Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3627: slave print

Looking at the wisp of Wugou Qi in Jian Chen's hand, Ye Qingyun's eyes flickered, and said: "According to my understanding, you also urgently need Wugou Qi, and now you have finally obtained a wisp of Wugou Qi. Then why not keep it for yourself, but exchange it with me?"

"I can stay here for at least thousands of years, so naturally I can harvest more than one piece of innocence. And you happen to have something that I value, so I specially took out an innocence to exchange with you .” Jian Chen said calmly.

"What do you want from me?" Ye Qingyun was secretly vigilant.

"You must still have the divine elixir that can allow you to step into the Immortal Venerable Realm, right? I will use this ray of innocence to exchange for that divine elixir." Jian Chen revealed a faint smile on his face.

Ye Qingyun's complexion changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "That kind of magic pill comes from the last era, and it has surpassed the heavens and the earth. It has been extinct until now, and no one has been able to refine it. One is less than one. The value of this wisp of Wushou Qi is far less than that of a divine pill."

Jian Chen fell into silence. He also knew that what Ye Qingyun said was true. Although Wugou Qi was precious, some would appear every once in a while in the Holy Land of Qingtian City, and it was a renewable thing.

In terms of value, a ray of Wushou Qi is indeed far inferior to the extinct and extremely effective divine pill.

Ye Qingyun stood on the stone pillar and hesitated for a while, and finally took out a white jade bottle from the interspatial ring, and said: "Since fellow Taoist Changyang wants a magic pill, then I'll treat it as a half-sell and half-give away. Come out and exchange it with you."

Jian Chen opened the jade bottle and saw that there was a round elixir lying inside, tightly wrapped by a layer of special elixir, exuding a strong breath of time.

"I don't know what the name of this divine pill is?" Jian Chen asked curiously.

"I don't know what its original name was, but now I call it Xianzun Pill!" Ye Qingyun said.

"Xianzun Pill? It also fits." After confirming that the pill was correct, Jian Chen put away the jade bottle, and at the same time handed the wisp of Wugou Qi in his hand to Ye Qingyun, saying: "The Wugou Qi Qi should not be stored for too long, you should take it as soon as possible, and leave!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jian Chen left the eighth floor without looking back, and went to the ninth floor.

Since he already has the qualifications to enter the ninth floor, within the specified time limit, he can enter and exit the ninth floor at will.

Ye Qingyun stared at the place where Jian Chen disappeared, and after a few breaths of silence, she opened the formation around the stone pillar again, and her whole body was hidden by the formation.

In the formation, Ye Qingyun stared at the ray of Wugou Qi in his hand, and after a very detailed inspection, after confirming again and again that there was nothing wrong with this ray of Wugou Qi, he violently removed the Wugou Qi Qi merged into one's own soul and absorbed directly.

However, at the next moment, Ye Qingyun's face changed drastically, and her body sitting on the stone pillar trembled violently. The chaotic raging between heaven and earth caused gusts of wind.

"Ah—Changyang, you despicable and shameless villain, you actually hurt me like this..."

Ye Qingyun raised his head to the sky and let out an angry roar, his gaze became extremely frightening, and two blazing rays of light burst out from his eyes, carrying intense struggle and overwhelming anger.

The figure of Qi Ling in Qingtian City appeared quietly, her eyes penetrated the cover of the array laid down by Ye Qingyun, and she clearly saw all the pictures that happened to Ye Qingyun.

"How could this be?" Qingtiancheng Qiling murmured, frowning tightly, with bewilderment and bewilderment.


At this moment, there was a huge roar, and Ye Qingyun's formation around the stone pillar broke, and a powerful energy storm vented from Ye Qingyun's body as if uncontrollable.

His body also fell from the stone pillar, and suddenly fell to the ground below. Between his eyebrows, a group of dazzling rays of light flickered rapidly.

It was also at this time that Jian Chen went back and forth, and reappeared in the eighth space of the holy land. His eyes were fixed on Ye Qingyun's tragic situation, and his face was gloomy.

"Lord Qi Ling, what is going on?" Jian Chen asked in a deep voice.

Qing Tiancheng Qi Ling didn't speak.

Suddenly, a wooden puppet separated from Ye Qingyun's body, and on the head of the wooden puppet, there was an ancient imprint shining brightly, firmly attached to it like a tarsal maggot. At the point between the eyebrows, the mark melted into the wooden puppet's head and disappeared completely.

And when the wooden puppet was separated from Ye Qingyun's body, the pain and struggle on Ye Qingyun's face disappeared, and the whole person quickly returned to calm.

It's just that his face became extremely gloomy, his eyes were full of overwhelming anger, and his pupils were full of bright red bloodshot eyes, staring at Jian Chen who had returned to the eighth floor, gnashing his teeth: "Changyang, you are so despicable, I gave you a precious Immortal Pill, you are not grateful, but in the end you actually murdered me instead."

"Ye Qingyun, you misunderstood. I have no intention of murdering you. If you don't believe me, the senior Qi Ling from Qingtian City is here. You can find out as soon as you ask." Jian Chen stared at Ye Qingyun with a complicated expression.

"Senior Qi Ling, you have to uphold justice for me!" Ye Qingyun clasped her fists at Qing Tiancheng Qi Ling.

"I really didn't see any problem with the wisp of Wugou Qi that Changyang gave you. As for the ancient imprint hidden in Wugou Qi, this method is beyond my cognition. But I can only It can be roughly judged that the imprint should be a very ancient slave imprint, and this slave imprint was not planted by Changyang." Qing Tiancheng Qi Ling said.

"Slave mark?" Jian Chen's complexion became ugly, the Wugou Qi that Dao Wei Chengqing bestowed on him actually hides a slave mark?

Dao Wei Chengqing actually wants to enslave himself?

Ye Qingyun's face also became cloudy and uncertain, and said in a deep voice: "Isn't Changyang planting that slave seal? That ray of innocence is from Changyang's hand. Besides him, who else is there? , if Changyang didn’t harbor evil intentions, then why did he go and come back here again?”

"That ray of innocence was given to me by the crown prince of the Daowei family, but I didn't absorb it, but exchanged it with you. Unexpectedly, it almost caused you to be planted with a slave mark." Jian Chen explained with a sullen face, he couldn't think of it, the first time he saw Dao Wei Chengqing, why did he deliberately target himself, and went to great lengths to hide a slave mark in Wugou? In the air.

What shocked him even more was that the method used by Daowei Chengqing to hide the slave mark, even Ziqing Sword Spirit and Qingtian City Tool Spirit couldn't see it.

Is this method too mysterious? Or is it impossible for all weapon spirits to spy on it?

"What? The prince of the Daowei family?" Ye Qingyun's face suddenly changed, and he was obviously very familiar with this legendary figure who was famous in the fairy world.

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