Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3724: Dimensionality reduction strike

The four peak powerhouses of the Holy Beast Clan gathered together, which also made Fang Jing stop for a moment. Her eyes slowly swept over the three people behind them. Not only did their expressions show no fear, but the eyes in their eyes became even colder.

"Are all the four royal families of the Holy Beast clan here? You are really in the same spirit, sharing weal and woe. If one clan is humiliated, the other three clans will follow suit."

"Okay, then today, I will let the supreme ancestors of the four royal families of you come and taste the feeling of being bullied." Fang Jing was merciless and spoke directly to him coldly.

On the opposite side, the supreme ancestors of the White Tiger Clan, Xuanwu Clan and Qinglong Clan all had gloomy expressions on their faces. Let them, the Holy Beast Clan, feel like being bullied?

In the world of immortals and demons, apart from Tai Zun, no one or force has ever been able to do this.

"Little girl, you have to understand that the reason why you are so strong now is all because of the pen in your hand. Without that pen, you would be nothing in the eyes of our holy beast clan."

"That pen is just a foreign object after all. You may lose it one day. It is not a wise move to do it with our holy beast clan just for the sake of a temporary dispute."

The supreme ancestor of the Xuanwu Clan spoke, his voice extremely hoarse.

Fang Jing stepped in the void and was quickly approaching the four powerful men. At the same time, she sneered: "When I really lose this pen, that's when you, the Holy Beast Clan, are really worried. Now stop talking nonsense and let me See how powerful your holy beast clan is."

Fang Jing took action directly, and the world pen in her hand released a mysterious aura, which seemed to be consistent with the order of heaven and earth, and seemed to be able to open up avenues and write rules.

The supreme ancestors of the Qinglong Clan, White Tiger Clan, and Xuanwu Clan witnessed almost the entire battle between Fang Jing and the Suzaku Clan's supreme ancestor. Therefore, they all had an accurate understanding of Fang Jing's strength and knew it well. When fighting alone, no one on his side was Fang Jing's opponent, so the four of them took action at the same time.

At this moment, they no longer cared about bullying the few. All four of them took out the supreme artifact, and their cultivation of the ninth level of the Immortal Realm burst out without any reservation, and struck out with an unparalleled power.


A loud noise that shook the starry sky suddenly came out. At this moment, it seemed that the entire immortal world was trembling, and the three thousand avenues were in chaos.

A fight between the five of them caused so much noise and so violent an impact that they almost caught up with Tai Zun's fight.

I saw that where the energy of both of them collided, the void there had been destroyed, and it would be difficult to repair it for a long time.

Fang Jing and the four powerful men of the Holy Beast Clan have disappeared into the starry sky of the fairy world. Several people have entered the void rift, where space-time storms are everywhere, and violent energy turbulence is raging everywhere.

The four powerful men of the Holy Beast Clan formed a square formation and surrounded Fang Jing in the center. The supreme artifacts in their hands continuously erupted with destructive power, and they launched the most violent collisions with Fang Jing again and again.

Previously, the supreme ancestor of the Suzaku Clan fought Fang Jing alone, and was almost completely suppressed by Fang Jing. Now the four of them joined forces, and they finally became evenly matched with Fang Jing.

"Form the Four Elephants Divine Formation and suppress her!" At this time, the supreme ancestor of the Qinglong Clan shouted.

Immediately, the four powerful men condensed into a peerless formation in an instant, and a ray of light soared into the sky almost penetrated this unique space. The terrifying murderous intent and pressure, even if the powerful men who were also in the ninth level of the Immortal Realm came here, My scalp is numb.

Because this formation is so powerful, it can easily kill the ninth level Immortal Realm expert.

After all, this is not a large formation formed by ordinary people, but a large formation set up by the supreme ancestors of the four royal families, holding supreme artifacts.

One can imagine how powerful it is.

"Hahahaha, if ten thousand years ago, this princess would have been suppressed by you when you were under the Four Elephant Divine Formation. As for now, the Supreme Lord cannot come out. Who among the six realms dares to compete with this princess! "In the Four-Elephant Divine Formation, Fang Jing looked up to the sky and laughed. Her aura was powerful in all directions, and she had an invincible aura of being the only one in the world.

The next moment, the Tianxia Pen in her hand burst out with blazing light, and one major law after another appeared.

Laws of Kendo

space law

law of force

Laws of Jihad

law of light

Law of divine fire

At this moment, waves of great laws appeared one after another, shaking the void.

These great laws are not controlled by Fang Jing himself, but come from Tianxiabi.

In an instant, there were more than a dozen kinds of great laws emerging from the Tianxia Pen, each of which reached the ninth level of the Immortal Realm.

Fang Jing's entire body has been enveloped by an extremely rich light of the avenue, with various colors intertwined and extremely gorgeous.

Under the background of more than a dozen Dao Laws, her aura was so strong that it climbed to an unprecedented peak.

Around her, the operation of the Four Elephants Divine Formation suddenly stagnated, and the four peak powerhouses who formed the Four Elephants Divine Formation all showed dull expressions in their eyes at this moment.

The four of them were all shocked by the terrifying power emerging from Tian Xia Bi, and felt a huge amount of horror in their hearts.

"More than ten laws, are these true?" The supreme ancestor of the Xuanwu clan looked dull, his mouth opened into an egg shape, and he was extremely shocked.

"Moreover, they are all at the ninth level of the Immortal Realm. More than a dozen laws are integrated into one. Supreme Ancestor, please tell the descendants of the future generations how to fight this and this." The supreme ancestor of the Xuanwu Clan said with a look on his face. It was ugly, as if he had been greatly stimulated, and his small eyes were round and round.

Not only him, but also the supreme ancestors of the Qinglong Clan, White Tiger Clan and Suzaku Clan, their faces became as ugly as they could be at this moment.

They already paid enough attention to Fang Jing, otherwise there would not have been a situation where the four of them teamed up to bully a junior.

But it was only now that they suddenly realized that they still underestimated Fang Jing.

No, they probably underestimated that pen!

"What are you doing standing there in a daze? Don't take action quickly. We can't give her time to breathe." The supreme ancestor of the Suzaku Clan reacted and let out a sound of shock and anger.

She was the one who was beaten the worst by Fang Jing. It could be said that she lost all face in front of everyone, and the hatred for Fang Jing in her heart was stronger than that of the three people present.

Reminded by the supreme ancestor of the Suzaku Clan, the other three strong men restrained their minds. Following their low shouts, the Four Elephants Divine Formation suddenly erupted with a terrifying power, and a destructive murderous intention condensed into a beam of light and shattered. He entered the void, cut off the avenue, and headed straight for Fang Jing.

This is no longer suppression, but erasure.

When Tian Xia Bi revealed more than a dozen Dao Laws, the four of them had already given up the idea of ​​suppressing and just teaching them a lesson, and started killing without hesitation.

Because Fang Jing is so powerful at this moment and has seriously threatened their status as a holy beast clan, they will never allow such a person to exist.

Looking at the terrifying killing light falling from the sky, Fang Jing's eyes narrowed slightly, and a biting cold light burst out.

She has keenly felt that the four powerful men of the Holy Beast Clan have murderous intentions towards her.

"Do you want to kill me? Huh, if that's the case, don't blame me for being ruthless." Fang Jing's eyes became cold, and she waved the world pen in her hand, and more than a dozen strands of great principles intertwined with each other, turning into A huge divine chain of order soared into the sky.


The Divine Chain of Order collides with the terrifying killing light of the Four Elephants Divine Formation. This terrifying blow can easily wipe out the ninth level of the Immortal Realm. In front of Fang Jing's Divine Chain of Order, it is as fragile as tofu, and it is completely destroyed by one touch. It collapsed and turned into a ferocious energy storm raging in the void. Wherever it passed, time and space storms were destroyed one after another.

The Divine Chain of Order controlled by Fang Jing has not lost any strength. More than a dozen strands of the Great Law are intertwined with each other, like a wild python rushing through the Four Symbols Divine Formation. Wherever it passes, it is like entering an uninhabited land. No force can stop it.

In the end, the Order God Chain hit the Four Elephants God Formation hard.


Just hearing a roaring sound, this peerless formation formed by the four supreme ancestors of the Holy Beast clan was shattered by the blow of the Divine Chain of Order.

The four supreme ancestors all let out a muffled groan, all of them staggered back with pale faces, their breaths unsteady, and the blood surging in their bodies.

"How is this possible? Is she already so powerful?" The supreme ancestor of the Suzaku Clan lost his mind for a while and found it difficult to accept such an ending.

Now, she has returned to her human form. She is a middle-aged woman in her forties, wearing a fiery red dress, with graceful appearance and extraordinary temperament.

But at this moment, her face was as pale as paper, and her expression was full of shock.

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