Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3721: Ancestor Suzaku

The supreme ancestor of the Suzaku Royal Family did not even dare to speak out under the threat of the Princess of the Tomorrow Palace. This scene fell in the eyes of the remaining ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, and their hearts were filled with despair.

The biggest backstage of their Giant Elephant Immortal Sect is the Holy Beast Clan. As one of the four royal families of the Holy Beast Clan, the Suzaku Clan can represent the Holy Beast Clan to a certain extent.

As a result, now, even the name of the Holy Beast Clan is no longer useful.

Among the seven ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, one of them, the Spiritual Ancestor, fell and was beaten to the point of physical and mental destruction by the eldest princess.

Ancestor Tayun's physical body was destroyed, and his soul hid in Nanming Yuyan's place.

The strongest Lord Riakong was ravaged by the eldest princess like a cat playing with a mouse, and was beaten miserably.

In an instant, more than half of the seven invincible ancestors in the Gongqing Heaven Realm were disabled, and only four ancestors of the first and second heavens of the Immortal Realm were left there in fear, not daring to say a word.

The fate of Patriarch Tuyun was shocking. He was in the fifth level of Immortal Realm, but his body was destroyed at any time. He was as miserable as a chicken or a dog.

The strength displayed by the Princess of the Tomorrow Palace and the terrifying power that swept across all directions have deeply calmed everyone's hearts.


Another muffled sound exploded between the sky and the earth, like a muffled thunder rolling. Fang Jing's white clothes were spotless. She stood with her feet on the huge **** elephant head of Lord Riikong, and took a photo from the air. .

Lord Riekong's huge body suspended in the sky fell directly, hitting the ground below hard, creating a huge pit in the ground beneath his feet, and his entire body sank deeply into the ground. .

After that, there was no movement in the depths of the earth. Lord Riekong, who had transformed into his true form, lay motionless in the ground. He closed his eyes tightly and pretended to be dead.

Because he also found that the eldest princess was frighteningly powerful. He could only be beaten passively in the hands of the eldest princess and had no ability to resist at all.

Since he couldn't escape, he could only pretend to be dead once, hoping that the eldest princess would feel bored and end the humiliation of him.

Because now, Venerable Riekong has been beaten to the point where he has completely lost his temper.

"Get out of here, princess, and don't pretend to be dead there. Do you think I will let you go if you pretend like this? After all, you are also a powerful person in the seventh level of the Immortal Realm. I don't know how you can be so childish. It's simply ridiculous." Extremely." Fang Jing's words were so heart-breaking that they almost made Venerable Kong Kong's lungs explode with anger.

Lord Liakong's eyes suddenly opened, and he still maintained the body of a giant elephant thousands of feet in size. He suddenly flew up from the depths of the ground and let out a low roar: "Your Highness, what on earth are you going to do to let me go?" ?If Her Royal Highness the Princess really wants to kill me, then please give me a happy life."

Even though they were all beaten up like this, Lord Liakong still addressed her as the princess, which showed that he had developed a deep fear of Fang Jing in his heart.

"You have done all the evil deeds, and now you want to die happily? Idiot's dream." Fang Jing sneered, and slapped out another palm, condensing into a huge palm and hitting the elephant head of Lord Riakong, knocking Lord Riakong away. The body of the deceased reached the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Jing appeared above Master Luokong again and kicked Master Luokong away in another direction.

Next, Lord Liakong seemed to have turned into a rubber ball, and his body of a thousand feet was flying around in the sky by Fang Jing.

Groups of blood mist exploded in the sky, and blood rained all over the sky, dyeing the mountains, rivers and earth red.

Lord Liakong completely gave up resistance, because he also found that all resistance was in vain. Now, he can only maintain his huge body and endure Fang Jing's wrath.

Because of this, at least he won't be slapped in the face so badly.

The remaining ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect could not bear to close their eyes, watching their eldest brother being so insulted, but they did not dare to say a word, which filled their hearts with sadness.

As for Nanming Yuyan of the Suzaku Clan, she opened her mouth several times to speak clearly for Lord Likong, but when the words reached her lips, she swallowed them hard.

Gongqing Tianjie, the eyes of all the powerful Immortal Realm became a little dazed. Even the master of the Tianji Pavilion who was cultivating in the small world was in a daze at this moment.

Behind the Pavilion Master of Tianji Pavilion, the Deputy Pavilion Master Liao Chen was wearing a neat set of white clothes, standing there with a look of respect on his face, humbly asking: "Pavilion Master, how powerful is the Princess of Tomorrow Palace now? ?”

Although the deputy master and the master of Tianji Pavilion have always stayed in the small world, with their late stage Immortal Realm, they can know everything in Gongqing Heaven Realm in a single thought even without leaving home.

Therefore, the scene that happened in Zixiao Sword Sect was clearly watched by them from beginning to end.

The gaze of the Master of Tianji Pavilion was extremely deep, as if penetrating many obstacles in the void, and fell directly on Fang Jing, the eldest princess of the Great Tomorrow Palace. After being silent for a long time, he slowly said in a low voice: "Her current strength It’s unfathomable, and even I can’t feel how powerful it is.”

"But one thing is certain. In today's world of immortals and demons, no one can defeat her. Under the Supreme Master, she is truly invincible in both worlds of immortals and demons."

"Perhaps, only the king of the holy beast clan has the strength to fight against the princess of the Great Tomorrow Palace."

After hearing the comments from the master of Tianji Pavilion, Liao Chen suddenly showed a look of wonder and sigh on his face, saying: "I didn't expect that in this short period of time, she has grown to such an incredible level. This opportunity and good fortune , I can’t help but be envious.”

Hearing this, the master of the Tianji Pavilion laughed dumbly and said: "How many people in the world of immortals and demons would not envy the opportunity that happened to the eldest princess?"

"She has a good brother. If Dao Wei Chengqing hadn't given Fang Jing the world pen he brought out of the Cave of Rebirth, Fang Jing would not have achieved what he does today."

"But there is one thing that makes me most gratified about Fang Jing, and that is that she can stand up at such a moment and stand unwaveringly behind the Zixiao Sword Sect."

"Now the Zixiao Sword Sect's position in the immortal world is in jeopardy. If a strong person like Fang Jing supports the Zixiao Sword Sect, the situation of the Zixiao Sword Sect will be greatly changed."

"Pavilion Master, there is a very deep connection between the Great Tomorrow Palace and the Daowei family." Liao Chen seemed to have thought of something and showed a hint of worry.

The master of the Tianji Pavilion showed an enigmatic smile and said, "I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, Fang Jing and the Daowei family are not the same people after all."

At this moment, the master of the Tianji Pavilion seemed to have noticed something, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said slowly: "The peak powerhouse of the Holy Beast Clan has finally come forward, and the real drama will come next."

As if in response to the words of the master of Tianji Pavilion, a crack in the void suddenly appeared in the sky above Zixiao Sword Sect. Within the crack, a blazing light emitted, and accompanying it, there was a powerful Immortal Realm power. The power of fire that everyone fears.

"Your Highness Princess, you have beaten Likong into such a state. It's time for you to get angry. Why don't you just let it go?" A majestic voice came from the crack that was filled with the power of the sky's flames.

At the same time, a pressure belonging to the ninth level of the Immortal Realm spread out, alarming the entire heaven.

This is a supreme ancestor of the Suzaku tribe, speaking in person to persuade him.

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