Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3720: The power of the eldest princess

"Fang Jing, you are going too far!" Lord Liakong roared angrily. At this moment, he was really angry and hysterical. The overwhelming hatred and humiliation in his heart seemed to turn into an invisible flame that was about to burn. Destroy the sky.

"You are the one being bullied, what can you do?" On the opposite side, Fang Jing smiled coldly, not taking Venerable Kong Kong seriously at all. In a flash, she appeared in front of Venerable Kong Kong again and slapped him again. .

This time, it was the other half of the face that was slapped.

In the Gongqing Heaven Realm, all the powerful Immortal Realm masters suddenly stopped breathing and their eyes were dazed.

Nanming Yuyan of the Suzaku tribe also had her pupils constricted and wanted to stop him, but was afraid.

Lord Liakong roared angrily, and he burned his own essence and blood without hesitation, and the terrifying energy was injected crazily into the little bell, filling the little bell with a shocking power.

The next moment, the small bell instantly expanded in size and hit Fang Jing head-on.


Fang Jing's palm slapped the small clock, making a shocking explosion, and the nearby void was instantly wiped out, turning into eternal darkness.

Xiao Zhong was beaten and flew out of Gongqing's heaven, falling into the boundless starry sky, its light was extremely dim.

But Lord Liakong finally blocked Fang Jing's slap. He fell into madness as quickly as possible, but he did not completely lose his mind. He knew that he was by no means Fang Jing's opponent, so he took advantage of this gap to turn around decisively and hit the target as quickly as possible. Escaped towards the vast starry sky at a fast speed.

"Did I let you go?" Fang Jing's mouth showed a sarcastic look. She held her palm in the void, and the Tianxia Brush suddenly appeared. Then she held the brush in one hand, pointed the tip of the brush at the Master, and moved slowly and slowly in the void. Draw a circle.

At this time, Venerable Riekong has escaped from Gongqing Heavenly Realm, and his figure is quickly moving away in the sea of ​​​​stars, and is about to disappear at the end of the starry sky, very fast.

But at this moment, Venerable Riekong, who was escaping quickly, seemed to have hit an invisible barrier, making a muffled sound, his body was violently bounced back, and his way was blocked.

Venerable Riekong's expression changed, and he immediately changed his direction and fled to another location.

But as soon as he moved, he hit an invisible barrier hard.

It was only at this moment that Lord Riekong realized in despair that he had been trapped by an invisible barrier, and was imprisoned here like a prisoner.

This is the power that comes from the Tianxia Pen, which directly changes the rules and order of this void. Even with the strength of Lord Rinkong, it cannot be destroyed.

To celebrate the heavenly realm, Fang Jing held the Tianxia Pen and gently pointed it backwards. The next moment, he saw the body of Venerable Riekong turning around at a terrifying speed dozens of times faster than when he left, and was swept away by a wave of The invisible force forcibly pulled Gongqing back to the heaven from the depths of the star sea, and returned to Fang Jing again.

Nanming Yuyan looked horrified at this scene.

"Do you think you can escape?" Fang Jing stared at the bewildered Lord Riakong with a sneer, slapped the other half of the face of the Lord Riakong, and once again sent the Lord Riakong flying away.

Venerable Riekong's entire face was a **** mess.

"Don't you like to bully the weak because of your strength? Senior Riekong, how does it feel to be bullied by a stronger person?" The chill in Fang Jing's eyes did not diminish at all, and the senior's scream was particularly harsh.

While speaking, she slapped out another palm.

Venerable Riekong was filled with shock and anger, and there was a bit of fear in the depths of his eyes. His body suddenly expanded and turned into a giant elephant. His thousand-foot-tall body looked like a hill standing between heaven and earth.

However, he, who should have been full of momentum, looked miserable at this moment, and his huge head had turned into a **** mess.

"Do you think that after you become your true form, this princess can't beat you?" Fang Jing said coldly, and with one palm strike, a terrifying power that made the starry sky tremble instantly burst out, knocking out the huge elephant's head. There were cracks.

The body of Lord Riekong was once again shot away from a distance.

Fang Jing stepped in the void and appeared on the huge elephant head of Lord Riekong as if teleporting. He raised his foot and then stamped it down suddenly.

Just a "bang" sound was heard, a dull sound echoed between the heaven and the earth, and the head of Lord Liakong exploded into a cloud of blood mist. Although the head did not explode, it was already full of cracks and bleeding from the seven orifices.

At this moment, all the strong men in Gong Qingtian were silent, and many of them were already feeling cold and frightened.

In their eyes, Venerable Riekong, who has cultivated to the seventh level of the Immortal Realm, has become a symbol of invincibility. He is the invincible presence of Gong Qingtian, and is almost the undisputed strongest man.

However, at this moment, he, who was so powerful, behaved so badly in front of the Princess of the Great Tomorrow Palace. He had absolutely no power to resist and was being ravaged from beginning to end.

This caused a huge impact that will last forever in the hearts of all the powerful men in Gongqing Heaven Realm.

"Eldest Princess, please show mercy!" Patriarch Tayun finally couldn't bear it any longer and plucked up the courage to beg for mercy.

"Show mercy? When you bullied the Zixiao Sword Sect, did you ever show mercy?" Fang Jing suddenly looked at Patriarch Tayun.

Meeting Fang Jing's eyes, Patriarch Tayun's heart suddenly trembled. He felt a supreme power permeate his heart, making him shiver involuntarily and take a few steps back subconsciously.

At this time, Fang Jing took action, aiming directly at Patriarch Stepping Cloud. She pointed her finger in the air, and a divine chain of order appeared in the void, shooting towards Patriarch Stepping Cloud like a sharp sword.

Ancestor Stepping on the Cloud's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly resisted. Bright energy rays enveloped him, and he was protected by high-grade artifacts.

However, the Divine Chain of Order from Fang Jing's hand penetrated the high-grade artifact like tofu, shattered all the body-protecting energy of Patriarch Stepping Cloud, and hit Patriarch Stepping Cloud mercilessly.

"Bang!" Ancestor Stepping Cloud's body suddenly exploded, and blood rained all over the sky. His physical body was destroyed, leaving only a weak soul floating between heaven and earth with a confused look.

But immediately, Patriarch Tuyun’s spirit flew towards Nanming Swift with a look of panic, as if fleeing for his life, and exclaimed: “Ancestor Yan, save me, save me”

Ancestor Tayun's heart has been filled with fear. It's not that he has never come into contact with the Nine Heavenly Immortal Realm experts, but he has never seen one as powerful as Fang Jing.

Looking at Patriarch Tuyun who was running towards her, Nanming Yuyan showed a trace of hesitation and hesitation in her eyes. She subconsciously turned her head and glanced at Fang Jing. Seeing that Fang Jing's eyes had fallen on Lord Liakong again, she seemed to finally feel relieved, and immediately Without any further hesitation, he waved his sleeves and robe to collect Patriarch Tuyun's spirit.

"Your Highness Princess, you also killed someone from the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, and Likong also learned the lesson he deserved. I wonder if your anger has subsided?" Nanming Yuyan asked cautiously.

"Shut up, it's your turn to take care of my princess's affairs? If you dare to talk too much, believe it or not, I will beat you too. Others are afraid of your holy beast clan, but that doesn't mean that I am also afraid." Fang Jing said coldly.

Facing Fang Jing's cold and angry gaze, Nanming Yuyan also felt timid and kept silent.

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