Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3613: General decree

Among the three, Immortal Emperor Senyang naturally couldn't leave, because this is his general's mansion and his territory.

As for Immortal Emperor Duan Hun, he has now become a primordial spirit, and under the constraints of Qingtian City's rules, this state is the safest for him.

As for Master Juyun, he also wanted to leave here, but Jian Chen had already challenged him, if he left at this time, wouldn't it be a desertion.

As a respectable and powerful person at the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm, I am afraid that no one can bear to run away in front of an opponent whose realm is far inferior to his own.

Daoist Juyun glanced at Duanhun Immortal Emperor and Senyang Immortal Emperor, who had lost their physical bodies, and only had their primordial spirits alive, and said solemnly, "Fellow Daoist Changyang, you really want to Challenge the poor?"

"Of course!" Jian Chen was firm.

"You have already defeated Senyang and Duanhun, and if you continue to challenge the poor, it will only excessively consume the life energy in your body. What good will it do you?" Juyun Daoist said in a deep voice, clearly in his heart. A little timid, but couldn't bear to refuse.

Because he is also the number one elder of the top power in the fairy world, with a high position and weight, second only to the ancestor of the immortal.

Often times, his every word and deed can represent the sect behind him to a certain extent, so in his capacity, he is not allowed to back down at all, otherwise it will only make the sect behind him lose face.

"You have caused me to lose two million Five Colored Immortal Crystals, so I will naturally settle accounts with you one by one. My things are not so easy to get." Jian Chen said expressionlessly.

"Well, if that's the case, then Pindao accepts your challenge!" Master Juyun had no choice but to bite the bullet and fight, even if he already knew the final result, he couldn't lose his momentum.

The next moment, Jian Chen and Master Juyun disappeared at the same time and entered the ancient battlefield.

After the two of them left, dozens of powerful spiritual senses lingered in this void. All the seventeen Immortal Emperor Realm powerhouses who had left before that time hid in their respective mansions, paying close attention to every move here with their spiritual senses. move.

In addition to them, there are also some Qianxian generals who are not on Jian Chen's list, who are also watching the development of the situation here with great interest. While holding a mentality of watching the show, they are also more and more afraid of Jian Chen up.

Although in the hearts of many of them, Jian Chen, who relied on external forces to win and his own realm was only in the sixth level, was still not very important to them, but none of them wanted to provoke a lunatic for no reason.

Especially, a lunatic who can cause huge losses to himself.

All in all, Jian Chen's series of behaviors really played out his reputation, his dignity, and at the same time his fierce side, leaving an indelible impression on the hearts of all the thousand immortals in Qingtian City.

Not surprisingly, the battle between Jian Chen and Juyun Daoist ended shortly after, and Juyun Daoist's body was also destroyed, leaving only Yuanshen to survive.

"Fellow Daoist Changyang, can you relieve your anger now? Has the entanglement between you and me been resolved?" Juyun Daoist Yuanshen spoke in a weak tone, looking at Jian Chen with deep fear.

"Exposed? How can it be so simple, this is just the beginning." Jian Chen smiled coldly, and immediately disappeared without a sound, and has already rushed to the next general's mansion.

Juyun Daoist in Yuanshen state suddenly became ugly. His physical body has been destroyed, and he paid a huge price, but this is just the beginning?

Not only Master Juyun, but even Immortal Emperor Senyang and Immortal Emperor Duanhun were not calm when they heard Jian Chen's last words.

But under the constraints of Qingtian City's rules, they really had no way to deal with Jian Chen who could recover almost without limit.

"Thousand Immortal General Changyang, challenge Thousand Immortal General Can Ye Immortal Emperor! Immortal Emperor Can Ye, dare to challenge?"

Not long after, a loud voice almost spread throughout the small half of Qingtian City.

I saw that outside a general's mansion, Jian Chen stood with his hands behind his back, standing there calmly.

"What? Thousand Immortal General Changyang wants to challenge Thousand Immortal General Canye Immortal Emperor. This is a battle at the level of the Immortal Emperor..."

"The battle of the Immortal Emperor is extremely exciting. If we can observe this level of battle, it will be of great benefit to us..."

"Except for competing for official positions, there are very few high-level battles in Qingtian City. I just don't know if the challenge will be made public. If it is an open battle, it will be another rare prosperity for Qingtian City... ...."

At this moment, the entire Qingtian City was almost shaken. Countless immortals residing in Qingtian City cast their eyes on a certain general's mansion, and discussions arose everywhere.

In a certain general's mansion, Immortal Emperor Can Ye's face was ashen. He sat on the throne without saying a word, caught in a dilemma.

He had naturally seen the fate of Immortal Emperor Senyang, Immortal Emperor Duanhun and Daoist Juyun, and he had no doubt that if he took up the challenge by himself, he would inevitably end up in the same fate as the previous three.

At this moment, he was caught in a dilemma.

"I...reject..." After struggling in his heart for a long time, Immortal Emperor Can Ye almost turned black, as if he had exhausted all his strength to say these words.

Refusing to challenge means admitting that you are not as skilled as others.

It would not be embarrassing if it was faced with an immortal, or even an opponent of the same level.

But the other party is a sixth heaven of the Immortal Emperor Realm whose realm is far inferior to his.

"Reject? Hahaha, the majestic Immortal Emperor Realm Nine Heavens powerhouse, one of the top powers in the Pingyu Heaven Realm, and the head of the Supreme Elder Canye Immortal Emperor of Haoxianzong, dare not accept the challenge of an Immortal Emperor Sixth Heaven , it seems that the head of the Supreme Elder of the Haoxianzong is just a vain name." Outside the general's mansion, Jian Chen laughed dumbly, and immediately he held his official seal and wrote a decree out of thin air, and said in a low voice: "Eighth Colonel, Order you to come here as quickly as possible, and those who fail to take five breaths will be dealt with by military order!"

The general's decree broke through the air, and appeared in Jian Chen's general's mansion in an instant.

Except for Jian Eleven, the faces of the remaining eight lieutenants changed drastically, but after only a moment of hesitation, all of them disappeared one after another, appearing behind Jian Chen at the fastest speed.

In the past three breaths, there were eight more figures behind Jian Chen, all of whom were in the Ninth Heaven of the Immortal Sovereign Realm.

Jian Chen turned his head to look at the eight people behind him, with a half-smile on the corner of his mouth, he said: "You must have heard the meaning of what I said just now, use your eloquence to express what this general said. Meaning, shout out in different sentences, keep shouting, until Immortal Emperor Can Ye fights..."

Hearing this, the faces of the eight captains turned into liver-colored one after another. If they were outside, they would naturally take Jian Chen's words as bullshit.

But this is Qingtian City, and according to the rules of Qingtian City, subordinates cannot disobey their superiors!

"Immortal Emperor Can Ye, you don't want to embarrass Haoxianzong, you are in Haoxianzong, but the chief elder..."

"Immortal Emperor Can Ye, you are also a respectable person in Pingyu Heaven Realm, you must keep your dignity no matter what..."

"Immortal Emperor Can Ye, don't blame us, we were also forced to do nothing, so don't take what you say next to your heart." When the man said this, his tone suddenly paused, and then his tone suddenly changed. , shouting angrily: "Immortal Emperor Can Ye, you are a waste, the dignified Jiuzhongtian didn't dare to accept the challenge of the Sixth Heaven, you won't do it if you promise, and it made us embarrassing to follow you here... ..”

The eight major lieutenants under Jian Chen's command spoke up one after another, and some of them spoke in a gentle tone, which was completely persuasive. There were also people who directly cursed without mercy.

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