Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3612: challenge

"Looking for me? Huh, Changyang, I think you don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth." Duan Hun Immortal Emperor sneered, his heart was clear, and he naturally knew why Jian Chen came.

"Fellow Daoist Changyang, I hope that enough is enough, and don't continue to do some foolish behavior." Immortal Emperor Duanhun just finished speaking, and another immortal emperor with the official rank of Thousand Immortals appeared in the field.

This is an old man in a white robe, full of fairy air.

"Reverend Juyun, you're here too." Immortal Emperor Duanhun looked at the old man who was behind him, and smiled faintly.

Immortal Emperor Juyun Daoduhun nodded slightly, and immediately set his eyes on Jian Chen, with a look of scrutiny.

A gleam of sharpness flashed in Jian Chen's eyes. This Juyun real person was also one of the lists in his hand.

"Break money and avoid disaster, Fellow Daoist of Changyang, if you continue to be reckless, it will not do you any good." After Juyun Daoist, another voice came from out of thin air.

In front of Jian Chen, there appeared another Immortal Emperor Realm expert, who was also one of the Thousand Immortal Generals.

This is not enough, next, one after another Immortal Emperor Realm powerhouse came to Senyang Immortal Emperor's General's Mansion, there were a total of twenty people.

And these people happened to be all the behind-the-scenes supporters of the casino.

Twenty strong men from the Ninth Heaven of Immortal Emperor Realm gathered together, and an invisible coercion spread, and they all moved towards Jian Chen.

If it were the rest of the Immortal Emperor Realm powerhouses facing such a situation, they might have already retreated. Because the twenty immortal emperors in front of them are not just as simple as an immortal emperor in the ninth heaven.

Because behind each of them, there is a top powerful force with an immortal master.

It is no exaggeration to say that the twenty immortal emperors in front of us can also represent the twenty top powers in the immortal world to a certain extent.

But what they met was Jian Chen!

Jian Chen glanced over the twenty immortal emperors indifferently, and said: "I think you all understand why I came here. If that's the case, I won't say any more. Now I will give you two choices. One option is to take the initiative to compensate me for the loss of two million five-colored fairy crystals, and we will expose this matter."

"For the second option, you don't pay compensation, but from now on, I'm afraid I won't let you all live peacefully in Qingtian City."

"Hahahaha, Changyang, you are only the sixth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm, how dare you speak such big words in front of twenty of us, the ninth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm. Do you really think that your position as a thousand immortal generals depends on your true strength?" You got it from your strength? If you didn’t have a secret treasure that can restore injuries, how could you sit in this position with your strength.”

As soon as Jian Chen finished speaking, Immortal Emperor Duan Hun laughed loudly, looking at Jian Chen with undisguised sarcasm and ridicule: "This emperor is here, Changyang, you should hurry up and let this emperor see, How did you make our life uneasy."

"That's good, then it will be as you wish." The corner of Jian Chen's mouth curled up, and the next moment, he was holding the official seal, with a dazzling golden light blooming in his palm, and said in a low voice: "General Changyang, I formally greet General Qian Broken Soul reminds you to challenge."

Jian Chen looked at Immortal Emperor Duanhun suddenly, his gaze was burning with overwhelming fighting intent, and said: "Immortal Emperor Duanhun, do you dare to accept it?"

Immortal Emperor Broken Soul half-closed his eyes, shot a piercing cold light, and said in a sinister voice, "How dare you challenge me because you have the secret treasure to restore your injuries? Hmph, if that's the case, then I will consume you all." The life force of that secret treasure."

Immortal Emperor Duanhun decisively accepted Jian Chen's challenge. At the same time, the nineteen immortal emperors who gathered here took out some rare treasures of heaven and earth and various gods and gave them to him. Immortal Emperor Broken Soul.

Seeing this scene, Jian Chen immediately understood in his heart that no matter who he challenged, the other party would get the support of the other nineteen people, and his purpose was to use up his life force in vain.

Regarding this, Jian Chen just sneered from the bottom of his heart, trying in vain to consume the power of the source of life, not to mention a group of immortal emperors, even some ordinary immortals could not do it.

The next moment, the power of Qingtian City descended, sending Jian Chen and Duanhun Immortal Emperor into the ancient battlefield.

After the two disappeared, the nineteen emperors gathered here did not leave, but stayed in place and waited quietly.

"Do you think Fellow Daoist Broken Soul can really consume the energy of that secret treasure on Changyang's body?"

"I don't know if it can be exhausted, but I'm sure that the power of life in the secret treasure on Changyang's body must not be much..."

"However, I am more concerned about what that secret treasure is. It is so magical. If it is obtained by us, wouldn't it be even more powerful..."

"It's a pity that we didn't see the secret treasure with our own eyes. We couldn't guess what it was. Changyang hid it too deeply. Even Immortal Master Ji Yun couldn't see through his reality when he cast the sky peeping technique at close range. …”

More than a dozen Immortal Emperor Realm chatted one after another. Regarding the secret treasure on Jian Chen, all of them showed strong curiosity, as well as some unconcealable covetousness and greed.

It's just that under the constraints of Qingtian City's rules, they can only deeply hide their inner envy and covetousness.

However, they didn't wait long. In just half a day, Jian Chen's figure appeared in front of everyone again under the surge of Qingtian City's power.

However, none of the dozen or so immortal emperors gathered here paid attention to Jian Chen, all of them focused their gazes on the front of him, and everyone was shocked by that illusory shadow.

That was Immortal Emperor Broken Soul, but he had already lost his physical body, leaving only his primordial spirit alive.

"Fellow Daoist Broken Soul, you have so many holy medicines for healing, why...why did you only persist for half a day?" an immortal emperor asked dumbfounded, feeling unbelievable.

Immortal Emperor Duanhun lost his soul, as if he had suffered a huge blow, he was suspended there motionless, his eyes were gloomy.

Only he knew that if it wasn't for the protection of Qingtiancheng's power, he would have been destroyed physically and spiritually.

"Thousand Immortal General Jian Chen, officially challenge Immortal Emperor Senyang! Immortal Emperor Senyang, do you dare to accept?" Jian Chen looked a little wasteful, but he was full of energy, and looked directly at Immortal Emperor Senyang.

Immortal Emperor Senyang's face suddenly changed, he opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything, the fate of Immortal Emperor Duanhun obviously made him fearful.

"Immortal Emperor Senyang, don't you dare? The majestic Immortal Emperor Nine Heavens, is he still afraid of a Sixth Heaven?" Jian Chen looked at Immortal Emperor Senyang provocatively.

Hearing this, Immortal Emperor Senyang's face turned ashen, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, this emperor accepts your challenge!"

Afterwards, Immortal Emperor Broken Soul, who came back to his senses, also handed over the remaining treasures on his body to Immortal Emperor Senyang.

The next moment, Immortal Emperor Senyang and Jian Chen disappeared at the same time and entered the ancient battlefield.

Still half a day later, Jian Chen and Immortal Emperor Senyang reappeared. Apart from becoming more embarrassed, Jian Chen didn't have any serious injuries.

On the other hand, Immortal Emperor Senyang ended up in the same fate as Immortal Emperor Duanhun, his body was shattered, only Yuanshen survived.

"Jian Chen, General of Thousand Immortals, challenge Master Juyun..." Jian Chen continued to challenge.

Immortal Juyun's complexion suddenly changed. At this moment, not only Immortal Juyun, but after witnessing the end of Immortal Emperor Senyang and Immortal Duanhun, the rest of the other dozen or so immortal emperors all became heavy. When I got up, I no longer had the optimism I had before.

I don't know when, one of the immortal emperors disappeared here without a sound, and left without hesitation.

With a precedent, the rest of the people finally let go of their faces and left without a sound.

"Hey, I'd better go, anyway, I'm not the first one to leave..." With this thought in mind, the rest of the immortal emperors left one after another.

In a blink of an eye, outside the general's mansion, only Immortal Emperor Senyang, Immortal Emperor Duanhun and Daoist Juyun were left among the original twenty immortal emperors.

The rest of the people all left cleanly.

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