic pill and swallowed it, and immediately there was a green light flashing on his body, and all the injuries were recovering at a terrifying speed.

Under the healing of the source of life, all of Jian Chen's injuries healed in an instant.

On the opposite side, Xia Mingtian's face was already pale, his body was trembling, shaking violently, almost falling from mid-air.

Inside his body, the internal organs had been turned into a ball of blood and mud, and he had suffered very serious trauma inside. Even if he was wearing a high-grade divine weapon armor, he still couldn't resist this kind of injury.

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