Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3719: Slap the Seventh Heaven

In the sky above Zixiao Sword Sect, as the blood rain slowly dissipated, a white figure gradually appeared in everyone's sight.

It was a young woman who looked to be no more than twenty years old. She was wearing a long white dress and was extremely beautiful.

Although she looked young, the aura exuding from her at this moment was so strong that even Nanming Yuyan from the Suzaku Clan was frightened.

This woman is none other than the eldest princess of the Great Tomorrow Palace—Fang Jing!

At this moment, Fang Jing stepped on the void, exuding a shocking aura, her beautiful eyes were cold and dazzling, and she shot out a sharp light like a sharp sword, piercing straight towards the six ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect and the Suzaku Clan. Nanming Swift.

The six ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect had scarlet eyes, staring at Fang Jing floating in front of them. There was a deep fear hidden in their eyes filled with overwhelming anger and sadness.

Nanming Yuyan, the ancestor of the Suzaku tribe, also looked solemn at this moment, as if facing a formidable enemy.

In her eyes, there was also a deep fear.

The eldest princess of the Great Tomorrow Palace is familiar to everyone in the room. Although she has not been around for a long time, she has already reached the ninth level of the Immortal Realm.

Moreover, this is not the ordinary Nine Heavens. Holding the World Pen, her strength is even more unfathomable.

Moreover, she has become the most powerful person among all the powerful people in the world of immortals and demons, who is most likely to break the last shackles and become the Supreme Being.

The Daming Tomorrow Palace, rooted in the Miaocheng Heaven Realm, was originally unknown in the fairy world. However, due to the rise of the eldest princess Fang Jing, it suddenly became a top power in the fairy world.

"Nanming Yuyan of the Suzaku tribe, I have met Her Royal Highness the eldest princess!" After a brief silence, Nanming Yuyan bowed slightly and saluted Fang Jing with polite words.

In terms of age, Fang Jing is not even a fraction of Nan Ming Yuyan's, but in the fairy world, strength is respected, and those who are successful come first. Therefore, Nan Ming Yuyan had to bow obediently when facing Fang Jing, who was stronger than herself.

Fang Jing paid no attention to Nanming Yuyan. She stared at the six ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect with her cold eyes and said coldly: "In these years, you have suppressed the Zixiao Sword Sect, but now you are going even further." , and also want to destroy the ancestral land of the Zixiao Sword Sect and subvert the glory and honor of the Zixiao Sword Sect."

At this point, a monstrous murderous intention erupted from Fang Jing's body. She had evil eyes in her eyes and shouted angrily: "The Little Giant Elephant Immortal Sect dares to destroy my sect with outstanding achievements in the immortal world. Who gave you the courage!"

Fang Jing roared angrily, bringing with it a supreme coercion belonging to the ninth level of the Immortal Realm. The five ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect were shocked and retreated one after another.

Only Venerable Riekong, who had reached the seventh level of heaven, could remain where he was.

It was clear that the death of the spiritual ancestor had filled their hearts with overwhelming hatred, but at this moment they did not dare to say a word.

"Elder Princess, what you said is wrong. The Zixiao Sword Sect colluded with the mysterious forces to destroy millions of disciples of our Colossal Elephant Immortal Sect. Now, our Colossal Elephant Immortal Sect is taking revenge. Why not?" After a moment of silence, Venerable Riekong endured it. The grief and hatred in my heart were explained patiently.

"The Zixiao Sword Sect colludes with mysterious forces? It's so ridiculous." Fang Jing sneered: "You think you can just pour a basin of dirty water on the Zixiao Sword Sect and use this as an excuse to destroy the Zixiao Sword Sect. Ancestral land?”

"In the battle with the Holy World, the Zixiao Sword Sect made outstanding contributions. Many powerful people in the immortal world were saved by the Zixiao Sword Sect. How can this sacred land under my feet be conquered by your Little Giant Elephant Immortal Sect? Defiled?"

"Over the years, this princess has heard many rumors about the Zixiao Sword Sect being oppressed by a coalition of forces including your Giant Elephant Immortal Sect. You relied on your strength to be stronger than the Zixiao Sword Sect, so you suppressed the Zixiao Sword Sect in various ways."

"Since you like to bully others so much, today, I will let you have a taste of being bullied."

As soon as Fang Jing said this, the expression of Nanming Yuyan of the Vermilion Bird Clan suddenly changed, while Venerable Riekong and the other ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect felt tight in their hearts and felt that something was not good.

Suddenly, Lord Riekong's pupils shrank suddenly, and Fang Jing's figure appeared silently in front of him, and she raised her hand and slapped him on the cheek.

Venerable Riekong showed anger in his eyes. He is the first ancestor of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect and a powerful man who has reached the seventh level of the Immortal Venerable Realm. His face is more important than anything else. How can he be slapped? humiliation.

Especially since there are many immortals paying attention secretly.

A powerful aura erupted from Lord Kong Kong, and layers of energy shields were instantly condensed around his body.

Above his head, a small bell was suspended, exuding the pressure of a high-grade artifact, and a thick layer of energy radiance fell down, covering the Lord of the Sky.

Facing a powerful person from the ninth level of the Immortal Realm, Lord Riekong did not dare to be careless at all, and immediately showed his strongest defensive state.

At this moment, Lord Liakong looked as if he had transformed into a huge scorching sun. Under the gathering of overwhelming energy, it bloomed with bright light that reflected the heaven and earth.

Almost as soon as he finished doing this, Fang Jing's jade hand, carrying a mysterious and mysterious law of the great road, fanned over with the force of wind and thunder.


Just hearing a crisp sound, Fang Jing's palm penetrated the heavy defenses of Lord Riakong and hit Lord Riakong firmly in the face.

Venerable Riekong was almost powerless to resist. The divine light in the sky dissipated, and his entire body was sent flying far away. Half of his face was beaten to a **** pulp.

The most powerful person in the seventh heaven of the Immortal Realm was now treated like this. This scene instantly shocked all the powerful people in the Gongqing Heaven Realm.

"Hitting someone doesn't mean slapping someone in the face. Princess Tomorrow's Palace is really ruthless."

"That's not true. It's such a humiliation. It's more cruel than killing someone."

"Venerable Riekong, a powerful man from the seventh level of the Immortal Realm, is now beaten so badly, hahaha, it's really satisfying."

"Well done, well done. I've long been displeased with the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect. Now I'm finally getting retribution."

Gong Qingtian's local strong men clapped their hands and applauded secretly. Seeing the arrogant Lord Riakong end up like this, they all felt proud and proud.

Compared with their joyful expressions, the faces of the remaining five ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect turned into the color of pig liver, which was as ugly as they could be.

Venerable Riekong's body was like a sharp arrow, flying thousands of feet before he finally stabilized his figure.

At this moment, his body was floating unsteadily in the sky, and he was in a daze.

He has not recovered from the cruel reality of being slapped.

After being stunned for two breaths, Lord Kong Kong finally reacted. His eyes were instantly covered with bloodshot eyes, and his whole body was greatly stimulated. He almost lost his mind and became crazy.

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