Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3731: Prince coercion

He also used the art of heavenly secrets in an attempt to deduce something, but all he could see was a blank, with no information or clues to be discerned.

Next, in order to dispel Fang Jing's suspicion, Nanming Yuyan began to take the initiative to show the scenes recorded by the sun and moon wheel.

As the fingerprints in her hand changed, a clear picture was immediately projected in the sun and moon wheel.

The scene in the picture is exactly the scene of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect ten thousand years ago. The entire sect was prosperous and prosperous, and everything was as usual without any clues.

Immediately afterwards, the scene changed, and the prosperous sect shown a moment ago was instantly reduced to ruins.

There is no record of anything that happened in the meantime.

Looking at the scene displayed by the sun and moon wheel, Fang Jing showed a look of disappointment in her eyes, as if she felt sorry for not being able to see the collapse of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect.

"The disappearing ten-thousand-year record seems to have been wiped out by someone. It's not something wrong with the sun and moon wheels themselves." Prince Daowei Chengqing suddenly spoke.

"Impossible, this sun and moon wheel is hidden in the cracks of time, traveling between the past and the future. Unless one masters the corresponding method, no one can find it, let alone erase the scenes recorded in it. , that is simply harder than climbing to the sky." Nanming Yuyan denied without hesitation.

"What if the person who erases the sun and moon wheel is a Supreme Being?" Dao Wei Chengqing said calmly.

"Tai Zun?" Nanming Yuyan was distracted for a while, but then shook her head and said: "That is even more impossible. How could Tai Zun be so bored, playing cat and mouse games with a group of juniors?"

"There is probably something wrong with the sun and moon wheels, which caused the records of the past ten thousand years to disappear."

Having said this, Nanming Yuyan sighed softly and said to Lord Liakong: "I came here this time to help you investigate the real murderer, but now, there is nothing I can do."

Venerable Riekong's expression changed continuously, and then he gritted his teeth suddenly, clasped his fists at Daowei Chengqing and said, "Your Highness, the millions of innocent members of our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect cannot die in vain, so please help me, Your Highness."

"Old man, you are really shameless. If your Giant Elephant Immortal Sect is innocent, then do you deserve the punishment for so many forces in Gongqing Heaven that were destroyed by you? In my opinion, your Giant Elephant Immortal Sect was destroyed well. , this is God’s retribution for you, if someone else hadn’t gotten there first, I would have personally destroyed your Giant Elephant Immortal Sect.” Fang Jing shouted mercilessly.

Lord Liakong didn't dare to say a word. He seemed to have completely turned a deaf ear to Fang Jing's words, and was so cowardly that he had no temper at all.

"Okay, Jing'er, please stop saying a few words." Daowei Chengqing said.

"Brother, why are you still speaking for this old beast?" Fang Jing turned her head and stared at Dao Wei Chengqing angrily, feeling very unhappy.

Daowei Chengqing looked helpless and said: "Sister, you are now the most powerful person in the ninth level of the Immortal Realm. Your status is completely different from before. You can no longer be as impulsive as before. You must pay attention to every word and deed. Otherwise, it would be a loss of status.”

After hearing Dao Wei Chengqing's words, Fang Jing's resentment finally dissipated a little, and then she left angrily. Her figure disappeared instantly, and when she reappeared, she was already outside Qingtian City.

She took out the entry order for Qingtian City from her body and went in, finally going to Tianji Pavilion.

After Fang Jing left, at Dao Wei Chengqing's signal, the three servants standing next to him worked together to cast spells and lay down an energy barrier.

Nanming Yuyan was isolated within the energy barrier. Not only could she not hear any sounds, she could not even see any images inside.

Within the energy barrier, Daowei Chengqing took out a scroll and handed it to Lord Liakong.

Venerable Riekong took the scroll with both hands and found that what was drawn on it was a handsome young man about twenty years old. His face was resolute and his eyes were like swords. Looking at him, there was a strange feeling as if his heart had been pierced by thousands of arrows. feel.

"His Royal Highness, who is this person?" Venerable Riekong looked confused.

"This person is the leader of the Zixiao Sword Sect. His real name is ominous. I only know that he is named Jian Chen in the Zixiao Sword Sect and Changyang in Qingtian City. He has cultivated the body of chaos and has achieved extremely profound attainments. Please pay attention to this person, and when he appears, remember to notify me as soon as possible." Dao Wei Chengqing said.

"What? Jian Chen, the leader of the Zixiao Sword Sect, is actually the same person as Chang Yang of Qingtian City?" Venerable Riekong was deeply surprised. He had heard about the existence of the leader of the Zixiao Sword Sect and Chang Yang from the Wudao Immortal of the Xianyu Sect. , but I didn’t see their portraits.

"He wears a mask on his face. He can change into anyone's appearance at will and disguise himself as anyone's aura. Even the ninth level of the Immortal Realm will find it difficult to detect him." Dao Wei Chengqing said.

Venerable Riekong showed a look of surprise and said: "You can change into anyone's appearance at will, disguise as anyone's aura, and you can also hide it from the prying eyes of the ninth level of the Immortal Realm? Your Highness, since he has such a magical mask Cover it up, how can the old man find him?"

"He can change his appearance and breath, but there is one thing he cannot change, and that is the body of chaos. In the entire fairy world, there are not many people who can cultivate the body of chaos to such a state. You only need to pay attention to this." Wei Chengqing said.

"Your Highness, the Wudao Immortal of the Immortal Feather Sect once deduced that this person is most likely related to the destruction of our Giant Elephant Immortal Sect." Venerable Riekong said hesitantly.

A cold light flashed in Daowei Chengqing's eyes, and he said: "Venerable Riekong, regardless of whether this person is really related to the collapse of your Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, I only want to ask you one question."

Daowei Chengqing paused and his voice became a bit colder: "Is the lives of the six of you more important, or is the hatred of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect more important?"

As soon as Daowei Chengqing said these words, the three servants behind him immediately released a huge pressure. The three pressures combined together seemed to form a majestic mountain, suppressing the cracked sky with an irresistible force. On His Holiness.

Venerable Riekong was shocked and showed deep shock.

He himself is a powerful person in the seventh heaven of the Immortal Realm, and he knows the strength of the seventh heaven very well. But at the moment, the coercion emitted by any one of these three servants far exceeds the scope of the seventh heaven, and is no less than that of the eighth heaven.

Even compared to some real eighth-level gods, the momentum of these three servants is even more powerful and astonishing.

It seems that there is an extremely special power hidden within the three of them. Even if he is at his peak, he is by no means a match for any of his servants.

Venerable Riakong quickly lowered his head in shock and said hurriedly: "Laikong will obey His Highness the Crown Prince's arrangements in everything. Whatever His Highness the Crown Prince wants Riakong to do, Riakong will do."

Lord Liakong did not dare to resist Daowei Chengqing's will at all, because he knew deeply in his heart that if Daowei Chengqing wanted to kill him, he really didn't need to hesitate at all.

Although he has the support of the Holy Beast Clan behind him, behind Prince Daowei Chengqing is a Supreme Being!

"Remember, the people from the Xianyu Sect cannot know what I entrusted to you, let alone Jing'er."

"I understand. Your Highness, please rest assured." Lord Liekong assured.

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