Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3732: Mass Production God King (1)

After receiving the message from Dan Chenzi, Jian Chen did not hesitate at all and immediately ended his training, put away the Divine Jade of Creation and went straight to the Alchemy Hall.

In the alchemy hall, Dan Chenzi and the Eight Immortal Emperors stood quietly aside in an alchemy room that emitted terrifying high temperatures.

"See Sect Master!" When Jian Chen's figure appeared here, several Immortal Emperors in the alchemy room all clasped their fists and saluted Jian Chen, showing respect on their faces.

"Sect Master, fortunately, I have lived up to my mission. I have refined all the superior Divine King Pills. Except for more than 130 divine pills, which were destroyed due to the failure to suppress the violent power inside, the rest have been refined. All the pills have been converted into pills, totaling more than 11,000 pills." Dan Chenzi cupped his fists and said, then took out a space ring from his body and handed it to Jian Chen.

"Sect Master, it's all our fault. It's because we didn't fully suppress the violent force inside, which led to the destruction of more than 130 God King Pills." Several Immortal Emperors stood up one after another, with a hint of self-blame. and guilt.

After staying in the alchemy room for so long, they truly understood the value of these God King Pills. Destroying one would be equivalent to destroying a Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal.

There are more than 130 immortals from the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm. This is already a considerable loss for the current Zixiao Sword Sect.

Jian Chen didn't care about these losses. There was a certain failure rate in refining the Divine Pill, not to mention that it was such a difficult variety to refine the Superior Divine King Pill. This was all within his expectation.

He took the space ring from Dan Chenzi and found more than 10,000 high-grade God King Pills among the many jade bottles inside.

With Dan Chenzi's alchemy skills, he could have completed these God King Pills in a shorter time, but in order to ensure the greatest success rate, he deliberately slowed down, and this has been delayed until today.

"Okay! With these divine pills, the strength of our Zixiao Sword Sect will be greatly increased. Dan Chenzi, this incident should be remembered as the first contribution of your alchemy hall." After accepting these divine king pills, Jian Chen was in high spirits. Vibrate.

"The sect master is overly praised. Being able to contribute to the development of the sect is the greatest honor for every disciple of our alchemy hall." Dan Chenzi also had a smile on his face, as if he had completely accepted his identity and abandoned Let go of the past and truly integrate yourself with the Zixiao Sword Sect, sharing weal and woe.

Jian Chen left the Alchemy Hall with more than 10,000 high-grade God King Pills, and he couldn't wait in his heart. He wanted to see the scene of Zixiao Sword Sect adding more than 10,000 Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm members earlier.

Soon, Jian Chen arrived at the main peak of Zixiao Sword Sect. The area of ​​the current main peak has been expanded dozens of times compared to the original one.

At this moment, more than 10,000 disciples were sitting quietly in the huge square on the main peak.

Elder Nong and Chen Shifang were standing at the front of the team, their eyes slightly closed, as if they had been waiting for a long time.

It wasn't until they noticed Jian Chen's arrival that they both opened their eyes and saluted Jian Chen one after another.

"Sect Master, these disciples were carefully selected by me and Elder Chen after decades of work and in accordance with the requirements of the Sect Master. Please take a look at them," said Elder Nong, cupping his fists.

Jian Chen's eyes slowly swept over the more than 10,000 disciples in front of him. With his current state, he could see the qualifications and potential of these disciples at a glance without even testing his talent.

The more than 10,000 disciples in front of me are not considered to be in the upper echelon of Zixiao Sword Sect, nor are their cultivation levels high. Some of them can only be considered to have mediocre qualifications, and their status is not much higher than that of the handyman disciples.

But their character is the most determined among all the disciples.

"Disciples meet the sect master!" More than 10,000 carefully selected disciples knelt down and saluted, each with a burning look in their eyes.

"Is this the leader of the Zixiao Sword Sect? A great man who can even give orders to powerful people in the Immortal Emperor Realm."

"I didn't expect to be able to have such close contact with the legendary sect master who saw the dragon but never saw its tail. This is my greatest honor since joining the sect."

Some disciples secretly raised their heads and glanced at Jian Chen, feeling excited and nervous.

All of these people are new disciples who have just joined the sect. There are more than 10,000 selected ones, and there is not a single old disciple.

This is also Jian Chen's request. In order to maximize the value of the Superior God King Pill, the first batch of users have relatively low cultivation levels, and many of them have not even become immortals yet.

As for Jian Chen, his prestige within the Zixiao Sword Sect is also growing. Especially with the destruction of the Giant Elephant Immortal Sect, the joining of the Alchemy Immortal Sect, and the submission of the seven Immortal Emperors, Jian Chen has become more and more popular among the old disciples. He already exists like a god.

More new disciples who had never met Jian Chen felt a deep sense of awe towards the legendary sect master.

Jian Chen raised his hand in the air, and the tens of thousands of disciples kneeling below suddenly felt an invisible force envelope them, causing their knees on the ground to stand up involuntarily.

"We, Zixiao Sword Sect, now have more than 300,000 disciples. You can stand out among so many people. That is your chance and destiny. Today, this sect will give you a chance to reach the sky in one step, allowing you to stand out in the extreme. In a short period of time, he broke through many obstacles, reached the realm of Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortals, and became the core disciple of Zixiao Sword Sect."

"This sect has only one request for you, and that is to never betray the sect!"

Jian Chen glanced ahead, his plain yet majestic voice echoing in the ears of every disciple.

"Please rest assured, sect master, we will never betray the sect."

"Never betray the sect"

"Never betray the sect"

Tens of thousands of low-level disciples were excited and let out roars that shook the sky, and their voices became louder and louder.

"Elder Nong, give me the divine elixir!" Jian Chen handed over 10,000 high-grade divine king elixirs to Elder Nong. As for whether these disciples would betray him, he was actually not very worried.

No, it should be said that he doesn't care about this issue very much.

Because the biggest loss caused by the betrayal of these disciples is nothing more than the leakage of the secret of the superior God King Grass.

From the moment he decided to refine the Superior God King Pill, Jian Chen already knew that it would be exposed sooner or later.

Perhaps, on the day when tens of thousands of Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortals from the Zixiao Sword Sect appear in the outside world, some powerful people who have participated in creation can infer some information through some clues.

Elder Nong has distributed the high-quality Divine King Pill to every disciple. All the disciples who got the Divine Pill opened their eyes wide and looked at the Divine Pill in their hands with curiosity and passion.

Many of these glances were filled with suspicion.

A magic pill can allow them to break through several major realms in succession and enter the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm in a very short period of time?

This sounds unbelievable.

The next moment, in the large square of the main peak, waves of energy filled the air, and the number was increasing.

Some disciples have already taken the superior God King Pill.

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