Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3727: Grandfather and grandson

Fang Jing spoke without mercy, trampling the Qinglong Clan's pressure on the ground over and over again.

The supreme ancestor of the Qinglong clan became very ugly, but he didn't have any confidence to refute, because Fang Jing's strength was already terrifying enough to shut him up.

The supreme powerhouses of the Xuanwu Tribe, the White Tiger Tribe and the Vermilion Bird Tribe also had gloomy expressions on their faces. The four of them were connected by the same spirit, and they were all prosperous and devastated.

Fang Jing's humiliation of the Qinglong clan is also equivalent to humiliating the three other clans.

But at this moment, the supreme ancestor of their three clans also obediently shut his mouth.

At this time, a powerful force filled the air from the incarnation of Daowei Fatian, enveloping him and Fang Jing, completely isolating them from the outside world.

Not only was it isolated from the transmission of sound, but even the images inside were covered up.

Under the cover of Tai Zun's supreme power, it is difficult for even those who are also Tai Zun to peek, let alone those powerful people at the ninth level of the Immortal Realm.

"Jing'er, the World Pen in your hands seems to have become more powerful than before. Grandpa remembers that the World Pen in your hands was definitely not as powerful as it is today." Within the powerful energy barrier, Dao Weifa Tian still had a kind face and a calm tone. He stared at the Tianxia pen in Fang Jing's hand, which shone with an inexplicable brilliance.

Fang Jing played with the Tianxia Brush, gently stroking it with her delicate jade fingers, and said sternly: "Grandpa Zu is right, the Tianxia Brush now is indeed much more powerful than before, because it has awakened more than a dozen strands of The laws of the great road that Jing'er has never mastered."

"Jing'er, do you know how the writing of this world awakened these ten laws of the great law?" Daowei Fatian stared at Fang Jing closely.

Hearing this, Fang Jing also had a look of doubt in her eyes. The doubt was not a lie, but she really felt doubtful.

"Actually, Jing'er doesn't know that these dozen or so great laws suddenly appeared in Tianxiabi." Fang Jing said.

"Before this, did Tian Xia Bi have any special experiences? Have you ever taken Tian Xia Bi to any special places? Or met some special people or special things?" Dao Wei Fatian asked carefully.

Fang Jing frowned and thought hard, carefully recalling all her experiences after taking charge of Tianxiabi. Suddenly, she remembered that when she was being chased by the Ice God, one of the seven great masters of the Holy World, in the Sea of ​​Chaos, she had said the last words before she fell into coma. In an instant, he handed over the World Pen to Jian Chen.

She had no idea what happened next. She only knew that when she woke up again, she had reached the Taihuang Heaven in the fairy world.

After thinking for a long time, Fang Jing finally shook her head gently.

Hearing this, Daowei Fatian suddenly showed a disappointed look. He racked his brains to bring out the stronger power of the Book of All Peoples, and now he finally saw a potentially useful way from Fang Jing.

But now, all hope is lost.

"Jing'er, where have you been in the years since you disappeared?" Daowei Fatian suddenly asked.

Fang Jing was moved in her heart, but she remained calm on the surface and said calmly: "I went to the Sea of ​​Chaos. I wanted to cross the Sea of ​​Chaos to travel to the Holy World, but I happened to meet the four powerful men of the Holy World and fell into Under siege, he was eventually put into a situation of certain death and was forced to reincarnate.”

"But in the years since I reincarnated and returned, the world pen has also been lost in the depths of the sea of ​​chaos."

"Could it be that the changes in the world of pens started from here?" Fang Jing's eyes flashed.

"It's not impossible." Daowei Fatian thought thoughtfully, then stared at Fang Jing with piercing eyes and said: "Jing'er, during the time when you disappeared, Grandpa Ancestor was also looking for you everywhere, in the demon world and the demon world. I’ve been there several times, after all, you possess such a magical weapon as the World Pen, Grandpa is also afraid that the Demon Realm’s Supreme Master will attack you.”

"Finally, Grandpa Zu even went to the Holy World."

"What, Grandpa, you actually went to the Holy Realm to look for me?" Hearing this, Fang Jing was suddenly shocked, showing a worried look, and said: "After Jing'er returned to the Immortal Realm, she heard that she was the Grand Master of the Immortal and Demon Realms. I fought several battles with the Supreme Master of the Holy Realm in the Sea of ​​Chaos, but I didn’t expect that Grandpa Ancestor would go there specifically to find me.”

"Grandpa, please don't put yourself in danger again next time."

"Grandpa Ancestor once called you in the Holy Realm. It seems that you were no longer in the Holy Realm at that time." Daowei Fatian sighed softly.

"Grandpa, Jing'er's stay in the Holy World was very short. As soon as she recovered her memory, she went to the Spiritual Immortal World. After all, the Holy World is a dangerous place for me because the Supreme Being is in charge. But even in the Spiritual Immortal World, I won't If I dare to stay for a long time, I went to the Sea of ​​Chaos after I found the World Pen, and have been hiding in the deepest part of the Sea of ​​Chaos to recover silently."

"So, Jing'er has no idea that Grandpa Zu went to the Holy World to look for me."

"Grandpa Zu, how are your injuries?" Fang Jing's face was full of concern.

"The injury is not serious. In fact, grandpa went to the Holy World to find you, and he was just on the way. The ancient path of the Holy World was refining a very powerful artifact. That time, I wanted to stop him." Said this, Dao Wei Fatian seemed to have remembered something. He looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh, but stopped talking.

That incident seemed to have affected his mood, and his will suddenly became a little depressed.

The next moment, the power of Taizun that existed around Fang Jing suddenly disappeared, and the incarnation of Daowei Fatian was seen leaving quietly.

As soon as Tai Zun left, the many strong men gathered nearby felt a lightness on their bodies and became calm all of a sudden.

"Your Highness Princess, please forgive him once for the soul of Riakong." The supreme ancestor of the Suzaku clan said, originally wanting Fang Jing to hand over the soul of Lord Riakong, but when the words came to his mouth, he changed his words abruptly, and his tone Became more tactful.

"You still want the soul of Split Kong? Come and grab it yourself." Facing the holy beast clan, Fang Jing became domineering again.

The supreme ancestor of the Vermilion Bird Clan was immediately speechless. He was speechless and did not dare to say anything more.

They all have a deep understanding of Fang Jing's strength, and now that they have finally stopped fighting, they do not dare to offend Fang Jing again and reignite the war.

"Let's go. Isn't that embarrassing enough?" The supreme ancestor of the Xuanwu Clan was dejected and pulled the other three people away from this place, never mentioning the matter of Lord Riakong again.

In the distance, a series of vicissitudes of eyes fell on Fang Jing one after another. In those eyes full of surprise, there was an extremely strong fear.

Mixed in it is a strong sense of heat and greed.

That is greed for the world pen.

In this battle, Fang Jing fought one against four, crushing the four supreme ancestors of the Holy Beast Clan with an unparalleled invincibility. Such an unprecedented move has created a living legend.

In the Gongqing Heaven Realm, as the battle between Fang Jing and the four powerful men of the Holy Beast Clan stopped, the Tai Zun Formation that covered the entire Heaven Realm also disappeared.

At this moment, a terrifying force from Qingtian City is continuously emerging, pushing Gongqing Heavenly Realm back to its original position.

Outside the ruined sect's ancestral land of the Zixiao Sword Sect, Fang Jing's figure appeared silently, and in her hands, the soul of Lord Liakong was tightly imprisoned.

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