Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3730: Blank

At the same time, in a small world opened up in Qingtian City, the expression of the Pavilion Master of Tianji Pavilion, who was sitting on the edge of the cliff, changed slightly and whispered: "No, something is wrong. I didn't expect the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect. That supreme artifact can actually record what happened."

"It seems that Jian Chen's identity is about to be exposed, and I'm afraid I can't hide the matter of the purple and green swords."

The master of Tianji Pavilion frowned, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

Immediately, his eyes pierced through the layers of void, locked directly on Fang Jing, and said softly: "Your Highness, I wonder if you can show me your favor, come and talk to me!"

In the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, Fang Jing's expression changed, showing a hint of surprise.

Apparently, a message from the master of Tianji Pavilion has been received.

With the cultivation of the master of Tianji Pavilion, even the three servants behind Nanming Yuyan and Daowei Chengqing had no idea about his voice transmission to Fang Jing, but Prince Daowei Chengqing seemed to be aware of it. His brows wrinkled slightly, and his eyes glanced at a certain void without trace.

The next moment, an incarnation of Yuan Shen walked out of Fang Jing's body and headed straight for Qingtian City.

Within a moment, Fang Jing appeared in the small world of Tianji Pavilion.

At this moment, in a white jade pavilion, the master of Tianji Pavilion personally made tea and entertained Fang Jing.

As for Fang Jing, although her strength has reached an unparalleled level, she has great respect for the master of Tianji Pavilion and has always regarded herself as a junior.

"The eldest princess seems to be very concerned about the Zixiao Sword Sect." The master of Tianji Pavilion sat cross-legged opposite Fang Jing and asked casually.

"What the senior said is true. The junior does have his heart attached to the Zixiao Sword Sect. In the past, he did not stand up publicly because he was not strong enough to turn the tide." Fang Jing said.

"It seems that the eldest princess now thinks that she has the strength to turn the tide." The master of Tianji Pavilion said with a smile.

"I am too respectful to leave. I am not afraid of any enemy!" Fang Jing did not shy away and was full of confidence.

"Indeed, the eldest princess defeated the four powerful men of the holy beast clan. This kind of strength is unprecedented in the long known history." The master of the Tianji Pavilion nodded in praise. He paused and continued. Said: "If the destruction of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect is really the fault of the Zixiao Sword Sect, I wonder how the eldest princess plans to deal with it?"

"It seems that senior has already known about this matter. However, after all, senior is the master of Tianji Pavilion. He can see all the secrets of heaven and knows many secrets that others have never known. Except for Tai Zun, there are probably few secrets that can be hidden from the master. magical power." Fang Jing said with a smile.

"Your Highness the Princess is too praised. There are too many hidden things in this world that I cannot see through. For example, I cannot see through Her Highness the Princess, nor can I see through the Daowei Crown Prince Chengqing. Even the person next to him can't see through it." I still can’t see through the three servants.”

The master of Tianji Pavilion shook his head with a wry smile and said, "But from the tone of Her Royal Highness the Princess, it seems that she already knew who was responsible for the destruction of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect?"

A meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Fang Jing's mouth, and she said: "Except for that person, I really can't think of anyone else who has the courage. And I'm not surprised at all that he attacked the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect."

"I wonder who the person Her Royal Highness is talking about?" The master of Tianji Pavilion had a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Of course he is the successor of the purple and green swords, Jian Chen!" Fang Jing said bluntly. She stared at the master of the Tianji Pavilion with piercing eyes and said, "If it weren't for an ancestor of the Xianyu Sect who was wanted all over the world. A person who has mastered the laws of swordsmanship and the laws of space, and at the same time cultivates the body of chaos, then I really didn’t know that he went to Qingtian City."

"Now that he has entered Qingtian City, the purple and green swords must not be hidden from the Qingtian City Artifact Spirit. And based on the relationship between Tianji Pavilion and Qingtian City, as long as the Qingtian City Artifact Spirit knows something, then the Pavilion Master should naturally know it as well. ."

"I didn't expect that the eldest princess would actually meet him. This is beyond my expectation." The master of the Tianji Pavilion exclaimed and said: "But now he is in trouble. He used the Ziqing Shuang in the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect. Once the purple and green swords are exposed, his situation will be precarious."

"As long as I am here, no one can touch him. He is the descendant of Zixiao Sword Sect, and I will protect him." Fang Jing said firmly.

"But what if there is a Supreme Being targeting him? After all, the purple and green swords are so powerful, I am afraid that the Supreme Supreme Being will be moved by them." said the Pavilion Master of Tianji Pavilion.

"Then leave it to the Supreme Master for safekeeping for the time being. After I become the Supreme Master, I will **** it from whoever takes away the purple and green swords." Fang Jing's tone was very domineering and full of pride.

The Master of Tianji Pavilion's pupils shrank, and his expression became more serious than ever before: "Your Highness, the Princess, is so confident about becoming a Supreme Being?"

"To others, Tai Zun's realm may be a supreme realm that is difficult to reach even in a lifetime, but for me, it is not as unreachable as I imagined."

"I have a hunch that that day is almost here."

In the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, Fang Jing's true form is still suspended in the sky. She is doing two things. She stays here and watches the sun and moon, while an incarnation of the soul is talking to the master of the Tianji Pavilion.

In the sky above the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, powerful energy fluctuations continued, and a coercion belonging to the supreme artifact raged between heaven and earth, attracting the great attention of many immortals in the Gongqing Heaven Realm.

Nanming Yuyan held the sun and moon wheel tightly and kept casting spells to open the recording image of the sun and moon wheel.

She continued this process for a long time, and several hours passed without any change.

However, as time went by, Nanming Yuyan's face gradually became more and more ugly.

During this period, Fang Jing's soul clone that went to Qingtian City had already returned. However, the several hours of waiting obviously made her a little impatient. She frowned and said, "Why hasn't it healed after so long? You supreme artifact. Is there any problem? Or do you simply not want us to see the scene when the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect was destroyed?"

The powerful power of cultivation that filled Nanming Yuyan's body slowly converged. She took the sun and moon wheel in her hand and came to Fang Jing. She bowed slightly and said in an apologetic tone: "I'm really sorry for keeping Her Royal Highness waiting for so long. Yes. But one thing Her Highness the Princess is right about is that there is indeed something wrong with the sun and moon wheel."

"Is something really wrong?" Fang Jing had a look of displeasure on her face and frowned.

Nanming Yuyan's face turned livid, and she said bitterly: "The sun and moon have no records of what happened in the last ten thousand years, so the scene when the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect collapsed can no longer be traced."

"What? How could this happen?" Venerable Riekong's face changed drastically, and his heart instantly became empty.

The remaining four ancestors of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect all looked disappointed.

The master of the Tianji Pavilion, who was far away in the small world of Qingtian City, had obviously heard what Nanming Yuyan said. There was also a hint of astonishment in his expression, and then he frowned deeply and fell into deep thought.

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