Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3686: Smashing the Central Temple (4)

"Does it still want to swallow our central temple with the energy of devouring?"

With the permission of the artifact spirits of the temple, the immortal monarchs and the immortal emperors in the central temple can all see the outside situation through the obstacles of the temple.

"It seems that it's not just the Immortal Devouring Demon Flower, but also the Thousand Soul Demon Venerable. I vaguely felt a strong demonic energy surrounding the temple."

"Wait, why do I feel a strong anxiety for no reason, it seems that a huge crisis is coming"

"I also felt a crisis. This crisis was so strong that it made my legs weak. Damn it, what happened outside?"

Soon, several Supreme Elders from the Immortal Emperor Realm showed uneasy expressions in the crowd. They desperately distributed their spiritual consciousness, trying to spread their spiritual consciousness to see what happened outside.

The rhizomes of the devouring fairy flowers surrounded the central temple like a big rice dumpling, without a single gap, even if they tried their best, they still couldn't break out of the encirclement.

Xiang Bai's expression was also cloudy and uncertain, and a strong uneasiness arose in his heart, and he walked back and forth in the temple anxiously.

"Mr. Jiang, can you see what happened outside?" Suddenly, Xiangbai looked at the elderly Mr. Jiang.

Mr. Jiang shook his head and said: "The Immortal Devourer Flower and the Thousand Soul Demon Venerable worked together to block the central temple, and the old man could not see the situation outside. But don't panic, the central temple is a high-grade artifact after all, it is extremely strong, no matter they There is no way to threaten us."

Speaking of this, Old Jiang paused, and continued: "Besides, we still have the last trump card that we haven't used. If it really comes to that point, the old man will use the last trump card without hesitation."

Hearing this, the eyes of a group of high-level people gathered in the temple lit up.

"Mr. Jiang, what is the final trump card? How powerful is it?"

"Mr. Jiang, can you show us what the final trump card is?"

There were Immortal Monarch Realm and even Immortal Emperor Realm Taishang elders who asked, full of curiosity.

Obviously, even the high-ranking elders are unaware of some trump cards.

Mr. Jiang smiled mysteriously, and calmly said: "Don't ask any extra questions, I can only say that once the final trump card is used, there is basically no hope of surviving in the late stage of Immortal Venerable Realm."

"What? Even the sixth heaven in the Immortal Venerable Realm can kill? So powerful"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the temple was immediately stunned. Immediately, everyone seemed to have taken a reassurance, and the anxiety in their hearts gradually dissipated.

At this moment, after several breaths of brewing, Jian Chen's fusion of the two swords is about to be completed.

Chaos is divided into yin and yang, and Ziying and Qingsuo represent one yang and one yin.

At this moment, yin and yang merge, and chaos reappears!

At this moment, Jian Chen's face was extremely pale, blood was squeezed out from all the pores of his body, and he had turned into a blood man.

He clasped his hands together and raised them above his head. The purple and blue swords had turned into a chaotic force full of destructive aura.

"Back!" Jian Chen trembling body, let out a low cry with difficulty.

The Thousand Soul Demon Lord, who had already trembled unceasingly, heard Jian Chen's shout, like a bereaved dog, fled to the far away desperately, not daring to stay for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, the Immortal Eater Yaohua also took back all the vines as quickly as possible, and stayed away for the first time.

At this moment, no matter whether it was the Thousand Soul Demon Lord or the Immortal Devouring Demon Flower, they all regarded Jian Chen as a calamity and did not dare to approach him at all.

The central shrine of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect was suddenly exposed to Jian Chen.

At the same time, a group of strong men from the Giant Elephant Sect hiding in the central temple finally saw the scene outside.

In an instant, the eyes of all of them were the size of copper bells, full of disbelief and horror.

"What is that, why is it so terrible"

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible. This is the combination of Ziqing swords. Although I have never seen such a scene with my own eyes, there is a clear record in the Zongmen classics, and it will never be wrong."

"What? The combination of purple and blue swords"

For a moment, all the strong men in the Giant Elephant Sect were scared to death.

With the combination of purple and green swords, everyone who has a certain status in the fairy world is ignorant and unaware.

It's just that for them, these are all legendary deeds, but they didn't expect it to happen in front of their own eyes at this moment.

"Impossible" Xiang Bai's face paled instantly, trembling all over.

Old Jiang was also trembling all over, his eyes seemed to penetrate the barrier of the temple, fixedly staring at the chaotic sword energy that appeared outside, a bone-piercing chill permeated his whole body.

The combination of two swords is the most powerful power that can kill even the Tai Zun. Now, such a terrifying power appears in front of them, which naturally frightens everyone.

"Mr. Jiang, hurry up, use the last hole card" a Taishang elder exclaimed in panic.

Mr. Jiang was terrified all over, and reacted in an instant. He gritted his teeth immediately and was about to use the last trump card.

Although he also knew that the last trump card could not fight against the combination of two swords, but right now, this was the only choice.

It's just that Jiang Lao's reaction was a step slow after all. At this time, Jian Chen raised his hands above his head and swung them down suddenly.

Suddenly the sky was shattered, countless time and space were shattered, only the chaotic sword energy fell, and all matter and order were cut apart, causing a huge void crack to appear between the heaven and the earth.

In an instant, the sword energy of chaos bombarded the central temple of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect.

There was no deafening roar, and the impregnable central temple was as fragile as tofu in front of the chaotic sword energy, and was easily chopped into two halves.

At the cut gap, dense cracks spread, covering the entire wreckage of the temple in an instant.

After that, the entire temple seemed to be broken ceramics, shattered into countless pieces of wreckage of different sizes and fell from the sky.

Together with those that fell, there were dozens of corpses!

Most of those corpses were hidden in the Immortal Monarch Realm in the temple, and some Immortal Monarchs were affected by the Chaos Sword Qi, and they directly ended up annihilated in form and spirit.

There are also some immortals who were hit head-on by the remaining power of the chaotic sword energy, and they were directly turned into a mass of ashes, and their bones were not damaged.

With a sword slashing down, the entire Giant Elephant Sect instantly calmed down.

Some of the strong men who hid in the temple were turned into ashes, and some of them had their bodies preserved. In the end, only three survived.

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