Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3707: The road is endless (1)

The atmosphere in the majestic city lord's palace seemed a bit solemn. Immortal masters from various forces in Gongqingtian gathered here, praying that Qingtian City could come forward to stop the crazy and violent behavior of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect.

Although many of them knew that Qingtian City almost never interfered with the grudges and grudges of Gongqing Tianjie, but in desperation, they could only try their best.

"City Master Jiang, if you are really in trouble, please help us contact the Master of the Tianji Pavilion and ask the Master of the Tianji Pavilion to find out the real murderer who destroyed the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect. As for the reward for asking the Master of the Tianji Pavilion to personally take action, I think All the top powers in Gongqing Heaven are willing to contribute..."

A strong person in the Immortal Realm suggested.

As soon as this proposal was made, it was quickly approved by everyone present.

"As long as we can get the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect to stop killing, we can do it no matter how high the price is. Otherwise, wouldn't we have no choice but to hide in Qingtian City forever..."

"The key is that hiding in Qingtian City for a long time is not an option. We have brought so many disciples here, and the annual expenses are not low. As for forever, don't even think about it..."

Listening to the pleadings and complaints of the immortals below, Jiang Pingtian, who was sitting on the throne of the city lord, sighed softly and said: "You all understand the rules of Qingtian City. We cannot interfere in the battles between various forces. However, the master of Tianji Pavilion , Jiang can try to see if he can contact him. If he can, Jiang will truthfully convey your requests to the pavilion master. As for whether the pavilion master will help you, this It’s not something Jiang can decide.”

Jiang Pingtian clasped his fists at the dozen or so immortals below and said sternly: "This is all Jiang can do for you. I hope you will respect me."

"Then thank you City Master Jiang!" The dozen or so Immortal Masters below all showed happy expressions.

They had been to Tianji Pavilion before and received the news that the master of the pavilion was in retreat and could not be disturbed. So they had no choice but to come and invite the master of Qingtian City.

At this moment, a guard ran in from outside the hall, knelt down on one knee in the middle of the hall, and said: "Report to the city lord, the Immortal Lord Wu Dao of the Xianyu Sect asks for an audience!"

"What? Immortal Feather Sect? Is it the Immortal Feather Sect, one of the Twelve Heavenly Clan?"

"This is no nonsense. Is there any other force in the immortal world with an Immortal Lord who dares to establish a sect with the three words of Xianyu Sect..."

Before Jiang Pingtian could react to the arrival of the Immortal Feather Sect, a group of Immortal Sovereign Realm people sitting in the main hall showed surprise. For many of them, the power of the Twelve Heavenly Clan was something they could only control. Looking up, it is a huge thing that cannot be reached.

"Please!" Jiang Pingtian, who was sitting on the throne of the city lord, spoke in a calm voice.

The Twelve Heavenly Courts are very transcendent and are feared by countless forces. However, for the powerful in the late Immortal Realm, the deterrent effect of the Twelve Heavenly Courts has been greatly weakened.

"Wudao has met City Lord Jiang!" Soon, Wudao Immortal Lord appeared in the City Lord's Mansion with a faint smile on his face, looking very happy.

The dozen or so Immortal Lords from various forces gathered in the main hall also stood up and saluted Wudao Immortal Lord with clasped fists.

Wudao Immortal Lord responded one by one.

"Wudao, you seem to be in a good mood today." Jiang Pingtian said.

"That's natural, because the sullen feeling that has been accumulated in my heart for a long time is now showing signs of being resolved." Wudao Immortal Lord said with a smile.

Jiang Pingtian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he naturally knew that the sullenness accumulated in Wudao Immortal Lord's heart was nothing more than the turtle that Changyang, the Thousand Immortal General, let Wudao Immortal Lord eat.

Wudao Immortal Lord has never swallowed this breath, and has always been brooding about it. In addition, when chasing in the starry sky, a supreme elder of the Xianyu Sect died in the hands of Changyang, which made Wudao Immortal Lord unable to let Changyang go. .

So in these years, he has been searching for various clues to find out Changyang's identity and background.

"Did Wu Dao already know his identity?" Jiang Pingtian thought to himself.

Wudao Immortal Lord looked at the more than ten Immortal Lords from the local forces in Gongqing Tianjie. These people are all ancestors of a domain in Gongqingtian. They have a transcendent status and can have a huge influence on Gongqingtian with just a tap of their feet.

They just encountered the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, known as Gong Qingtian's number one force, so all these top forces were suppressed.

"Everyone, if you want to resolve the current predicament you are facing, you don't necessarily have to find Tianji Pavilion. Even if you find Tianji Pavilion, Tianji Pavilion may not take your job. Otherwise, the master of Tianji Pavilion will not choose to work here. We are in retreat at this moment." Wudao Immortal Lord said.

The words of Wudao Immortal Lord immediately made the expressions of the Immortal Lords present change. One Immortal Lord immediately stood up, cupped his fists and said: "Senior Wudao, do you have a way to resolve our current predicament?"

This person is the ancestor of the Yanshan Immortal Sect, Master Feihuo, and is at the first level of the Immortal Realm.

"Fellow Daoist Wudao, if you can really resolve our current predicament, all the forces in Gong Qingtian will remember this kindness." The ancestor of Sanyuan Dao Sect stood up and said.

Because they also guessed that there was little hope of finding the master of Tianji Pavilion. The purpose of the master of Tianji Pavilion retreating at this time is worth pondering.

Wudao Immortal Lord smiled and nodded, saying: "In that case, everyone, please come with me to meet the seven Taoist friends of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect."

As soon as they heard that they were going to meet the seven ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, the dozen or so Immortal Lords all showed hesitation.

Now the seven ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect are like gods of plague in their eyes. They can't avoid them. If they take the initiative to find them, it is no different than sending them to death.

"Let's go, this time we will go together with the Taoist friends from the Xianyu Sect. Even if those old elephants want to deal with us, they must consider the face of the Xianyu Sect." The ancestor of the Sanyuan Dao Sect said.

Next, Wudao Immortal Lord left Qingtian City with these more than ten Immortal Lords. After he left, Qingtian City Lord Jiang Pingtian sat on the throne, lost in thought.

"The trouble caused by the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect in Gongqing Heaven this time was quite big. It actually destroyed several top forces in a row. I don't know if the Xianyu Sect's innocence can resolve this turmoil." Master Huode sat down. Below Jiang Pingtian, he sighed and shook his head.

"Millions of members of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect were completely wiped out without a sound. It's no wonder that these old elephants fell into madness. If this happened to anyone, few people would be able to stay rational." The person who spoke was another deputy city lord of Qingtian City. This person was one of the top forces in the Taiji Heavenly Realm and the ancestor of the Qianshan Family.

Although Lu Wuwu's realm is not as good as Jiang Pingtian and Huode Zhenren, neither of them dare to underestimate Lu Wuwu.

Because in the battle for the deputy city lord, Lu Wuwu defeated an opponent from the seventh heaven with the strength of the sixth heaven, and then won this position.

Suddenly, Lu Wuwu seemed to feel something. He looked across Qingtian City to the distant world, and his brows gradually furrowed.

"Alas, the Tianhai family has also been destroyed, and Gongqing Heaven Realm has once again lost one of its top forces. After this disaster, Gongqing Heaven Realm will be greatly reduced in strength due to the actions of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect." Master Huode said with a look of compassion. He looked at Lu Wuwu, who was sitting opposite, and said: "The Giant Elephant Immortal Sect has gone to the Liuhe Immortal Sect. The Liuhe Immortal Sect seems to have a deep connection with your Qianshan family. Fellow Daoist Wuwu, how are you going to deal with it?"

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