Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3718: Death of spiritual ancestor

Gongqing Tianjie, Nanming Yuyan and the seven ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect have returned here. At this moment, the eight of them appeared in the sky above the Zixiao Sword Sect.

Looking at the Zixiao Sword Sect below, which had been partially destroyed, Venerable Riekong's eyes were cold and he said: "I wanted to take this opportunity to see if I could attract some people, but it turned out that the sword heart of the Ten Thousand Swords Immortal Sect was The arrival has messed up the plan here, and now that Taoist fellow Yuyan is personally in charge, those monsters and demons hiding behind the scenes must not dare to jump out."

Lord Riekong turned to look at Lingzu and said in a cold tone: "Third brother, keep taking action. This time, no one will dare to stop us."

The other ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect looked excited. With the strong men of the Holy Beast Clan personally sitting here, they all felt confident and truly became unscrupulous. Even if they were in the ninth level of the Immortal Realm, Even if a powerful person comes to you personally, it will be difficult to change anything.

"Alas, this time, it seems that the ancestral land of the Zixiao Sword Sect is destined to be destroyed." In Qingtian City, on the top of a luxurious restaurant, a middle-aged couple stood hand in hand, staring in the direction of the Zixiao Sword Sect.

Among the two, the man is wearing a gorgeous brocade robe, while the woman is wearing black clothes. Both of them have restrained their aura, and their cultivation level cannot be seen.

That middle-aged woman in black clothes was one of the former worshipers of Zixiao Sword Sect, Jingyao’s master!

At the same time, she was also the most talented disciple of the former Zixiao Sword Sect—Xue Ji!

"Husband, is the Zixiao Sword Sect really hopeless this time?" The woman in black looked at the man in brocade robes beside her, her face full of worry.

The man in brocade robes shook his head and said: "There is an ancestor of the Suzaku clan who is personally in charge. Looking at the entire immortal world, unless it is a Taizun-level force, no one really dares to stand up."

"The Holy Beast Clan is really too powerful. Even if it is a heavenly force, it is nothing in their eyes."

When it comes to the holy beast clan, the look of the man in brocade robe is full of solemnity and fear.

Mixed in it, there is even a little bit of fear.

"The Zixiao Sword Sect can exist today only because of the shock of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Seniors. Now that the Six Paths of Reincarnation Seniors are in danger, the Zixiao Sword Sect has lost its biggest life-saving talisman. The disaster that has always been hovering above their heads has finally come. ”

The man in brocade robes looked at Xue Ji and said: "Now the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect insists on blaming the Zixiao Sword Sect for the sect's destruction, so your former identity must not be exposed, otherwise, the Black Demon Palace may destroy the sect." danger."

Xue Ji nodded, her silver teeth clenched tightly, and her eyes were fixed on the direction of Zixiao Sword Sect, with tears glistening in her eyes.


At this time, a deep voice came from the end of the horizon, and the entire Gongqing Heaven Realm was slightly shaken.

In the Zixiao Sword Sect, the spirit ancestor transformed into a giant elephant and was destroying the Zixiao Sword Sect's station, causing huge pits to appear one after another in the Zixiao Sword Sect, reaching deep into the ground, and even the foundation was destroyed. Destroyed.

The ancestral land of the Zixiao Sword Sect was severely damaged. At this moment, all the powerful Immortal Realm experts in the Gongqing Heaven Realm could clearly feel the vague majesty hovering over the Zixiao Sword Sect. is slowly dissipating.

"The Zixiao Sword Sect has run out of energy." At this moment, Gong Qingtian's sentiments were heard from everywhere.

"Third brother, don't wait any longer. Let's go all out and completely destroy this place." Lord Liakong said impatiently.

"Yes, big brother!" Lingzu responded, and immediately he no longer held back at all. A huge aura belonging to the third level of the Immortal Realm spread out from him, and the thousand-foot-tall giant elephant also stood up, with a pair of huge The front hooves stamped **** the ground below with terrifying force like an explosion.

Suddenly, a destructive aura filled the air, and the void near the huge elephant hoof could not bear this powerful force and kept collapsing.

This blow seemed to represent the ultimate power, suppressing the heaven and earth and stepping through the starry sky.

Lingzu began to attack with all his strength. With his strength at the third level of the Immortal Realm, if this blow fell, not to mention the sect's headquarters of the Zixiao Sword Sect, even the entire Zixiao Sword Domain would suffer devastating damage.

At this moment, all the powerful men in the Gongqing Heaven Realm held their breaths and looked at the Zixiao Sword Sect in the distance, as if they wanted to witness this historic moment with their own eyes.

Witness the complete disappearance of the former mythical sect.

The ancestral land was destroyed, the Tao Zun's Taoist thoughts disappeared, and all the auras and honors he once had will no longer exist.

"If the Zixiao Sword Sect is destroyed, this princess will let everyone from the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect go down and be buried with him!"

Just when Lingzu's pair of hoofs with destructive power were about to wipe out the Zixiao Sword Sect, a cold voice with overwhelming anger suddenly came.

The next moment, a terrifying and boundless aura came from the void outside the sky, and instantly enveloped the entire Gongqing Heaven.

Suddenly, Gongqing's heaven floating in the vast sea of ​​​​stars began to tremble. The owner of this momentum was really too powerful. Before anyone arrived, just the overwhelming divine power that filled the air made the sky and the earth eclipse, and the sun and the moon lost their light. The entire heaven was shaken.

"This is the realm of the Nine Heavens"

Many immortals in Gongqing Heaven Realm, including Jiang Pingtian, Huode Zhenren, Lu Wuwu and others who had returned to Qingtian City, all looked up into the void with horrified eyes.

The faces of Nanming Yuyan and Venerable Riekong, the seventh-level Immortal Realm masters, who were suspended above Zixiao Sword Sect, also became solemn at this moment.

I saw a bright light coming from the void outside the sky in an instant, breaking through the shackles of time and space, completely ignoring the long distance between the two, descending to Gongqing Heaven in an instant, and then striking at a terrifying speed that exceeded everyone's reaction. He was hit by the huge body of Lingzu.


There was only a dull sound, and a ball of blood exploded between the sky and the earth, as if a gorgeous flower was blooming, dyeing the entire sky red.

In front of this bright light, the spiritual ancestor who had cultivated to the third level of the Immortal Realm had no ability to resist at all. His strong body was directly exploded and shattered into debris filling the sky, mixed with blood raining down from the sky.

Suddenly, there was a heavy downpour in the Zixiao Sword Sect. The rain was bright red and filled with a strong smell of blood.

The entire Zixiao Sword Sect was filled with an astonishing wave of energy, all of which came from the blood of the Immortal Lord.

The sudden change not only shocked all the powerful men in Gongqing Heaven Realm, but even the seven ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect and Nanming Yuyan from the Suzaku Clan looked stunned.

Perhaps they did not expect that in the presence of a seventh-level ancestor of the Suzaku Clan, someone would dare to directly blow up an ancestor of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect.

This move offended not only the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, but also a provocation to the Suzaku Royal Family.

"Third brother!" Venerable Riekong seemed to finally react and let out an angry roar. He looked at the rain of blood falling in the sky, and his eyes instantly turned red.

The remaining five ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect were also staring at the place where the spirit ancestor exploded. Their eyes were about to burst, and their eyes were instantly covered with bloodshot eyes, filled with grief and anger.

"Third Brother"

"Old Spirit"

Several of the great ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect cried out in grief, with painful expressions on their faces.

Because all of them have already seen that the spiritual ancestor has been destroyed physically and mentally, and there is no possibility of survival.

Even the high-grade artifact-level defensive treasures on his body were all turned into fragments.

That attack was too terrifying. Not only did it kill the spiritual ancestor of the third level of the Immortal Realm with one blow, but even the high-grade artifact with amazing defense was broken into pieces.

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