Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3687: way out

They are Xiang Bai, Jiang Lao, and a Supreme Elder from the fifth heaven of the Immortal Emperor Realm.

The three of them survived not because of their strength, but because of some luck.

But even so, the three of them also suffered some damage, and they all ended up being severely injured, and their breath was extremely weak.

In the sky above the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, the huge void crack could not be healed for a long time, the power of chaos was too overbearing and too powerful, preventing the Heaven and Earth Avenue from repairing the world in a short time.

Jian Chen's body was also staggering, he was covered in blood, his breath was weak, and he was very listless.

With the two swords combined, the backlash he suffered was not only the physical injury, but also the trauma of the soul.

The wounds on his body are nothing when healed by the source of life, but the wounds on his soul can only be found elsewhere.

"Is this the power of the combination of two swords? It really is extremely terrifying." Thousand Soul Demon Venerable hid in the distance, his body trembling slightly.

Although this kind of power is still far from beheading the Taizun, it still shakes his mind.

There was light green light flashing on Jian Chen's body. The source of life was rapidly repairing Jian Chen's body. He slowly fell from the sky and appeared in front of Xiang Bai and the other three.

The three Xiangbai had already fallen from a high altitude, and they were lying powerlessly on a broken hill at this moment, all three of them stared at Jian Chen in shock and anger.

"The purple and blue swords reappeared, you, you, you are the heir of that old man?" Xiang Bai stared at Jian Chen with monstrous hatred, and made a sound of gnashing his teeth.

Jiang Lao stared at Jian Chen for a while, and then his expression gradually became dazed, as if he had lost his soul, and murmured unconsciously: "The purple and blue swords turned out to be the purple and blue swords. They disappeared for more than three million years. came back"

Speaking of this, Mr. Jiang seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly smiled silly, and said: "The successor of the Zixiao Sword Sect, you are running out of time, and you won't live long. Hahahaha, if you keep being so low-key Going on, I am afraid that no one in the fairy world knows the existence of the Ziqing twin swords, but you have exposed the Ziqing twin swords here."

"Although the aura of the Ziqing twin swords was protected by the Zongmen's protective formation, it did not spread outside, but the ancestors of our Zongmen can return within three years at most. In just three years, the aura of the Ziqing twin swords is It won't go away anyway."

"Haha, cough, cough, descendant of the Zixiao Sword Sect, although you can kill us today, as long as our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect has an ancestor, there will be a comeback sooner or later, but you, just wait to be hunted down "

Hearing this, Jian Chen revealed a meaningful smile, and said: "You guys underestimate me, since I dare to combine my swords here, I will naturally have a way to erase the remaining traces and aura here, don't worry , After you fall, even if the ancestors of the sect return, they will not know about the Ziqing twin swords."

"Even, they don't know who destroyed this place."

Hearing this, the expression on Jiang Lao's face suddenly froze.

The next moment, three sword lights flashed, and the three Supreme Elders of Giant Elephant Immortal Sect who had survived by chance were all destroyed physically and spiritually.

Next, Jian Chen came to the wreckage of the central temple, and found the three Spirit Gathering Mountains in the ruins.

The three Juling Mountains were all shrunk down to a height of one meter, and they looked like three ordinary boulders. Fortunately, there were no scars left on them. The chaotic sword energy transformed by the combination of purple and green swords did not hit these three mountains. Juling Mountain.

In addition to the three Spirit Gathering Mountains, Jian Chen also found a white jade oil lamp in the ruins. From the white jade oil lamp, he felt a huge threat.

"This thing should be the last trump card of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect." Looking at the white jade oil lamp in his hand that emitted shocking fluctuations, Jian Chen looked solemn and incomparably dignified.

But this is not the time to study the white jade oil lamp. He carefully placed the white jade oil lamp in the Temple of Absolute Beginning, and continued to search in the ruins of the central temple.

Gradually, space rings fell into Jian Chen's hands one after another. Jian Chen tirelessly checked every space ring.

In the end, he finally found two relatively special tokens from a pile of space rings.

Afterwards, he took out two identical tokens from the interspatial rings of Xiang Bai and Xiang Zhan.

Finally, he also took out the token on Xiang Zhiru's body.

These five tokens represent the five branches of the Giant Elephant Sect.

"The five major tokens have been collected, and the problem of going out has been solved." Looking at the five tokens in his hand, Jian Chen showed a faint smile.

Venerable Tianfu told him about the concealment of the Giant Elephant Sect, and also told Jian Chen a way to leave here.

That is the main command that gathers the five major branches, and controls the closure of the guardian formation through the main command.

But Jian Chen was not in a hurry to leave, he notified Qi Ling of Absolute Beginning Temple to release Elder Nong and Chen Shifang.

"Sovereign, what is this place?" Elder Nong and Chen Shifang both stared at the mess around them with puzzled expressions, but immediately they were keenly aware of Jian Chen's weakness, and their expressions turned serious.

"This is the residence of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect." Jian Chen looked at the two of them with a faint smile.

"What? This is the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect?" Hearing this, Elder Nong and Chen Shifang turned pale with shock, subconsciously fully alert.

The Giant Elephant Sect, this is a colossal monster that has dominated the heavens for millions of years. Whenever the Giant Elephant Sect is mentioned, everyone in the Heaven Realm will turn pale.

"Don't be nervous, except for the seven ancestors of the Giant Elephant Sect and a small number of disciples who went out, the rest of the people have all died. From now on, the Giant Elephant Sect is in the sky of Gongqing, it can be said that it exists in name only." Jian Chen Those words made Elder Nong and Chen Shifang's heads buzz.

"There are still a lot of resources in the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect. Elder Nong, Elder Chen, I will let Immortal Devouring Yaohua and Thousand Soul Demon Venerable cooperate with you. Don't leave anyone who can be moved here." Jian Chen said to the two.

It took quite a long time for Elder Nong and Chen Shifang to recover from the earth-shattering news, and reluctantly accepted the fact that the Giant Elephant Sect was destroyed.

Next, under Jian Chen's arrangement, Elder Nong, Chen Shifang, Immortal Eater Yaohua and Thousand Soul Demon Lord rushed to various places one after another, and began to collect all the resources here.

Although the Giant Elephant Sect has a large area and many resources, it is not a big problem to evacuate it under the personal help of the two immortals and two immortals.

After all, for a powerful immortal, moving mountains and filling seas is already at their fingertips.

And with the help of the Immortal Devouring Demon Flower, even

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