Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3722: Invincible posture

The supreme ancestors of the Suzaku Clan are not ordinary people. They have the bloodline of Tai Zun and master powerful inheritance and secret techniques. They are terrifying beings who can compete with the Emperors of the Twelve Heavens.

At this moment, such a legendary supreme power came to Gongqing Heaven in person, which immediately caused Gongqing Heaven to boil.

The appearance of the supreme ancestor of the Suzaku clan caused a greater sensation than the arrival of Fang Jing.

After all, in the world of immortals and demons, the supreme ancestors of the Suzaku clan have been famous for a long time. Their names are a huge shock and can make many powerful immortals tremble.

As for Fang Jing, although she is extremely powerful and is also a ninth-level Immortal Realm expert, she is a rising star after all. In terms of fame and majesty, she is not as good as the older generation of Heavenly Emperor-level experts.

Nanming Yuyan's expression relaxed. When she faced Fang Jing's strength alone before, she was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do.

Now that she saw the supreme powerhouse in her clan coming forward in person, she suddenly felt a sense of relief and relaxed all over.

The one who had such an idea was also Venerable Riakong of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect. At this moment, Venerable Riakong was like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw. He was so excited that he almost cried.

After suffering for so long, he finally waited for the supreme ancestor of the holy beast clan.

However, soon, the glimmer of hope that had just arisen in the heart of Lord Liakong was extinguished again. Fang Jing glanced coldly at the cracked flame world, and her tone was arrogant and decisive: "Stop when you say stop? Then? Where can I put the face of the palace eldest princess tomorrow?"

Saying that, Fang Jing continued to take action, sending the body of Lord Riakong flying left and right in the sky.

She was obviously deliberately humiliating Lord Riakong. If she really wanted to kill him, Lord Riakong would have fallen long ago and it would be impossible for him to persist until now.

At the celebration of the heavenly realm, the hearts of many powerful men suddenly twitched. The Princess of the Tomorrow Palace did not even give face to the supreme ancestor of the Suzaku clan?

This is a dominant existence that can fully represent the Suzaku clan. It is on par with the emperors of the twelve heavens, and is even more powerful than some emperors.

Can’t even such a powerful existence intimidate the Princess of the Tomorrow Palace?

In the world of flames, the supreme ancestor of the Suzaku clan was also slightly startled.

If there had not been someone like Fang Jing in the Great Tomorrow Palace, it would have been far inferior to even an ant in the eyes of the holy beast clan.

The only thing that is special is probably the connection with the Daowei family.

"Your Highness, what do you want?" After a brief silence, the supreme ancestor of the Suzaku Clan said again. Given her identity and status, she always calls Fang Jing as Princess, which shows how much she values ​​Fang Jing. .

"Don't you see that this princess is letting him have a taste of being bullied? Since you like to bully others, you must be prepared to be bullied by others." Fang Jing said coldly.

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Nanming Yuyan's face changed slightly as she felt that Fang Jing's words seemed to have other intentions.

"In these years, Liakong may have done something wrong in some things, but now he has received the lesson he deserves. I hope the eldest princess will give us the Holy Beast Clan some face. This matter ends here, okay?" said the Suzaku Clan's The Supreme Ancestor said patiently, like a good old man, without any temper at all.

However, some strong people who knew her well understood that she was definitely not an easy person to talk to, and her temper was notoriously bad.

This time, Fang Jing ignored him, and her attacks became more ruthless. With one step, she stood directly on the head of Lord Riakong. With astonishing power in her hands, she stabbed into Lord Riakong. into the victim's head, and then suddenly pulled back.

Suddenly, a shrill scream came from the mouth of Lord Riakong. Its huge body struggled desperately, its **** face was extremely distorted, and its expression was very painful.

In Fang Jing's hand, a dazzling light was forcibly pulled out from the head of Lord Kong Kong.

That was the soul of Lord Riakong, which was imprisoned in Fang Jing's hands and forcibly pulled out of his head.

This kind of pain is unimaginable to ordinary people. Even a strong man who cares about his face like Venerable Riekong could not restrain himself from screaming.

"Brother!" In the distance, the remaining four ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect were all filled with tears and grief.

Gongqing Tianjie, all the powerful men who were paying attention secretly were frightened, and they forcibly pulled out the soul of Lord Riakong in front of the supreme ancestor of the Suzaku clan. This was a slap in the face of the Suzaku royal family.

"Fang Jing, you've gone too far." At this moment, the supreme ancestor of the Suzaku tribe finally couldn't bear it anymore and began to call him by his name.

Following the words, a monstrous force erupted, and a huge claw protruded from the crack of the flames, grabbing directly at the soul of Lord Riakong, trying to save Riakong.

There are terrifying flames boiling on the huge claws. Wherever it passes, the void melts, everything is burned, and all matter ceases to exist.

When the supreme ancestor of the Suzaku clan took action, many low-level immortals in the Gongqing Heaven Realm felt a suffocating pressure envelope them, and deep fear instantly filled their bodies.

"Looking for death!" Fang Jing's eyes were instantly covered with frost. Her left hand imprisoned the soul of Lord Rikong, and her right hand held the Tianxia Pen. Her body exuded a terrifying aura that was not weaker than the supreme ancestor of the Suzaku clan, directly Rush towards the giant paw.

Immediately, she waved the World Pen in her hand, and a monstrous force collided with the huge claw of the supreme ancestor of the Suzaku clan.


A shocking explosion spread throughout the world, as if two worlds were colliding. The dense scales on the huge claws of the supreme ancestor of the Suzaku clan exploded in all directions, and the divine fire law collapsed instantly.

Fang Jing's blow split open the skin and flesh of the Suzaku clan's supreme ancestor's sharp claws, and droplets of blood as bright as rubies spattered out.

In just one confrontation, a supreme ancestor of the Suzaku tribe was already injured.

"This pen is really powerful!" In the world of flames, the supreme ancestor of the Suzaku clan made a deep voice. The next moment, she used the supreme artifact without hesitation.

It was a golden beak, extremely hard, covered with strange textures, and exuded an earth-shaking terrifying power.

At this moment, the void in Gongqing's heaven began to shatter in large tracts, and the earth beneath his feet continued to sink. The power of the supreme artifact had reached the limit that the space could bear.

But at this moment, a vast energy fluctuation suddenly emerged in the distant Qingtian City. At this moment, the ancient and majestic Qingtian City emitted a bright light, and an energy barrier centered on Qingtian City instantly enveloped the entire heaven. , isolating Fang Jing and the supreme ancestor of the Suzaku clan from all outside.

This is Tai Zun's formation. It has amazing defensive power and cannot be broken except by Tai Zun!

As soon as the protective power of Qingtian City was formed, Fang Jing held the world pen and collided with the Suzaku tribe's supreme artifact.

Suddenly, time and space were destroyed, the avenues were chaotic, and a monstrous energy storm raged among the stars, mercilessly destroying stars, and a terrifying storm set off in the entire universe.

Gongqing's heavenly realm was shaking uncontrollably and had deviated from its original trajectory, drifting further and further away under the impact of the terrifying energy storm.

If it weren't for the protection of Qingtian City's Supreme Formation, the entire heaven would have suffered a devastating destruction.

The light of the Suzaku clan's supreme artifact quickly dimmed, and then it was knocked back and fell back into the world of flames that cracked a gap.

"Since you want to meddle in other people's business, don't blame me." Fang Jing didn't take a step back. Her long hair was dancing wildly, her body was so powerful, and the laws of order were swirling around her.

She stepped on the void, and in a few steps she came to the crack in the world of flames. The world pen in her hand exuded a mysterious and mysterious aura, and she waved towards the crack.


The world of flames trembled violently, as if a destructive storm was growing inside. The next moment, the small world exploded, and monstrous flames burst out of the small world and filled the galaxy.

"Fang Jing, you've gone too far." An angry shout came from the void, and a huge Suzaku appeared in the sea of ​​stars outside Gongqing Heaven, with endless flames burning on its body, terrifying and frightening.

This is the supreme ancestor of the Suzaku tribe, but at this moment, she was really furious and furious.

What was destroyed was not an ordinary small world, but a practice site that she finally opened up after inviting many powerful people, spending a lot of effort, resources, and cost, and it took many years.

It was not just her training ground.

As long as she is in that small world, she can reach any location in the fairy world in a very short time.

That small world is like a huge teleportation gate, leading to all directions. It is very precious.

However, at this moment, it was completely destroyed by Fang Jing's blow.

"If you meddle in other people's business, you will have to pay the price, otherwise the world will think that this princess is easy to bully." Fang Jing's eyes were cold and her aura was as strong as a rainbow. She held the World Pen in hand and went directly into the sea of ​​​​fire to meet with the supreme ancestor of the Suzaku Clan. The war breaks out.

Just listen to the endless roaring inside, and the overwhelming energy sweeps across the starry sky. Almost every collision, a large area of ​​flames goes out.

After only a few rounds of fighting, the Suzaku clan's supreme artifact flew out of the sea of ​​fire and fell into the depths of the star sea.


Another roar came, and the supreme ancestor of the Suzaku clan vomited blood. The flames on his body dimmed, and he flew backwards far away as if he had been hit hard.

There were several hideous and terrifying wounds on her body, and the blood was like a fountain, splashing into the starry sky, and she looked extremely miserable.

On the opposite side, Fang Jing's face was expressionless, her body was intact, and she walked out step by step with the world pen in hand, and slowly approached the supreme ancestor of the Suzaku clan with a cold light in her eyes.

At this moment, in the Gongqing Heaven Realm protected by Tai Zun's formation, all the powerful men were silent, with deep exclamations in their eyes.

The scene that happened before them had completely subverted their imagination and exceeded their cognition.

What kind of existence is the supreme ancestor of the Suzaku tribe? She has mastered the supreme artifact and is even stronger than the individual Heavenly Emperors.

However, now, it is simply unimaginable that she was defeated so quickly in front of the Princess of the Tomorrow Palace.

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