Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3729: Reappearance of the sun and moon wheel

"Sister, I heard that you caused a quarrel with Gong Qingtian. For the sake of the Zixiao Sword Sect, you did not hesitate to fight the four ancestors of the Holy Beast Clan." Daowei Chengqing looked at Fang Jing, Although there was a smile on his face, there was also a bit of reproach.

Fang Jing, who had swept all directions and was invincible in the world, seemed to have lost all her prestige in an instant in front of Dao Wei Chengqing. She pouted and said, "Who asked them to do something so excessive? Brother, look, Zixiao Sword Sect was destroyed by them." What has happened? If it were not for the Zixiao Sword Sect back then, I am afraid that our Great Tomorrow Palace would not be able to continue to this day. A sect with such outstanding achievements should be supported by all the forces in our immortal world."

"I didn't have that strength back then, so I couldn't help Zixiao Sword Sect much, but now that I have this strength, I naturally have to stand up."

"Brother, do you think what I did was right?"

Daowei Chengqing shook his head gently and said: "Sister, there is no ever-lasting force. The Zixiao Sword Sect has been prosperous but declined. This can only mean that it is its destiny and is in line with the law of reincarnation."

"And there are many causes and consequences behind the Zixiao Sword Sect, so you really shouldn't get involved hastily."

"Brother, don't you support me doing this?" Fang Jing looked gloomy. In the fairy world, all the elders in the Great Tomorrow Palace, including her parents, no one can influence her will, and no one can shake her decision. .

But one person is an exception.

That is Daowei Chengqing!

Daowei Chengqing is more than just her brother. At that time, her cultivation level could not reach the level of the Immortal Lord. Although her talent was good, it was hard to say whether she could reach the level of the Immortal Emperor.

It wasn't until Daowei Chengqing gave her the Tianxia Brush he brought out of the Cave of Purity and a copy of the Tianxin Secret Secrets of the cultivation techniques that her wheel of fate began to turn, and an earth-shaking change took place. Not only The speed of practice is increasing by leaps and bounds, and breaking through bottlenecks has become incredibly easy.

In the end, she was able to practice all the way from the Immortal Lord Realm to the Immortal Lord Realm Ninth Level in just one hundred thousand years, making her envious of countless powerful elders.

Dao Wei Chengqing changed Fang Jing's destiny. Everything Fang Jing has now was given by Dao Wei Chengqing.

Therefore, even if Daowei Chengqing is currently lacking in strength, his words and deeds can directly affect Fang Jing's will.

"The Zixiao Sword Sect has its own destiny. Jing'er, listen to my brother and stop interfering in the affairs of the Zixiao Sword Sect, okay?" Daowei Chengqing said softly.

Fang Jing bit her lip and stood there with an unhappy look on her face.

"Let's release the soul of Lord Riikong." Daowei Chengqing continued.

"Brother, do you really want to let him go? Why do you want to help the people of the Holy Beast Clan?" Fang Jing looked confused.

Daowei Chengqing burst into laughter and said: "I am not helping the holy beast clan, but Lord Riakong. I can be of great use. Sister, if you let Lord Riakong go, you are helping your brother."

"Okay then." In the end, Fang Jing reluctantly agreed. She held the Tianxia Pen and gently tapped the soul of Lord Riakong, instantly releasing the confinement of Lord Riakong.

The soul of Venerable Riekong stood up, bowed deeply to Dao Wei Chengqing, and said, "Thank you so much for His Highness the Crown Prince's help! From now on, as long as His Highness the Crown Prince needs Lao Chan, Lao Chan will do his best."

Although Daowei Chengqing was only a junior, Lord Liakong did not feel humiliated at all, but instead felt a trace of longing.

Because Daowei Chengqing is the opportunity to walk, the great fortune to walk. As long as you can follow Prince Daowei Chengqing, your destiny will undergo a huge change.

Putting aside Wanminshu and Tianxiabi, the three servants around Daowei Chengqing are the best example.

Those three servants were not people with outstanding talents. Before Daowei Chengqing entered the Rebirth Cave, those three servants could only be regarded as ordinary immortals.

But ever since Daowei Chengqing came out of the Purangsheng Cave, the cultivation of the three servants has advanced by leaps and bounds, reaching the height it is today.

Moreover, according to their improvement speed, they may reach the eighth level of heaven at some point.

Those who approach the water first get the moon. Venerable Riekong naturally understands this truth. However, ordinary people cannot approach Daowei Prince Chengqing. Now that there is a great opportunity in front of him, he will not miss it.

"Brother, how can he help you?" Fang Jing said still a little unconvinced, feeling that she didn't like Lord Luo Kong in her heart.

"You will know later." Daowei Chengqing showed a mysterious smile, and immediately said to Venerable Riakong: "Fellow Daoist Riakong, go and reshape your body. After you recover, I have something I need you to do. "

"Your Highness, I would like to see with my own eyes the identity of the real murderer who destroyed our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect. My fellow Taoists from the Suzaku Clan have the means to find out the real murderer." Venerable Riekong hesitated.

"In that case, let's go and take a look. I'm also curious about what kind of force is hidden behind the scenes." Dao Wei Chengqing said.

Fang Jing, Dao Wei Chengqing, Nanming Yuyan and several ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect returned to the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect.

I saw Nanming Yuyan flying up, a huge aura filling her body, and amazing energy emerging from her body.

Her expression was solemn, her hands were forming seals on her chest, and streams of mysterious power burst out from the seals.

As the hand seals changed, the power of cultivation in her body was also consumed at an alarming rate.

A moment later, Nanming Yuyan completed her seal, and she pointed towards the void above her head.

With this finger, the sky in the sky of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect suddenly changed, the void twisted, and a silver-white disk phantom gradually emerged, exuding a vast power belonging to the supreme artifact.

This silver-white disc is the sun and moon wheel!

Nanming Yuyan grabbed the sun and moon wheel in her hand and said to the ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect below: "This sun and moon wheel has another function that you don't know about. It can record many deeds in the world. Under the Supreme Lord, Nothing, no concealment, can be hidden from it.”

"Of course, now that the sun and moon wheel is broken and its function has been greatly weakened, it can only record the scene within a small area, and this area can just cover your Giant Elephant Immortal Sect."

"The complete image of the collapse of your Giant Elephant Immortal Sect will be presented to you immediately."

While speaking, Nanming Yuyan was already using secret techniques to control the sun and moon wheel. As the majestic power of cultivation in her body was continuously injected into the sun and moon wheel, the sun and moon wheel suddenly burst out with a blazing light.

"I didn't expect the sun and moon wheel to have such a function, but it's just as good as this, just for me to see who is against our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect." Venerable Riekong stared at the sun and moon wheel and made a sound of gnashing his teeth. .

If the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect had not suffered such a catastrophe, then he would not have destroyed the ancestral land of the Zixiao Sword Sect. Naturally, he would not have aroused Fang Jing's hatred, and he would not have ended up in this situation.

The cause of all this started with the destruction of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, so the hatred in Venerable Riekong's heart had already filled the starry sky.

The four remaining ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect who were in the early stages of the Immortal Realm also looked forward to it at this moment, but with Fang Jing's shock at their side, the four of them did not dare to say a single word.

"Recording what happened? This ability is not bad." A faint smile appeared on Fang Jing's lips.

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