Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3628: Daming Palace

"Ye Qingyun, anyway, this incident is thanks to you. If it weren't for you, the consequences would be really unpredictable." Jian Chen said with a face of gratitude, although he didn't know the slave mark planted by Dao Wei Chengqing Whether I can resist it, but this kind of risk is obviously not to be taken, otherwise, if you don't pay attention, you will be doomed.

"Changyang, you caused me to lose a surrogate puppet, do you know how precious this kind of puppet is?" Ye Qingyun said angrily.

"This time, I owe you a favor. But if you really want to blame, you have to go to Dao Wei Chengqing, after all, he planted the slave mark." Jian Chen said.

"Let me go to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Daowei Family? Jian Chen, can you say that?" Ye Qingyun gritted her teeth, looking for Prince Daowei Chengqing? I'm afraid that even the Ye family's biggest backer, Master Huode, is unable to keep him.

In the end, Ye Qingyun could only swallow this breath.

On the ninth floor of the holy land, Jian Chen sat cross-legged on the only stone pillar, but he had no intention of cultivating at all, and his mind was full of thoughts about this matter.

It's just that after thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure it out, why did Dao Wei Chengqing target himself?

After all, that is a peerless arrogance with radiant brilliance and a limitless future. In the eyes of such people, he should be insignificant.

"Where is the problem? Or, what did he see from me?" Jian Chen was really puzzled.

"You must be careful about this person from now on." At this moment, Qingtian City's Artifact Spirit quietly appeared in front of Jian Chen, its expression became serious, and it said in a deep voice: "Once upon a time, for this person My understanding of it is limited to legends, and it was not until today that this happened that I discovered that this person's means were beyond imagination, and he could be called a god."

"He hid the slave mark in Wugou Qi, and even I can hide it from him. This kind of method is difficult even for the Grand Master."

"There is also that kind of slave seal. This seal is extremely mysterious and very ancient. It is not recorded in any ancient books. If I hadn't observed the changes and energy properties of this seal in Ye Qingyun's body, I am afraid that even I would not be able to determine the identity of this seal. Really works."

"Could it be that the slave seal also came from the Rebirth Cave?" Jian Chen guessed.

"That's the only possibility. I even suspect that that person has even seen through your true identity. Although you hide your aura with a mask, even some immortal realm nine heavens can't see through you, but Dao Weicheng After all, Qing is a person who entered the cave of the past, so it cannot be judged by common sense." Qing Tiancheng Qi Ling said.


In the vast starry sky of the Immortal Realm, the three servants of Daowei Chengqing are displaying the terrifying power of the seventh heavenly powerhouse in the Immortal Venerable Realm, leading Daowei Chengqing across the void, and rushing through the starry sky at an extremely fast speed .

"Huh!" At this moment, Dao Wei Chengqing suddenly sounded suspicious, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

He immediately closed his eyes and felt it carefully, and then a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "It's a bit unexpected that it failed. It seems that this little guy is more complicated than I imagined." The failure of the slave seal did not make Dao Wei Chengqing angry.

"Master, you mean the junior from the sixth heaven of the Immortal Emperor Realm? I don't know what is so strange about this person that he can be favored by the master." Behind Daowei Chengqing, a servant of the seventh heaven of the Immortal Venerable Realm Open your mouth and say.

"This person is not simple. He is very talented, and his cultivation time is shorter than mine. He has reached this level in only a few thousand years. Except for those strong people who recovered their memories after reincarnation, there is really no other person in this fairy world. Humans can."

"Besides that, this person's luck is against the sky, and he has more than one supreme artifact on his body." Dao Wei Chengqing said with a light smile.

Hearing this, the three servants showed shocking looks one after another. They have cultivated to the sixth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm in just thousands of years. This is simply unprecedented and unprecedented.

After all, it is a step-by-step practice, and every bottleneck during the period must be broken through by oneself, unlike some reincarnated strongmen, once the memory is restored, the previous realms will return one after another, and they can be reborn in a very short time. reached its previous heights.

Dao Wei Chengqing pointed to the void, and immediately a portrait appeared out of thin air. He handed the portrait to one of them and said, "Go and check this person, I want to know his true identity."

"Master, who is this person?" Looking at the strange face in the portrait, the three servants were startled.

"He wears a mask on his face, covering up his real face and aura. What you saw in Qingtian City is all fake. This is his real face." Dao Wei Chengqing said.

Deduction flashed in the eyes of the three servants, and they wanted to gain insight into the secrets of heaven by relying on their own realm.

"Don't waste your efforts, he has more than one supreme artifact on his body, and the mask on his face is also left by a strong man of the Illusory Demon Race. Based on your current state, you can't deduce him." Dao Weicheng Qing paused, then revealed a touch of interest, and said: "But this person is indeed a little strange, as if shrouded in a cloud of fog, some deeper things that even I can't see through, I can only see a surface."

"It would be a pity if such an outstanding person cannot be used by me."

"Master, but this person is cultivating the body of chaos, and his achievements will be limited in the future." A servant said.

Dao Wei Chengqing smiled without saying a word, with an inscrutable look.

Afterwards, the few people were speechless all the way, and rushed in the starry sky at an extremely fast speed. They crossed a small half of the fairyland in a short period of time, and finally entered a vast continent floating in the sea of ​​stars.

This vast continent is one of the thirty-three realms of the fairy world, and it is so wonderful that it is a heavenly realm!

"His Royal Highness is here!"

Miaochengtian, in the Great Tomorrow Palace, a loud voice spread throughout the entire Great Tomorrow Palace, and immediately in the depths of the Great Tomorrow Palace, there were ancient bells echoing.

Immediately, the originally quiet Great Tomorrow Palace became lively in an instant. Colorful rainbow bridges spread from the inside of the Great Tomorrow Palace to the outside of the palace.

This is the highest etiquette in the Great Tomorrow Palace. The entire Great Tomorrow Palace is almost in full force, and all the important people come forward.

In the sky, Dao Wei Chengqing landed slowly with three servants, stepped on the colorful bridge and walked towards the palace ahead step by step.

"Qing'er, you're finally willing to come back and have a look. We've been looking forward to this day for a long time..." At the other end of the Hongqiao, several old men from the Daming Ming Palace were flushed with excitement and excitement. He came to Dao Wei Chengqing excitedly, and enthusiastically shook Dao Wei Chengqing's hand.

"Chengqing pays homage to the ancestors!" Dao Wei Chengqing bowed gently with a gentle smile on his face.

The three servants following behind him all imitated Daowei Chengqing and bowed to the few in front of them.

"You don't need to be too polite, you don't need to be too polite, Chengqing, didn't you say that back then, when you see our old bones in the future, don't do this kind of big gift again, we can't afford it." The old man said this on his lips, but in fact he was extremely excited in his heart, especially when they saw the three servants behind Daowei Chengqing salute to them, their vanity was immediately greatly satisfied.

After exchanging pleasantries, Dao Wei Chengqing was warmly invited into the main hall by the high-level officials of the Great Ming Palace.

In the conference hall, apart from Dao Wei Chengqing and three servants, there were seven figures sitting in total.

One of them is the master of the Great Tomorrow Palace, with a first-level cultivation in the Immortal Emperor Realm.

The remaining six people are all patriarchs with lofty status in the Great Tomorrow Palace, who exist like Mount Tai and the Big Dipper, and the strongest is the Immortal Emperor Realm Jiuchongtian!

There are countless clansmen and blood relatives in the entire Mingming Palace, and it seems that only these few are qualified to sit with Daowei Chengqing.

"Uncle, I heard that my sister has returned?" Dao Wei Chengqing looked at the owner of the Great Mingming Palace.

The owner of the Great Tomorrow Palace is Fang Jing's father.



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