Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3626: Unsullied air

Jian Chen also showed an unbelievable expression, and said in a shocked tone: "Senior Jiang, you mean that Wei Chengqing only spent a hundred thousand years to train three people with not outstanding aptitudes to the point that even you are shocked?" Height? Then what level are the three of them now?"

Jian Chen could only feel that the three servants of Daowei Chengqing were very powerful, far surpassing those of ordinary immortals, but as for how many days they were in the realm of immortals, he still couldn't tell.

"Immortal Venerable Realm... Seventh Heaven!" Jiang Pingtian spit out a few words slowly, and after a short silence, he added: "Already at the peak of Seventh Heaven, only one step away from Eighth Heaven. This step For all the immortals at this height in the holy world, it may be a threshold that cannot be crossed in their entire lives."

"But for the three of them, it must not be that difficult."

"Well, people in the world thought that Daowei Chengqing only brought out the Tianxia Brush and the Wanmin Book from the Xiangsheng Cave, but judging from what happened to his three servants, he brought a The treasures produced are far more than these."

"Seventh Heaven...Three servants, all of them are Immortal Venerable Realm Seventh Heaven..." Jian Chen's heart was filled with turmoil, and he was deeply moved by the power in Daowei Chengqing's hands. Shock.

Because this power is completely different from those top forces in the fairy world and the holy world, he knows that there are indeed no less than three powerful people in the late stage of the fairy world sitting in the command of some extremely transcendent top forces, whether it is the fairy world or the holy world. After all, the strong belonged to a huge force, with a transcendent status, a high-ranking ancestor, a supreme existence who would hardly obey anyone's orders except the Taizun.

But the three servants of Daowei Chengqing are different. They are three late-stage Immortal Venerables who absolutely obey what they say, and they can be sent at will, and they can be sent to do anything at will.

Therefore, the meanings of the two are quite different.

"In just one hundred thousand years, three such strong men can be produced, what kind of shocking mystery is hidden in the cave of rebirth?" At this moment, Jian Chen couldn't help feeling a strong curiosity about the cave of rebirth. , can't wait to go inside for a walk.

He still can't forget the strange emotion that came out of nowhere in his heart when he stood in front of the death cave.

Jian Chen still remembers the unexplained sadness and the inexplicable tear stains on his cheeks.

"Senior Jiang, the prince of the Daowei family, how did he get in here?" Jian Chen asked again.

"Thousands of years ago, the Taizun of the Daowei family personally sent him to the ninth floor of the Holy Land. When he first came here, he was only the first level of the Immortal King Realm. He stayed here for thousands of years, all the way from the first level of the Immortal King Realm Tian cultivated to the sixth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm."

"At this rate, I'm afraid he will be able to step into the Immortal Venerable Realm within a few years."

Jiang Pingtian's eyes fell on the wisp of Wugou Qi in Jian Chen's hand, revealing a complex look, and said: "However, the prince of the Daowei family seems to appreciate you quite a bit, and you don't know about this matter. Is a blessing or a curse."

Hearing this, Jian Chen's eyes flashed brightly, and he said, "I don't know why senior made such a statement?"

"Because of your identity..." Jiang Pingtian hesitated to speak, and finally sighed softly, saying: "The road ahead can only be walked by yourself, Jiang can only help you in the end. "

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As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Pingtian's figure disappeared into the Holy Land, and he voluntarily left the ninth floor of the Holy Land, leaving the entire space on this floor to Jian Chen.

After Jiang Pingtian left, Jian Chen stood on the spot to stabilize his mind, slowly digesting the shock caused by Dao Wei Chengqing's deeds.

The next moment, his figure flashed, and he had quietly appeared on the only stone pillar in the center of the ninth floor.

Sitting cross-legged on the stone pillar, Jian Chen suddenly felt a strong aura blowing towards his face, which was the aura emanating from Wugou Qi.

However, his eyes fell on the wisp of Wugou Qi in his hand, with a strange light shining in his eyes, and he thought to himself, "I wonder if this wisp of Wugou Qi can revive the spirits of the Temple of Absolute Beginning. "

After a short hesitation, Jian Chen slowly aimed Wugou Qi at the center of his brow.

The Temple of Absolute Beginning exists in his sea of ​​consciousness. Therefore, if he wants the Temple of Absolute Beginning to absorb this ray of Wugou Qi, unless he takes out the Temple of Absolute Beginning, he can only let the Wugou Qi enter his soul first, and then Borrowing from one's own primordial spirit, he merged into the Temple of Absolute Beginning.

The Temple of Absolute Beginning, he is not going to expose it here. After all, in the ninth floor of the holy land, someone may come up at any time, so he can only use the second method to let the Temple of Absolute Beginning absorb this ray of innocence.

However, just when Jian Chen brought the Wugou Qi close to his brows and was about to merge into his soul, he suddenly felt a warning sign, and a strong uneasiness rose from the bottom of his heart, and his heart was also at this moment. It jumped violently uncontrollably, and the blood flowing all over his body accelerated.

An extremely strong threat enveloped Jian Chen's heart.

The sudden change caused Jian Chen's face to change drastically. He suddenly moved the Wugou Qi in his hand away from the center of his eyebrows, staring fixedly at this wisp of Wugou Qi, his face cloudy and uncertain.

"There is something wrong with this wisp of Wugou Qi!" Jian Chen's face became gloomy. He looked at Wugou Qi carefully, but he didn't find any clues.

"Ziying, Qingsuo, look at this Wugou Qi!" Jian Chen called Ziqing Sword Spirit without hesitation.

The Ziqing Sword Spirit emerged from Jian Chen's body and transformed into two illusory figures standing in the void above Jian Chen's head, also looking at the Wugou Qi in Jian Chen's hands.

"Master, we didn't find anything weird." After a while, Ziqing Sword Spirit frowned at the same time.

Jian Chen imprisoned the Wugou Qi in his hands with the power of chaos, his eyes became extremely sharp, he was silent for a moment, and then he shouted: "Senior Qi Ling, the thing in my hand is really Wugou Qi!" angry?"

Jian Chen began to call Qingtian City Qiling, he already had a full understanding of Qingtiancheng, he knew that Qingtiancheng Qiling would never take the initiative to harm people, even if it really wanted to target someone, it would only be aboveboard and would not use methods.

The next moment, Qingtian City Artifact Spirit appeared, and it also stared at the wisp of Wugou Qi in Jian Chen's hand. After a while, it said in an affirmative tone: "Don't worry, this is indeed Wugou Qi. , It has not been tampered with. And this ray of innocence, indeed, appeared not long ago, and was captured by the strange people of the Daowei family."

Hearing this, Jian Chen frowned deeply, and murmured: "No, definitely not, there is definitely something wrong with this wisp of Wugou Qi, it poses a huge threat to me."

"Anyway, I really don't see anything wrong with this ray of innocence. If you are really worried, you can exchange it with the little guy on the eighth floor. He has good things on him, and he won't die so easily." Qing Tiancheng Qi Ling said.

"The eighth floor? Ye Qingyun?" This figure instantly appeared in Jian Chen's mind. The next moment, his figure flashed, and he had already left the ninth floor and appeared on the eighth floor.

On the two stone pillars in the center of the eighth floor, one of the stone pillars has been covered by a layer of formation, isolating all detection.

Jian Chen flicked his fingers, and a weak sword energy hit the formation, causing the formation to stir up circles of light waves.

Soon, the formation was activated, and Ye Qingyun's figure appeared in Jian Chen's sight.

I saw him sitting cross-legged on the stone pillar, frowning slightly, looking at Jian Chen, and said, "Fellow Daoist Changyang, what's the matter?"

"I have a wisp of Wugou Qi, do you want it? If you want, you can exchange it with something." Jian Chen took out the wisp of Wugou Qi that Dao Wei Chengqing gave him.

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