Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3725: Taowei Taizun

The three ancestors of the White Tiger Clan, the Qinglong Clan, and the Xuanwu Clan also looked frightened.

The Four Elephants Divine Formation set up by the four peak experts was easily shattered at this moment, which frightened several of them into panic.

"It can't be beaten, it can't be beaten, it can't be beaten. That pen is too powerful. It contains more than a dozen Dao laws at the ninth level of the Immortal Realm. Who can withstand this?" Wow, the supreme ancestor of the Xuanwu Clan. Yelled, deeply stimulated.

At this time, the supreme ancestors of the Qinglong Clan, the White Tiger Clan, and the Suzaku Clan gathered around the ancestor of the Xuanwu Clan, their faces more solemn than ever before, and their eyes fixed on the front.

Where they looked, Fang Jing was stepping out of the destructive energy storm, her white clothes spotless and as neat as ever.

Especially around her body, the dozens of Dao Laws gushing out from the Tianxia Pen, intertwined into a divine chain of order, seemed to turn into a ferocious python, spinning rapidly around her.

When the raging storm of destruction in the void touched the law pythons around Fang Jing, they were all shattered into pieces.

More than a dozen strands of the divine chain of order formed by the laws of the great avenue seemed to form a layer of heavenly protection to protect Fang Jing, making her invulnerable to all means and unbreakable.

The four powerful men of the holy beast clan stared at the ferocious python transformed by the law, and their hearts instantly sank to the bottom.

Suddenly, the Tianxia Pen in Fang Jing's hand pointed forward, and the law-mad pythons surrounding her body immediately flew out like lightning as if they had received some kind of order.

Before the attack came, the terrifying coercion had already shrouded the four supreme ancestors of the holy beast clan.

The faces of the four powerful men of the Holy Beast Clan all changed drastically. Facing Fang Jing's attack, they all felt an unprecedented threat.

If any of them were to resist this blow alone, even if they survived, they would end up seriously injured.

"Quickly, pour all your cultivation into my guardian shield. Now, only the guardian shield left by my great ancestor of the Xuanwu clan can block it." The supreme ancestor of the Xuanwu clan stepped forward with one step. He appeared in front of the three people and shouted to the three people behind him without looking back.

The supreme ancestors of the other three ancestors did not hesitate at all. The overwhelming power of cultivation was released from their bodies and poured into the Xuanwu clan's supreme artifact without any reservation.

The supreme artifact of the Xuanwu Clan is a turtle shell. At this moment, under the full force of the four immortal-level ninth-level gods, the simple turtle shell suddenly burst into bright light, and an extremely solid shield was quickly formed.

It is impossible for any supreme artifact to exert its full power with a ninth-level Immortal Realm.

But at this moment, under the joint urging of the four peak experts, although the supreme artifact of the Xuanwu Clan still failed to exert its full power, the defensive power it displayed at this moment was definitely stronger than that of the Xuanwu Clan alone. When an ancestor activates it, it becomes much more powerful.


Fang Jing's dozens of Law Pythons hit the Xuanwu Clan's supreme artifact hard, knocking the supreme artifact back hundreds of miles at a sudden speed, and the light flashed secretly.

The Xuanwu tribe's supreme artifact successfully blocked Fang Jing's attack, but the four powerful men hiding behind this supreme artifact were also repelled hundreds of miles away.

But the faces of the four of them became extremely ugly. As the pinnacle beings of the Holy Beast Clan, they had never been so embarrassed before. They actually needed to use the Xuanwu Clan's supreme artifact to protect themselves.

But they couldn't think too much at the moment. All four of them let out a low shout, and the power of cultivation in their bodies surged out again. The Xuanwu clan's supreme artifact that had become dim due to excessive energy loss suddenly suddenly The glory of the sun was restored.


There was another loud noise, and Fang Jing's Order Divine Chain hit the Xuanwu Clan's Supreme Artifact again, causing the Supreme Artifact and the four powerful men of the Holy Beast Clan to fly back again.

At this moment, the four powerful men in the Holy Beast Clan, and even in the entire fairy world, who had the power to call for wind and rain, had almost no power to fight back in front of Fang Jing, and could only rely on the Xuanwu Clan's supreme artifact for protection.

Because the Tianxia Pen is so powerful, the power of more than ten laws emerging from the pen is still irresistible even if they are also holding the supreme artifact.

Farther away in the crack space, many figures have appeared. These people are not from Gong Qingtian, but from other heavens in the fairy world.

Each of them exudes a strong aura, and their seemingly weak bodies contain a shocking power.

But at this moment, all of them were staring at the fighting place ahead with their mouths open, and there was a turmoil in their hearts.

"Who is that female senior? She is so powerful that she can force the four ancestors of the Holy Beast Clan to this point."

"Where in the fairy world can such a powerful senior appear? I have never heard of it before."

"You old guys, you stay in seclusion for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years at a time. You don't hear about the outside world for a long time, and the news is blocked. Of course you don't know what happened in the fairy world in recent years. She is the eldest princess of the Great Tomorrow Palace. She was once just An unknown little character who only grew up in recent years.”

"Everything is because of the pen in her hand. Ever since she got that pen, the Princess of the Great Tomorrow Palace has made rapid progress. She has cultivated to the ninth level of the Immortal Realm at an incredible speed in a short period of time. Now, she He is already the peerless person who has the best chance of becoming the Grand Master. Remember, you must never provoke him or offend him.”

The strong men who were watching the battle in the distance touched each other with their spiritual consciousness and talked with each other.

At the same time, in the Daowei family, one of the twelve heavens, located in the deepest forbidden area, a vague figure sat cross-legged in the void, with the light of the avenue shining around it, seeming to be in harmony with the heaven and earth, blending with the avenue.

This figure is none other than the new Supreme Master of the Immortal Realm—Daowei Fatian!

At this moment, through the shining light of the avenue, one can clearly see that Daowei Fatian's face is pale, and his aura is full of weakness.

Today, he is obviously seriously injured and is no longer in his prime.

He opened his eyes and stared at a certain location in the void. In his eyes, everything hidden in the world seemed to have become transparent, and no object could block his gaze.

And in his deep pupils, the scene of Fang Jingzheng fighting with the four supreme ancestors of the Holy Beast Clan in the crack in the void was reflected at this moment.

It seemed that he had witnessed the detailed process of the war from beginning to end.

"Is the Tianxia Bi in her hand already so powerful? More than ten Dao Laws from the Tianxia Bi can be easily controlled by her. It seems that her understanding of the Tianxia Bi has become deeper and deeper."

"There are now more than ten Dao Laws. This should not be the real power of Tianxiabi, but I don't know if there will be more in the future."

Daowei Fatian was murmuring in a low voice, with undisguised envy and jealousy in his voice.

It is really unimaginable that the dignified Supreme Being, one of the supreme beings in the world, would show such emotions to his junior Fang Jing.

Daowei Fatian's palms were spread out, and the Book of All Peoples was floating in his palms.

Looking at the ancient books tightly closed in his hands, Daowei Fatian sighed softly, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.

"The Book of Wanmin, the Book of Wanmin, how can I open it to you?"

"I also want you to show the supreme power of a world pen in my hands."

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