Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3614: Lord Jiang

In the general's mansion where Immortal Emperor Can Ye sits, there are also ten captains and a thousand soldiers.

When all kinds of shouting and cursing from outside came into the general's mansion, the expressions of all the Immortal Emperor Can Ye's subordinates suddenly became strange.

At this moment, all of Immortal Emperor Can Ye's subordinates couldn't help looking at the main hall in the center.

Immortal Emperor Can Ye, who was sitting on the general's throne, had already clenched his hands tightly, his nails pierced into his flesh, his face turned pale from anger, and he couldn't help shivering all over.

The Haoxianzong he belongs to also has a detached position in the Pingyu Heaven Realm. As the chief elder of the Haoxianzong, when did Immortal Emperor Canye suffer such anger?

When did you receive such humiliation?

What made him gnash his teeth the most was that under the instigation of the people outside, his evasion had already had a reputational impact on the sect behind him.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Changyang, don't you want to fight? This emperor will fight with you..." In the end, Immortal Emperor Can Ye couldn't bear it anymore. A surge of outrage rushed out of the general's residence in an instant.

Things have come to this, he has to fight! Even if it's true defeat and loss of body, it's still better than being scolded here forever.

When Immortal Emperor Can Ye and Jian Chen were sent to the ancient battlefield at the same time, all the Thousand Immortal Generals in Qingtian City fell silent, especially the sixteen Thousand Immortal Generals on Jian Chen's list. The heart has completely sunk to the bottom.

"I thought it would be enough to refuse the challenge, but I didn't expect Changyang to be so despicable, to resort to this trick..."

"These of us, in our respective heavens, who is not a famous immortal emperor with great power in his hands, who can endure such humiliation..."

"Hey, if I had known that Changyang was so difficult to deal with, I shouldn't have agreed to the matter of Xianyumen..."


At this moment, the ten or so immortal emperors were secretly angry in their hearts, and some of them regretted it in their hearts.

But soon, more than a dozen of them reached an agreement, and they left their general's mansion one after another, and all went to the marshal's mansion of Wei Qi Xianzun.

At this moment, one of the five Marshal's Mansions, Weiqi Immortal Venerable sat on the main seat, frowning at the dozen or so immortal emperors gathered here.

"Weiqi, Changyang is your subordinate, so you should restrain him well..." A cold voice came out of nowhere in the Marshal's mansion, only to see the Shaxue Xianzun, one of the five Marshals, also appearing it's here.

In addition to Shaxue Xianzun, Zhenyan Xianzun and Ji Yun Xianzun were also present at the same time, and they all made the same request to let Weiqi Xianzun restrain Jian Chen.

The three marshals, together with more than a dozen immortal emperors with good backgrounds, Weiqi Xianzun only felt that his head was as big as a cow, and he was in a dilemma.

"Weiqi, you are also to blame for your subordinates causing such a big mess in Qingtian City." Ji Yunxianzun's face was serious.

"Senior Weiqi, I hope you will restrain Changyang immediately. If you let him continue to challenge like this, wouldn't Qingtian City be messed up..." The dozen or so immortal emperors below also spoke one after another. Now, they can only I can put my hope on Weiqi Immortal Venerable.

"I can't take care of Changyang's affairs, you go find another way, or... go to the city lord to come forward..." Facing the demands of everyone, Wei Qi Xianzun also felt powerless.

After hearing this, Immortal Venerable Shaxue, Immortal Zhenyan, and Immortal Ji Yun suddenly focused their gazes, and a look of surprise appeared in the depths of their eyes.

The three of them stared deeply at Wei Qi Xianzun, and began to look carefully.

But soon, the three of them were shocked and extremely horrified.

Because they have been keenly aware that Wei Qi Xianzun seems to be injured.

"Go, find the city lord!" Immortal Master Zhenyan shouted, and immediately disappeared with Immortal Venerable Shaxue and Immortal Zhenyan.

The remaining ten or so experts at the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm also stared at Weiqi Immortal Venerable with uncertain expressions.

These immortal emperors naturally knew what the words of Wei Qi Xianzun revealed, which shocked them all.

No one dared to ask more questions, everyone kept silent tactfully, then followed the three marshals and headed for the City Lord's Mansion one after another.

Qingtian City, outside the City Lord's Mansion, the three marshals Zhenyan Immortal, Shaxue Immortal, and Ji Yun Immortal gathered together, looking at the majestic City Lord's Mansion in front of them, a trace of hesitation and hesitation appeared in the eyes of the three at the same time.

"Do you really want to go to Senior Jiang for this matter? It is said that once Senior Jiang came to Qingtian City, he stayed in the holy land to practice. It would be bad if he disturbed Senior Jiang's cultivation because of such a trivial matter. Already." Ji Yun Xianzun said hesitantly.

Jiang Pingtian, that is not an ordinary person, even if he is also in the realm of Immortal Venerable, Jiang Pingtian is still an existence that can only be looked up to in the eyes of Immortal Ji Yun.

After hearing this, the eyes of Immortal Venerable Shaxue and Immortal Zhenyan flickered, and they were a little hesitant.

But soon, Xianzun Shaxue gritted his teeth and said resolutely: "Since we have agreed to Xianyumen, we must do our best, otherwise, it will only make Xianyumen dissatisfied with us."

"Moreover, this incident is also a great opportunity for us to climb the Xianyu Gate. How can we miss such a good opportunity."

Immortal Venerable Zhenyan and Immortal Ji Yun, who were originally hesitant, also became firm after hearing this.

After all, the Immortal Feather Sect is a heaven-level power, almost a behemoth capable of dominating a world, which naturally makes many top powers in the fairy world flock to it.

With this in mind, the three great immortals no longer hesitated, and took out their handsome seals one after another.

As the high-level officials of Qingtian City, they naturally have a way to directly contact the city lord. As long as more than half of the five marshals activate their seals at the same time, even if the city lord is secretly cultivating in the Holy Land, he will accept them without any hindrance. to their messages.

"Jiang is right here, if you need to find Jiang, just come in."

Just when the three of them were about to urge their commander-in-chief to contact Jiang Pingtian, Jiang Pingtian's voice suddenly came from the city lord's mansion.

Hearing this, Immortal Ji Yun, Immortal Shaxue and Immortal Zhenyan were stunned, showing a look of surprise, but the three of them entered the City Lord's Mansion directly the next moment.

The dozen or so immortal emperors who had just arrived at the City Lord's Mansion followed closely.

In the majestic city lord's mansion, Jiang Pingtian's avatar of Yuanshen sat cross-legged on the city lord's throne, his eyes slightly closed, and a majesty emanated from him, enveloping the entire city lord's mansion.

Below, the three great immortals and a dozen or so immortal emperors bowed respectfully to Jiang Pingtian.

In front of Jiang Pingtian, all of them involuntarily put away that high-ranking aura, especially some of the immortal emperors among them, they didn't even dare to take a breath, and lowered their heads deeply.

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