Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2703: Xuan Chi Daozong

The slightly closed eyes of the Pavilion Master of Tianji Pavilion slowly opened, and his gaze became extremely deep at this moment, as if it were a deep black hole, bottomless. (Due to cache reasons, please visit the .\nCOM website directly with your browser to watch the fastest chapter update)

"I have seen a bloodbath and a collision of peak powerhouses, but there are some things that must be experienced." The Pavilion Master of Tianji Pavilion sighed softly.

Liao Chen, the deputy cabinet master standing behind him, understood the truth deeply. He seemed to recall some past events, with a complex look in his eyes, and said: "The scene with the holy world three million years ago In the battle, the Zixiao Sword Sect made great achievements. Many immortals in the fairy world can survive to this day, and they were all rescued by the Zixiao Sword Sect's Taizun. Many of them chose to back off and turn a blind eye, and very few of them really helped."

"There are even some forces who think that they have repaid the great kindness of the year with some small favors."

"It's fine if there are great powers in other heavens. Far water can't quench your thirst, but even the local forces that exist in Gongqing Heaven are like this. These people really don't deserve sympathy. Perhaps, Gongqing Heaven should also die. It's bloody."

Speaking of this, Liaochen looked at the owner of the Tianji Pavilion, hesitatingly said: "Pavilion owner, is it true that our Tianji Pavilion is not helping a bunch of Zixiao Sword Sects? After all, our Tianji Pavilion is located in Qingtian City, and we are not like other forces. Be afraid of the head and the tail, be afraid of this and that."

"Besides, our Tianji Pavilion still has the biggest trump card——Shenji Token!"

"With the Divine Mechanism Order left by our ancestors, what power in today's fairy world can make our Tianji Pavilion fearful? As long as we are willing, our Tianji Pavilion can fully bear this cause and effect."

The owner of the Tianji Pavilion shook his head slightly, and said helplessly: "Indeed, there is a divine order. Unless Gong Qingtian is completely destroyed, my Tianji Pavilion will never be destroyed. But the ancestor's precepts cannot be violated, only strict Only by obeying the ancestral precepts can our Heavenly Mystery Pavilion pass on forever, if not, then our Heavenly Mystery Pavilion will be destroyed one day."

"Not only our Tianji Pavilion, but also Qingtian City and the entire Gongqing Heaven Realm will be implicated."

Speaking of this, the owner of the Tianji Pavilion paused for a while, then sighed softly, and said: "Liaochen, although some big forces' handling of the matter of the Zixiao Sword Sect is somewhat inappropriate, but in fact, it cannot be completely resolved. Blame them, they have their concerns, for any force, the inheritance of the clan is more important than everything else."

"Our Tianji Pavilion is not suitable for meddling too much in the grievances and grievances of all parties in the fairy world. We can only be a bystander, sitting in the distance and watching the changes in the situation. Let everything take its course."

At this moment, the seven patriarchs of the Giant Elephant Sect were gathering together, each of them with ugly faces, and there was nowhere to vent the monstrous killing intent accumulated in their hearts, which made the emotions of the seven of them even more violent.

"Brother, we also went to the Tianji Pavilion, but we still don't know who the murderer is, what should we do next?" Zang Zu said, looking at Venerable Lie Kong.

"What should we do? Hmph, our Giant Elephant Sect suffered such a catastrophe, all the sect disciples and all the high-ranking officials fell, and now there are only a few old immortals like us, plus dozens of unusable low-level disciples. The peak power that dominated the Gongqing Heaven Realm in the past has fallen to such a miserable state overnight, I am afraid that many powers and powerful people in this world are hiding in the dark and watching our jokes." Venerable Lie Kong's voice was low, with a With an unforgettable hatred and hatred, a daunting and terrifying cold light shot out from his eyes.

"There is also the owner of the Tianji Pavilion. With his all-powerful ability, he must know what happened to our Giant Elephant Xianzong, but he hid himself and refused to help us. The attitude of the owner of the Tianji Pavilion is clearly in the Deliberately targeting our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect." Venerable Lie Kong continued.

"Brother, could it be that the owner of the Tianji Pavilion is also afraid of something?" Yuezu guessed.

Venerable Liekong let out a cold snort, his sharp eyes fell on Yuezu, and he shouted: "Can you grow your brains, what kind of power is Tianji Pavilion? I am afraid that only Tai Zun can make Tianji Pavilion afraid." , If it was really done by the powers of the Grand Priest level, then why bother to cover it up, even if they wiped out our whole clan with great fanfare, the holy beast clan behind us would not dare to say anything."

Yue Zu was scolded and lowered his head, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, what the elder brother taught is that this Tianji Pavilion is clearly unwilling to help us, and it makes us worry here, it is really hateful."

Suddenly, Venerable Liekong seemed to have discovered something, his eyes suddenly stared into the distance, and the monstrous murderous intent burst out of his body in an instant.

Tens of thousands of miles away from the direction Venerable Liekong was staring at, a fairy boat was galloping high in the sky. On the large deck of the fairy boat, several immortals in Taoist robes were sitting around the wine table, chatting and drinking, from time to time There was a hearty laugh.

"Hahaha, the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect has finally suffered retribution. The entire sect has almost been wiped out. Hahahaha, it's good to be destroyed, it's good to be destroyed!"

"Come on, brothers and sisters, let's drink this cup, the Giant Elephant Sect suffered such retribution, we should celebrate it properly"

"Hahaha, the disciples of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect are arrogant and domineering in Gongqingtian. They almost regard Gongqingtian as their own territory. Now, the whole sect will be wiped out."

"That's not true. I also heard that there are millions of disciples in the entire sect of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, all of them have no bones left and turned into ashes."

These immortals are all Nine Heavens Profound Immortals, and they all look gloating.

"The Giant Elephant Sect suffered a catastrophe, you little ants seem to be very happy." At this moment, a bone-chilling voice suddenly came.

The complexions of the Jiutian Xuanxian who were toasting and having fun on the deck of the fairy boat suddenly changed, and a biting killing intent came over. It feels like falling into an ice cave, and the whole body cannot move.

On the deck of the fairy boat, the seven ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect stood there, staring coldly at these Nine Heaven Profound Immortals.

"These ants are disciples of the Xuan Chi Dao Sect!" Lingzu, one of the seven ancestors of the Giant Elephant Sect, said in a deep voice: "Xuan Chi Dao Sect, a force with only one Immortal Venerable Realm 2nd Heaven, is under its sect. How dare the ants speak loudly of my Giant Elephant Immortal Sect."

Murderous intent flashed in Lingzu's eyes, and he said to Venerable Lie Kong, "Brother, I don't think there is any need for this Xuan Chi Dao Sect to exist."

Venerable Lie Kong stared in the direction of Xuan Chi Dao Sect, and said: "From now on, I will celebrate that there will be no more Xuan Chi Dao Sect in the Heaven Realm!"

The figure of Venerable Lie Kong disappeared in an instant, while Ling Zu was photographed casually. These disciples of Xuan Chi Dao Sect didn't even have a chance to speak, so they were beaten to death, and the fairy boat under their feet turned into a piece of paper. lump of ashes.

In the eyes of the seven patriarchs of the Giant Elephant Sect, the Nine Heavens Profound Realm is really like ants, even the most basic communication is extremely disdainful.

Soon, the seven patriarchs of the Giant Elephant Sect appeared outside the mountain gate of Xuan Chi Dao Sect.

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