Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3717: Good fortune and misfortune depend on each other

"Kick, knock, little Kenshin, you're done this time."

Nanming Yuyan laughed happily. Although she was seriously injured at the moment, this injury was nothing compared to the current situation of Jianxin Ancestor.

"Nanming Yuyan, do you think you can kill me like this? You underestimate me." Jianxin Ancestor's tone was low, his aura was rapidly weakening, and the power of the curse was rapidly spreading within his body.

The dazzling sword light has enveloped him, and he is resisting with all his strength with the power of the law of swordsmanship and the power of his majestic cultivation.

At the same time, another force of law suddenly appeared, which was the law of killing.

The law of swordsmanship and the law of killing formed two completely different brilliance surrounding the ancestor of Kenshin.

Finally, under the full resistance of the ancestor of Kenshin, the curse law stopped spreading and was temporarily contained.

"Giggle, sister, of course I know that you have both laws. Just a little bit of the power of the curse that has been washed for a long time cannot kill you. But little Kenshin, if I want to destroy you, I don't necessarily have to kill you. You are killed."

Nanming Yuyan returned to her human form again, and her injuries were healing quickly. Her beautiful big eyes stared at Ancestor Jianxin with a little excitement, and her voice was clear: "Just like you are now, cursed by Taizun. The law is entangled with you, and you must go all out and use all your strength to suppress the spread of the cursed law. How can you fight with others like this? How can you practice?"

Ancestor Jianxin was silent for a while. He knew that what Nanming Yuyan said was the truth. With his half-step eighth-level strength, he could not kill him with just a greatly weakened Taizun curse.

But the existence of the power of the curse also restricted him. Before the power of the curse was resolved, not only was he unable to take action, but he was also unable to practice. He could only remain in this state forever.

And this curse from the Supreme Master is extremely difficult to resolve unless a Supreme Master who understands the laws of the curse to the extreme takes action personally because the level involved is too high.

"Little Jianxin, from now on you should stay in the Ten Thousand Swords Immortal Sect and spend your old age in peace, instead of jumping around in the immortal world." Nanming Yuyan chuckled lightly, and at the same time, with a move of her hand, the lost person was lost in various places. Dozens of feathers gathered together, and in a moment, a small red umbrella was reorganized in Nanming Yuyan's hand.

Except for the dull color caused by excessive energy consumption, the umbrella itself was not damaged at all.

"You spent so much money to hurt me just to prevent me from supporting the Zixiao Sword Sect?" Jianxin Ancestor said in a deep voice.

"A sect that is in decline will not cost me so much. After all, the ancestral feathers that contain the power of the Supreme Master's curse are also very precious to our clan."

"The reason why I use this thing is you. Your progress is too fast. Once you were my junior, and you were like an ant in my eyes. But now, you are the last to come, and you have grown to such an extent. I am already invincible. If you continue to let it go, won't you become the second emperor of the Ten Thousand Swords Immortal Sect one day in the future?" Nanming Yuyan did not hide it and spoke openly.

"It is enough for the Ten Thousand Swords Immortal Sect to have an Emperor Jian Xin. If another Emperor Jian Xin is added in the future, wouldn't the two great emperors be able to compete with our Suzaku royal family?"

At this time, all the injuries on Nanming Yuyan's body had recovered. She no longer paid attention to the ugly ancestor Jianxin, but turned around and left. A light word passed into the ears of the seven ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect: "Return Celebrate Heavenly Realm, do what you want to do, and then go back to your sect to find the murderer who destroyed your sect."

Hearing this, the seven ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect showed happy expressions, and the next moment, the seven of them disappeared.

After Nanming Yuyan and the seven ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect left, among the many immortals watching the battle in the distance, several figures came out and arrived in front of the ancestor Jianxin in a few steps.

Jiang Pingtian, the city lord of Qingtian City, Huo Dezhenren, the deputy city lord, and Lu Wuwuwei were among them.

"Jian Xin, the power of the curse on you is extremely difficult to resolve. I'm afraid it's hard for your Ten Thousand Swords Immortal Sect to find a solution. Why don't I take you to the Grand Courtyard and let the old dean think of a solution." Lu Wuwu stared at Jian Xin. The curse on Patriarch Xin's face was full of worry.

"The Suzaku Clan is so cruel. Their Holy Beast Clan is already so powerful. Why do they still use such means to suppress fellow Taoist Jianxin." Master Huode looked at the ancestor Jianxin who was covered in black energy. He kept shaking his head.

The several great immortals who gathered near Ancestor Jianxin also sent out concerned greetings.

The ancestor of Kenshin had no expression on his face, and black texture had appeared on his face. The aura of curse power filled the air, causing the space around him to dry up.

"I won't go to the Grand Courtyard for the time being. It's just a pity that I can no longer protect the Zixiao Sword Sect." Ancestor Jianxin sighed. At this moment, he seemed to have lost all his strength. , with a sense of dejection, then turned and left without looking back, disappearing into the depths of the sea of ​​​​stars in a few flashes.

Although Patriarch Jian Xin could no longer use his cultivation, he was still a half-step eighth-level warrior. He traveled very quickly and quickly returned to the Ten Thousand Swords Immortal Sect.

The sect of the Ten Thousand Swords Immortal Sect is not located in the Thirty-three Heavens, but is located in an unknown star sea, on a huge divine sword floating in the void.

This divine sword is the supreme artifact, but at this moment, it turns into a huge sword-shaped land, giving birth to all living beings.

"Kenshin, you're back!"

As soon as he returned to the Ten Thousand Swords Immortal Sect, a powerful voice echoed in the ears of Patriarch Jianxin, and the calm words were filled with a sense of supreme majesty.

"Brother, I'm useless!" Ancestor Jianxin's mood instantly dropped, looking dejected.

"I can't stop you from fighting Nanming Yuyan, because not only the Suzaku Clan, but also the Qinglong Clan is secretly watching. So, since you are determined to stand up for the Zixiao Sword Sect, you can escape from this disaster. No." The majestic voice came again.

"Jian Xin, you should also let go of your obsession and ignore the affairs of the Zixiao Sword Sect, because the affairs of the Zixiao Sword Sect are no longer something that our Ten Thousand Swords Immortal Sect can decide."

"You have been in seclusion for many years and have no information. I'm afraid there is another thing you don't know. The group of Zixiao Sword Sect disciples who joined the Daowei family back then have now established another sect outside with the support of the Daowei family. Their names are still the same. It’s called Zixiao Sword Sect.”

"What? Is this happening?" Ancestor Jianxin's expression changed slightly.

"The Immortal Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation encountered danger and narrowly escaped death. The fate of the Zixiao Sword Sect is now in the hands of the Daowei family." The voice came again.

Ancestor Jianxin remained silent, his expression uncertain.

At this time, a ray of sword energy cut down from the void, and the black feather that was stabbing the ancestor Jianxin's heart and could not be pulled out instantly turned into a ball of ashes in front of this sword energy.

Only the Suzaku feathers were chopped off, but the power of the curse that had invaded the body of the ancestor of Kenshin was still there.

"Jian Xin, you are a Nine-Yang Sword Body that is rare throughout the ages, and the ancestral bloodline in your body is also extremely strong. Therefore, the power of the curse entangled in you may be difficult for others to resolve, but for you, it is both a disaster and a blessing. The final result depends on your destiny.”

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