Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3726: Tai Zun stopped the war

In the Void Crack, the four powerful men of the Holy Beast Clan were beaten back by Fang Jing. They had almost only defensive power and no counterattack power.

Even though they were protected by the Xuanwu clan's supreme artifact, they still could not completely withstand the violent attacks. Every time, a powerful counterattack force was transmitted to the four of them through the supreme artifact.

Under Fang Jing's continuous fierce attacks, the four of them were shocked and their blood was boiling, and they were extremely embarrassed.

"Don't you, the Holy Beast Clan, want to support the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect? This is what will happen if you protect the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect." Fang Jing complained in words while attacking, and ruthlessly defeated them in front of many strong men from afar. The invincible majesty created by the holy beast clan in the fairy world.

The expressions of the four supreme ancestors of the Holy Beast clan changed continuously. Their Holy Beast clan has always been the number one force under Tai Zun in the fairy world, and they value the majesty of the race more than anything else.

Fang Jing's words have deeply touched the bottom line of the Holy Beast Clan.

"We can be defeated, and we can even die vigorously, but we must not be humiliated like this." The gloomy eyes of the supreme ancestor of the White Tiger Clan burst out with overwhelming fighting intent, and he suddenly broke away from the Xuanwu Clan's Guarded by the supreme artifact, the law of killing gathered around him, and he appeared in front of Fang Jing in a flash. There was a blazing light shining between his hands, and he suddenly waved forward.

Suddenly, vast coercion filled the air, and the supreme ancestor of the White Tiger clan used the clan's supreme artifact, condensing the power of his entire body to strike the strongest blow.

Not to be outdone, the supreme ancestor of the Qinglong Clan acted almost at the same time as the supreme ancestor of the White Tiger Clan. The figure appeared quietly behind Fang Jing, activating the supreme artifact with all his strength, in tandem with the strong men of the White Tiger Clan. , struck the strongest blow towards Fang Jing.

The supreme artifacts of the two clans burst out with brilliant light that destroyed the heaven and the earth, and the sound was terrifying. The terrifying murderous intention made even the strong men watching the battle in the distance feel terrified.

Because of the attack from the two of them, even the ninth level expert in the Immortal Realm, very few people could take it.

However, Fang Jing's expression did not change. She swung the World Pen in her hand calmly and unhurriedly, and the divine chain of order formed by the intertwined power of more than a dozen laws collided with the two supreme ancestors instantly.


Amidst the shocking roar, the two supreme ancestors of the Qinglong Clan and the White Tiger Clan were knocked upside down and flew out, spitting out several mouthfuls of blood. The two supreme artifacts they controlled also lost all their pressure, and the light dim.

Fang Jing took advantage of the victory to pursue, her footsteps were in the void, and her body was filled with murderous intent. She pressed forward step by step towards the supreme ancestor of the Qinglong clan. The chain of order was like a sharp arrow, penetrating the void and heading straight for the supreme ancestor of the Qinglong clan. go.

The supreme ancestor of the Qinglong Clan was surrounded by dazzling blood. He burned his essence and blood, and his aura was extremely sublimated. He held the supreme artifact in his hand in front of him.


The supreme artifact in the hands of the supreme ancestor of the Qinglong clan was intact, but his arms holding the supreme artifact had become a **** mess at this moment, and his face was pale and without a trace of blood.

He had been severely injured, and all the internal organs in his body were almost shattered. Even with his powerful Qinglong body, he could not withstand such a terrifying backlash.

Because more than a dozen of the laws of the ninth level of the Immortal Realm are gathered together, the power produced is really amazing.

On the other side, the supreme ancestor of the Xuanwu Clan and the Suzaku Clan was approaching quickly with a huge turtle shell on his head, wanting to join the other two.

As a result, Fang Jingtian waved his pen, and before they could get closer, the Divine Chain of Order hit the turtle shell, knocking back the turtle shell and the two powerful men hiding behind it.

Fang Jing's eyes fell on the supreme ancestor of the Qinglong clan again, and she said slowly: "Back then, there was a rebellion in the Zixiao Sword Sect. I heard that your Qinglong clan was behind this plot?"

She held the Tianxia Bi in her hand and walked step by step towards the Supreme Ancestor of the Qinglong Clan, her eyes getting colder and colder, and then the Tianxia Bi directly slashed at the Supreme Ancestor of the Qinglong Clan through the air.

With this slash, the dozen or so Dao Laws seemed to have turned into a huge heavenly sword, exuding terrifying coercion and slashing towards the supreme ancestor of the Qinglong Tribe.

The power of this attack was more powerful than any of Fang Jing's previous attacks.

The expression of the supreme ancestor of the Qinglong Clan changed drastically. From this hit, he felt an extremely strong life and death crisis. If he was hit, he would lose half of his life even if he did not die.

The expressions of the supreme ancestors of the Suzaku, White Tiger and Xuanwu tribes also changed drastically. They never expected that Fang Jing would dare to carry out such a deadly attack.

It could be said that it was a small fight before, but no one was killed after all.

If the supreme ancestor of the Qinglong clan dies, then this hatred cannot be resolved.

But at this critical moment, a simple book appeared out of nowhere, filled with a mysterious and mysterious aura, directly standing between Fang Jing and the supreme ancestor of the Qinglong clan.

Such an ancient book is the Book of All Nations!

When Fang Jing used the World Pen to hit the Book of Mankind with more than a dozen divine chains of order, there was no violent collision between the two, and the dozen or so strands of the Great Law were directly eliminated invisibly.

The extremely powerful and earth-shattering blow issued by Tianxiabi disappeared and became invisible in such a gentle manner, and was effortlessly resolved by Wanminshu.

Fang Jing was not surprised by this result. She stood with a pen in hand, her eyes fell on the Wanmin Book that appeared out of thin air, and she frowned slightly.

"Wan Min Shu! It's Daowei Taizun!" The supreme ancestor of the three tribes, Suzaku, White Tiger and Xuanwu, recognized Wan Min Shu at a glance and immediately looked happy.

Many powerful people watching the battle from a distance, some of whom knew the existence of the holders of the Book of All Nations, showed awe.

I saw an illusory figure emerging next to the Wanmin Book. The moment he appeared, the avenue suddenly roared, and three thousand orders danced to it. It seemed that the place where this person was was the origin of the avenue.

This person is none other than the newly promoted Supreme Master of the Immortal Realm, a man of great power and authority!

But it is not the true form of Daowei Fatian, but just the incarnation of a spiritual thought.

"See Tai Zun!"

Nearby, all the powerful men who were watching, no matter what their identities were, bowed deeply at this moment and bowed respectfully to Dao Wei and Fa Tianxing.

Even the four supreme ancestors of the holy beast clan were no exception. They all put away the supreme artifacts in their hands and saluted Daowei Fatian respectfully.

"Grandpa!" Fang Jing also put away the world pen, bowed slightly, and bowed as a junior.

Daowei Fatian's eyes fell on Fang Jing, with a kind smile on his face, and asked calmly: "Jing'er, the four of them are the pinnacles of the holy beast clan, and now they are beaten like this by you. Damn it, have you ever vented your anger?"

Hearing this, Fang Jing remained silent for a moment, but then a hint of stubbornness appeared in her eyes and she shook her head suddenly.

"Oh, you kid, you are still so stubborn." Daowei Fatian shook his head helplessly, without any angry expression, but with a deep helplessness.

His demeanor fell into the eyes of the other strong men nearby, and anyone could see at a glance Dao Wei Fa Tian's doting on Fang Jing.

"Jing'er, the peak warriors of the Holy Beast Clan cannot die. Any injury to any one of them will be a huge loss to the entire fairy world. It's better to give Grandpa a face. This matter ends here." Wei Fatian said in a calm tone.

Fang Jing gritted her teeth and tried her best to conceal her true inner emotions, deliberately pretending to show great respect for Dao Wei Fa Tian, ​​and said: "Since Grandpa Zu has spoken in person, everything will be as Grandpa Zu said. "

Immediately, Fang Jing's eyes fell on the supreme ancestor of the Qinglong clan, and her tone changed from the gentleness when facing Daowei Fatian, and became fierce: "For the sake of grandpa, I will let you go for now. This princess has no good impression of you Qinglong clan. From now on, as long as you are a member of the Qinglong clan, I will fight every one I see."

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